
Chapter 1361

Chapter 1361
Zhou Honglie led thirty scouts to hide in a pine forest halfway up the mountain. At the foot of the mountain was a relatively flat official road. The snow on the official road had already melted away. If there were cavalry, they would definitely walk along this official road.

The fields on both sides are full of dangers, such as field mouse holes, snake holes, depressions and deep pits where the land is corroded by ice and snow, covered by a thin layer of snow, no one knows what is hidden under the ice and snow?War horses are extremely vulnerable to injury.

Unless there is no choice in war, the cavalry will definitely choose to take the smooth official path.

A dozen or so nomadic cavalry came rushing from a distance, the size of ants at the foot of the mountain, and a soldier in the tree shouted: "It's an enemy spy!"

Zhou Honglie understood the spying rules of the enemy's spies, generally about [-] to [-] miles away from the main force, mainly to see if there was an ambush ahead.

Half an hour later, a black river appeared more than ten miles away, winding towards this side without seeing its end. Zhou Honglie roughly estimated in his mind that there were at least seven to eighty thousand troops.

"let's go!"

Zhou Honglie led his men down the mountain by another path, and hurried back to the west to report.

Walking halfway, they met the scouts sent by Liu Qiong. Liu Qiong ordered them to go south and report directly to King Yong.

Chen Qing's main army was about a hundred miles away from Liu Qiong's army. In the afternoon, he received a fast letter from Liu Qiong's subordinates. Liu Qiong had discovered the signs of the enemy army and had turned to the north, preparing to bypass the enemy army. behind.

After reading the letter, Chen Qing smiled and said to Yang Zaixing: "Do you think the enemy knows our existence?"

Yang Zaixing shook his head, "I probably don't know. Li Muqing has also deployed a lot of outposts. If the enemy's spies come down, they will definitely be found. What's more, the ice and snow haven't melted a while ago, making it difficult to move, and it's impossible for spies to go south. But Lingwu County It is not clear whether there are regular spies inside or not."

Chen Qing thought about it, and it was really possible. The enemy had occupied Fengzhou for more than a year, and there was enough time for them to set up an intelligence station in Lingzhou.

"Anyway, there is nothing wrong with marching cautiously!" Chen Qing immediately ordered the whole army to slow down the marching speed, and sent several teams of scouts to investigate the enemy's situation.

Chen Qing made a mistake of habitual thinking here. He took it for granted that the enemy army should set up an intelligence point in Lingwu County. In fact, these nomadic troops have very little intelligence awareness. They live on the vast grasslands and have always His whereabouts are uncertain, and he may send spies to look for the enemy's traces, but he has no sense of sending regular intelligence spies.

The [-] nomadic cavalry didn't even know that the Western Army had massively increased its troops in Lingzhou, let alone that Yong Wang Chen Qing went out in person. Their goal was still the [-] defenders in Lingzhou, and at the same time they looted Lingzhou.

Soon, Chen Qing received information from Zhou Honglie and learned about the enemy's army. A nomadic cavalry army consisting of 8 to [-] people was marching towards Lingzhou. It is estimated that the army was already hundreds of miles away.

Chen Qing immediately sent scouts to the north to find Liu Qiong's [-] troops, and asked him to cooperate with him to attack the enemy back and forth.

In the evening, the intelligence scouts rushed back and found the main force of the enemy army, about 8 people, sixty miles away. They also found the Western Army and had slowed down their marching speed.

This is an encounter, without a prelude, it is a battle between the two armies.

Chen Qing ordered the camel team to retreat fifty li. His 12 troops did not continue to go north, and the opponent's 20 troops did not go south either. , It is very likely that there will be a situation of cannibalism in the dark night.

Both sides waited patiently for daybreak, soldiers wrapped in blankets sleeping on the ground beside their horses, and in the distance patrolling sentries with torches watching every move of the north with vigilance.

There is a big tent in the middle of the team, and the lights in the big tent are brightly lit. Chen Qing and a dozen soldiers are surrounded by a sand table. Chen Qing points to a red flag on the sand table and said: "Our position is here now, the black flag in the north It's the enemy's position, about fifty miles away, depending on the terrain, there's only one place where we can fight, and that's here!"

Chen Qing pointed to an open land thirty miles to the north, "There are no forests here, and it is dominated by desert and grassland, with a width of twenty miles, enough to open up a battlefield. Unless the opponent withdraws to Fengzhou, they will definitely fight here tomorrow. "

Yang Zaixing asked: "How much does Your Highness know about the enemy army?"

Chen Qing said slowly: "The opponent is an army composed of more than a dozen tribes, mainly composed of the three tribes of Tata, Kelie and Mengwu. The battle will also be divided into three parts. According to the practice of the grassland, they also fight separately. , there will be no cooperation, and their initial impact is very strong, and it will become weaker and weaker in the future, so as long as we withstand the first few rounds of the enemy's impact, we will win in the future."

Liu Cui also asked: "Tomorrow will we attack first or the other party will attack first?"

"The opponent's bows and arrows are weak, and they lack shields. Their biggest advantage is their superb riding skills and strong impact. I think the enemy will definitely attack first, and they will attack across the board. Our tactics are to deal with the Iron Buddha Tu's square-circle iron barrel formation. Fighting against each other, the iron barrel formation is divided into three iron barrel formations, which can be separated and integrated. There are 12 troops. I am the central army, General Yang Zaixing is the right army, and Liu Cui is the left army. Have a good taste of the power of our iron bucket array!"

All the generals bowed together, "I am willing to listen to your Highness!"

Before dawn the next day, the 12 western army marched northward, and at the same time, the 12 nomadic army also went south. At dawn, the [-] western army arrived at the scheduled battlefield.

Dark clouds hung low, the north wind howled, and the coldness of early spring shrouded the land, surrounded by deserts, and the world was bleak.

At this time, a low and dull drum sound came from a distance, 'Boom! Boom! Boom! The main force of the enemy army also appeared, and a black line appeared in the wilderness ten miles away. It had already formed a formation and was slowly advancing.

Both sides were advancing and stopped when they were three miles apart. This was a typical encounter. They encountered each other unexpectedly during their respective marches. Both sides could not retreat and could only fight with their backs.

The Western Army set up three phalanxes, all of the same size, with no distinction between the main formation and the wings. This was obviously prepared for the three tribes, and it was also in the hands of the nomadic coalition forces.

Last night, the leaders of the various tribes were arguing over the sky. Why did they deploy troops to fight, and no one obeyed the other?In the end, Hu Shahu made a final decision and fought on their own.

Seeing that the western army had set up three large formations, Hu Shahu immediately sent people to order the three generals, Erhan's Tata Army to deal with the middle formation, Limuhe's Kelie army to deal with the right formation, Guishan's Mengwu Army against the left.

Although this is a bit unfair to the Mughal Army, after all, they only have [-] troops, and they have to deal with [-] Western troops, which is more dangerous than good, but there is no fairness on the battlefield, and we can only rely on strength to speak.

Hu Shahu gave the Western Army a cold look, waved his saber, and shouted, "Beat the drum, attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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