
Chapter 1359 Preparation

Chapter 1359 Preparation
Great changes have taken place in Lingwu County. The magnificent Xixia Palace has been rebuilt into a warehouse. The ornate decorations have been removed, and the domes with various decorations have also been flattened. It is beyond recognition. It is completely unbearable that this used to be the palace of a dynasty.

In the past, the streets were full of Dangxiang people, but now the streets are full of Han people. All kinds of signs and flags have been replaced with Chinese characters, and the peddlers in front of the shops are also in Chinese.

All kinds of traces of the party items were quickly eliminated. When you walk on the street, you can hardly see the party members, and they look completely the same as the inland counties.

But it doesn’t mean that there are no party members. At least [-]% of the city’s population of more than [-] is still party members, but you can’t tell they are party members just by looking at their appearance. Everyone wears Han Chinese clothes, and women also wear Han Chinese clothes. Long skirt, speaking Chinese, children also go to school to study "The Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius".

Every party member tried every means to turn himself into a Han Chinese, and the government also complied with their request and changed the party members in their native place to Han Chinese.

This is inevitable. If you don’t change yourself, you will suffer discrimination from generation to generation, and even revenge from the Han people. Back then, the party members brutally enslaved the Han people, and they must pay a price. It is impossible for them to understand this truth. They all died in just a few years, how they died, no one knows, these party members have learned the horror of the Han government only doing what they say, and in order to survive, they must change.

There were people coming and going on the street, and it was extremely lively. Chen Qing sat in the carriage and silently watched the changes in the streets and alleys. He didn't need to get out of the car to ask. He could learn what he wanted to know from many details.

For example, by looking at the people’s clothes, facial complexion, and walking temperament, one can know whether the people in the city have enough food and clothing. By looking at the distribution of Changping stores and the number of queues, one can know whether the bottom-level people have a secure life.

From whether the goods in the store are full and whether the clerks are enthusiastic and powerful in selling, we can see whether the business is prosperous. From whether the restaurants and teahouses are prosperous, we can see whether the income of the people is ample.

From the orderly pace of soldiers trained in the city, we can see whether the military discipline is strict, and even look at how the merchants carry their bags, and we can see the security situation in the city.

As long as you are good at observing, you will be able to see the subtleties and gain the information you want.

Chen Qing's carriage walked around the city, then went out through the south gate, and went directly to the barracks.

As soon as he entered the tent of the Chinese army, Li Muqing came to report and received the eagle letter from the scouts from Fengzhou.

"What does Yingxin say, you report directly!" Chen Qing laughed.

"Reporting to Your Highness, the eagle letter said that the ice surface is very unstable, and it is easy to fall into the glacier. Then the scout encountered the enemy cavalry patrol and found that the opponent was already riding in the snow. By the end of the month, the snow will not affect the cavalry at all. , the Yellow River will also begin to thaw at the end of the month."

Chen Qing asked again: "How did they deal with the enemy's sentry cavalry? I remember that there were only 30 of them, and they all rode camels, right?"

"They are indeed riding camels, but how to deal with the enemy patrol cavalry, the eagle letter did not say, but it is estimated that there will be a fierce battle."

Chen Qing nodded, "What else?"

"There is also the enemy's equipment, single-layer leather armor, leather hat, no shield, bow and arrow range of about [-] steps, and the use of spears and knives. The standard is the same as that of the golden soldiers."

After a pause, Li Muqing said again: "The other thing is the opponent's combat ability, riding and shooting is more powerful."

Chen Qing walked to the sand table, stared at the sand table for a while and asked, "How long does it take to get from here to Fengzhou?"

"If it was normal, about three days would be enough, but now there is still snow and the road conditions are not good. It is estimated that it will take five days to walk."

Chen Qing counted the time, and now the troops are dispatched in a hurry, and the soldiers may not be able to adapt. He sighed softly, "Wait a few more days! The troops will go north on the [-]th of this month."

