
Chapter 1360

Chapter 1360
Scout Zhou Honglie was promoted exceptionally for his excellent performance. He was promoted to three ranks in a row, from deputy command envoy to deputy commander, and was rewarded with [-] guan. Zhou Honglie then distributed the reward to his subordinates, which made Chen Qing appreciate it. have the quality.

The news of Zhou Honglie's promotion and reward spread throughout the army, and it also inspired the soldiers of the three armies. Chen Qing set this example before the war to tell everyone that no matter what your background is, as long as you fight the enemy bravely and perform well, you will be rewarded for your meritorious service.

The morale was high and the time was right. On February [-]th, the seeds of spring plowing had been sown, and a spring rain came in time to moisten the earth. Chen Qing made all arrangements, and all the old, weak, women and children were evacuated to their neighboring counties.

Secondly, all [-] militia soldiers assembled and distributed in various counties for defense, while Li Muqing's [-] troops guarded Lingwu County.

After completing all deployments, it was already February 15th. Chen Qing led an army of 3 and [-] camels to the north, and Liu Qiong led [-] people as the vanguard, heading to Fengzhou first.

At this time, [-] cavalry from various grassland tribes were also assembled in Fengzhou. This was the largest gathering after the Jin Kingdom integrated the tribes of the grassland. Toyosu.

The nomadic cavalry implements a joint system of tribal leaders, consisting of thirteen tribal chiefs in total, including Erhan from the Tata tribe, Limuhe from the Kelie tribe, and Guishan from the Mengwu tribe. The three chiefs are the chiefs. , has the final decision-making power, and there is a more important person, the representative of Jin Kingdom Hu Shahu, he is the son of Jin Taizong Wanyan Sheng, who was named King Yu, this time he is responsible for contacting the various ministries to send troops, he also Represents Jin Guo with decision-making power.

He also commanded [-] Jurchen cavalry to participate in this assembly, and with the addition of [-] Jurchen cavalry, the nomadic cavalry assembled in Fengzhou this time has a total of [-] troops.

Winter has passed and spring is here. The nomadic cavalry who were originally scattered in three places in Toyosu began to gather at the main camp.

The main camp is where the Jurchen cavalry are stationed. It is the former Wuyuan County. The county seat has long since collapsed, and the original farmland has been transformed into an endless grassland. The terrain here is flat and fertile. The conditions were so good that Jin Bing used this place as a camp.

The boundless grassland is full of flags, and the big tents are one after the other. There are cavalry camps everywhere in a radius of tens of miles. Teams of cavalry follow from all directions, holding various flags. The wolf head flag is mainly distinguished by various colors and accessories.

In a large tent occupying three acres of land, a dozen generals sat in a circle, all of them were sturdy and their voices were like a bell. Sitting at the head was Hu Shahu, the representative of the Kingdom of Jin. Slender, with an iconic hooked nose, paired with a long face, it looks extraordinarily treacherous.

But it doesn't matter what Hu Shahu looks like, he represents the Kingdom of Jin, he is the convener, and everyone must respect his opinion.

"I don't think there is any need to discuss who will send troops first and who will send troops later. Let's all send troops together and assemble an army of [-] to fight the Western Army. We are cavalry and have a strong combat advantage. We will defeat the Western Army in one fell swoop. We want to seize the wealth of Lingzhou. We still have to enter Guanzhong, and the wealth accumulated by Jingzhao is believed to be endless for generations to enjoy!"

The one who spoke was Erhan, the great chief of the Tata tribe. He was about 40 years old, nearly two meters tall, and weighed more than two hundred kilograms. He stood there like a meat tower, and his voice was so loud that the whole tent reverberated. Voice.

His vanguard army had already arrived, but he had just arrived in Fengzhou, and he brought another 4 troops, bringing the strength of the Tata Department to [-], accounting for half of the total force.

In addition, the army of the Kret tribe has 3 people, while the army of the Mughal tribe has only 1. The reason is also very simple. Most of the population and land of the Mughal tribe have been annexed by the other two tribes. A few small tribes pieced together an army of ten thousand.