Chen Qing then said to Li Muqing: "There are still people outside the city, you should unite with the local government and make preparations as much as possible in advance. After we dispatch troops, we will transfer the old, weak, women and children to the city first, and the young and strong must stay in the city." Let’s continue spring plowing, but we must maintain a high degree of vigilance, and once there is an alarm from the beacon, we must immediately retreat into the city!”

Li Muqing bowed and said, "The humble official will deal with it immediately!"

The Lingzhou garrison spent one year building a complete set of beacon systems. Twenty beacon towers were set up on the high mountains along the way. Each beacon house had ten soldiers. They monitored day and night. Call the police, and the people will immediately evacuate into the city. Last year, the whole people practiced three times.

In order to be able to retreat in time, every household in the countryside of Lingzhou has a mule cart. The food and belongings are usually loaded, and if there is a situation, they will immediately move into the cart and leave.

But it doesn't mean that the villagers fled into the city and it's over. The government has to resettle them in an orderly manner, prepare tents, prepare venues, prepare food, medicine and other items.

Chen Qing didn't want the common people to enter the city immediately. His request was divided into three steps. The first step was for the government to start preparations. Strong into the city.

Doing so is more organized and organized.

The next day, the county governments in Lingzhou took action and began to set up tents. Because they had practiced three times, the government had experience and made various preparations. For example, each county had arranged an open space for tents. There are usually five to six camps. There are special latrines and water wells in the camps. The latrines are dry toilets with thick quicklime underneath. The wells are also dug on the other side. At least three wells are guaranteed in each camp.

Tents are all mother-in-child tents. The so-called mother-in-child tents are one big tent with two small supplementary tents. It is equivalent to two rooms and one living room. A large family can be separated at night. Like the two ears of a cat, everyone simply calls it a cat ear tent.

Lingwu County is the largest shelter for civilians, with a total of thirteen camps that can accommodate 20 people.

This is also due to the fact that the former imperial palace occupied a huge area. In addition to the imperial palace being used as a warehouse, other open spaces such as government offices, guard barracks, school yards, and gardens were used as camps.

Chen Qing is also inspecting the shelter camps, and he can see that the government has put a lot of effort into evacuating the villagers. Chen Qing appreciates the child-mother tent alone. The suffering of the people is taken to heart.

"Who invented this chain account?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

Zhang Ao said with some embarrassment: "During the second drill, I heard that many people complained that it was inconvenient to live in one tent, so I designed this kind of child-mother tent with reference to the nomad's set of accounts, and the common people called it a cat." ear tents."

"Yes, well done and thoughtful."

After Chen Qing visited the latrines and wells, he was full of praise. He slowed down and said to Zhang Ao: "That Liu Yong, treat his house as an official house! As long as he has worked hard for 20 years, the official house can be directly awarded to Zhang Ao. He is my special approval."

Both Zhang Ao and Wang Bo heaved a long sigh of relief. King Yong's statement meant that the supervisory department would not come.

At this time, Li Muqing came over on horseback and reported: "Your Highness, the scouts have returned and brought more detailed information!"

"Where are the people?"

"Outside the big tent of the Chinese army!"

Chen Qing nodded, "We'll go there now."

Chen Qing encouraged Zhang Ao and Wang Bo again, and then followed Li Muqing back to the barracks. When they came to the main tent of the Chinese army, Li Muqing waved, and a young general about 30 years old stepped forward and knelt down on one knee to salute Chen Qing.

"Humble post Liu Honglie, deputy commander of the scout battalion, see His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Chen Qing saw that he was articulate and capable, and appreciated him very much. He nodded and said, "Let's talk!"

In the big tent, several army members are working on modifying some changes on the sand table according to Liu Honglie's latest information. The main reason is that the enemy's camp will change, and it is impossible for nomads to stay in the same place all the time.

Chen Qingxiao asked: "Your information says that when you encounter an enemy patrol, how many people are there?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, there are 300 people on the other side."

"How many of them did you kill?" Chen Qing asked again.

"About 230 people were killed, maybe a little more."

"Not bad!"

Chen Qing applauded, and then asked: "How many casualties did you have?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, none of our soldiers were killed or injured, only a dozen camels were lost."

Chen Qing was really surprised, and quickly asked, "How did you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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