Although Erhan thought very far, his military tactics were very reasonable. They could not be scattered, but must be gathered together to fight against the Western Army with superior forces to prevent being defeated by the Western Army one by one.

There was a noisy discussion below, Hu Shahu glanced at Li Muhe and asked: "Li Muhe, what's your opinion?"

Li Muhe said unhurriedly: "The Han people are very particular about tactics in combat. We have assembled an army of [-] to fight. It is very likely that they will send an army around us to attack our logistics. When our food is gone, they will avoid it again." How many days can we last without fighting?"

"You mean to oppose the assembly?" Erhan asked dissatisfied.

"No, assembly is necessary, but the premise is to protect the logistics. I believe that every soldier is unwilling to kill his own horse for food!"

Everyone was awe-inspiring, the horses were their brothers, how could they kill horses for food? At this time, Guishan also said: "I support Li Buhe's proposal, we must leave enough troops to protect the logistics."

Erhan was really upset by Li Mu's chorus, now that Guishan also jumped out, he immediately glared at Guishan and said, "What are you, do you have a place to speak here?"

Guishan's face was flushed red, the strong sense of humiliation made him unbearable, he stood up and said: "In that case, the Mughal tribe will leave!"

Hu Shahu said coldly: "Don't be self-willed, and focus on the overall situation, Guishan, please sit down!"

Guishan didn't dare to offend Hushahu, otherwise their last dozen or so tribes would not be able to keep them, so he could only endure the humiliation, sat down and bowed his head in silence.

Hu Shahu said slowly: "The logistics needs manpower support, but the current distribution of the logistics is unreasonable. They must be gathered together and guarded by the Jurchen army. Then the 5 troops will face the main force of Lingzhou. They only have [-] people. Rely on your support." Bloody and brave, it can be defeated in a single battle."

Erhan said for a while: "The three logistics tribes should not be mixed together. It was agreed before sending troops that the logistics would be responsible for their respective troops. The Tata tribe sent out 800 million sheep, which is more than the sum of other tribes. If they were mixed together, Unfair to the Tata Department!"

Hu Shahu comforted him with a smile: "You don't have to worry, we agreed before that if you send more troops and more food, you will get more spoils when the time comes, and you won't be at a disadvantage."

Erhan only wanted to remind Hu Shahu that he sent more troops and food, and the distribution of spoils must also be more.

"Okay! Now that the prince has made a promise, I have nothing to say. I am willing to go all out to send troops!"

Two days later, the [-] combined army set off to the west. Hu Shahu left the ten thousand husband chief Yan Kuolie with [-] Jurchen cavalry to guard the logistics, and he himself followed the [-] army as a supervisor. Their goal was Lingzhou. After plundering Lingzhou, they marched southward. Coincidentally, the day they dispatched troops was also February [-]th.

On this day, the weather is fine, the spring breeze is blowing, and the ice and snow on the earth are melting. It is a good day to send troops
Liu Qiong led [-] cavalry to go north along the west bank of the Yellow River. Each soldier brought seven days of dry food. The ice and snow melted, and green grass sprouted on the ground, which solved the food source for the horses.

Two days later, the army gradually arrived at the bend of the Yellow River. In the morning, three puffs of black smoke suddenly rose into the sky more than ten miles away. Liu Qiong immediately realized that it was an alarm from the beacon, and the enemy appeared.

Liu Qiong ordered the soldiers to rest on the spot and sent two scouts to investigate the situation.

Tang Qian looked at the map and said to Liu Qiong: "The beacon tower ahead is the third beacon tower, and there must be another beacon tower farther ahead, which should be sixty miles away."

Liu Qiong nodded, "It should be like this. Judging from the three-pillar beacon, the number of enemy troops will be more than [-]."

"General, I have a suggestion."

"you say!"

"Now we have an advantage. We have spotted the enemy army, but the enemy army has not found us. We simply use this advantage to hide behind the enemy army. There are advantages, what do you think?"

Liu Qiong narrowed her eyes and pondered for a moment and said, "We have to hide!"

The army left a few scouts to respond, and the other army continued to go north, far away from the necessary place of the official road.

(End of this chapter)

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