
Chapter 1362

Chapter 1362
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The earth-shattering sound of skin drums sounded, and [-] nomadic cavalry launched, tens of thousands of horses galloped, the earth trembled, and the sky was filled with dust, like a landslide and a tsunami. Come

This is the most powerful advantage of the nomadic cavalry. It attacks the enemy with a force that seems to shake the sky, and puts strong psychological pressure on the enemy. Once the enemy cannot withstand such a powerful impact, it will be completely defeated.

If they encounter the decadent Northern Song army, the scene they are looking forward to will likely appear, just like the battle of Fuping, when the 20 Song army collapsed, they would scramble to escape for their lives, and suffered a crushing defeat.

It's a pity that what they encountered was the experienced Western Army, the most elite team among the 60 Western Army, and they were also the most powerful Han army in the world. The bows and crossbows stepped forward together, raising the god arm crossbow. Behind them were 3 spear infantry and only [-] cavalry. Of course, Liu Qiong also led [-] cavalry to lie in ambush behind the enemy, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

The overwhelming cavalry was getting closer and closer, and the sky was covered with dust. The army was only three hundred steps away from the Western Army. Suddenly, the Western Army burst into drums, and the first round of [-] crossbow arrows flew into the air, shooting towards the enemy like a storm. Galloping cavalry.

Although the cavalry had no shields, they were skilled in riding and hid sideways under the horses one after another. However, the crossbows of the Western Army were too dense, and countless horses and soldiers were still shot by the crossbows, rolled on the ground, and were trampled into flesh by the horses behind. mud.

Immediately after the second row of crossbow bolts and the third row of crossbow bolts of the Western Army were fired, the second round began again. In just two hundred steps, the Western Army fired [-] crossbow arrows, and the nomadic cavalry also paid a heavy price. Eight thousand cavalrymen were shot by crossbow bolts and died on the ground.

At this time, the enemy army had already killed eighty paces away, and the [-] Western Army crossbowmen quickly retreated and hid themselves in the large formation.

Behind the crossbowmen are [-] heavy armored infantry. They wear heavy armor and hold three-pointed two-edged swords made of fine steel. On the ground, the handle of the knife is against the ground, and the tip of the knife is at a [-]-degree angle. Their task is to withstand the first wave of the enemy's impact.

An army of more than [-] came rushing forward, getting closer and closer, and they were already fifty steps away. They also saw the forest of swords ahead, and without thinking about it, they shot arrows while running, and the arrows shot at the heavy armored infantry like raindrops. But they couldn't penetrate the armor, and the arrows fell to the ground one after another.

The armor of the heavy infantry came from the Jurchen Tiefutu cavalry. Chen Qing abandoned the heavy vest and changed the heavy armor of the cavalry to the heavy armor of the infantry. Ordinary bows and crossbows cannot penetrate it. Only the heavy crossbow of the Western Army can penetrate within a hundred steps. Penetration, this is also the main reason why Jinbing Tiefutu killed Song Jun to death.

The [-] heavy armored infantry remained motionless, and none of them were shot down by the arrows. The nomadic cavalry had already run twenty paces away, and their faces distorted by extreme fear could be clearly seen. At this moment, they couldn't help themselves and couldn't stop Once the war horse stops, it will be knocked over and trampled by the powerful impact force behind it.

Amidst the screams, the nomadic cavalry rushed into the formation of the Western Army. The sharp three-pointed and two-edged blades pierced through the bodies of the horses and cavalry. The sharp double-edged sword slashed at the enemy cavalry rushing up, and behind them appeared 1 throwers, that is, the crossbowmen just now. Except for 2 of the [-] crossbowmen, the remaining [-] turned into spearmen and soldiers. Thrower.

The thrower threw [-] pieces of fine steel into the crowd of enemy troops, which was extremely powerful. Numerous cavalry and horses were pierced by the sharp short spears, and then the second and third rounds of fine steel short spears were thrown, The more than [-] cavalry rushing to the front encountered continuous blows, and almost the entire army was wiped out. A large number of meat barriers were piled up in front of the Western Army, and the powerful cavalry shock wave finally eased.

"Woo--" The horn sounded in the Western Army's camp. This was an order to change formation. The soldiers changed formation while running. Thirty thousand cavalry rushed out to block the enemy troops coming from behind. The three Western Army phalanx quickly It became a circular formation, the outermost circle was heavy armored infantry, the second and third layers were spear infantry, and behind them were crossbowmen, throwers and chariots.

The heavy armored infantry is not always on the outer layer, and will rotate with the spearmen inside at any time to maintain the physical strength of the soldiers.

This kind of iron barrel formation has three advantages. The first is to slow down the sharp killing of the enemy and give the enemy room to gather and disperse, so that they will not retreat easily. When the enemy finally realizes that they are retreating, they often have suffered heavy casualties , belongs to a tactic of boiling frogs in warm water.

The second advantage is that it can greatly reduce the number of casualties of the Western Army. The iron barrel protects the crossbowmen and throwers, as well as the chariot inside. This is a set that the Western Army has gradually figured out after countless actual battles. Effective tactics against cavalry.

The third advantage is that the infantry can collectively deal with the cavalry. This is the summary of the actual combat of the infantry after a thousand years. There is only one way for the infantry to deal with the cavalry. this principle.

However, the iron barrel formation of the Western Army still has many features, especially the use of chariots is a huge innovation. 45 chariots are hidden in the formation, and they have lifted the cover to reveal the heavy trebuchets inside. Throw the barrel fire thunder weighing eight catties a hundred steps away.

"Woo--" the horn blew again, and the cavalry of the Western Army retreated like a tide, revealing three giant iron barrel formations. Decompose into their own small tribal armies, regardless of the division of the central army and the left and right armies, and decompose into thirteen armies to attack the western army formation.

This is also inevitable. The iron barrel formation is a large defensive formation, which is very easy for the attacker, but just like the strongest defense is an offense, sometimes the sharpest offense is also a defense.

Thirteen cavalry surrounded the three iron barrel formations and continued to attack, trying to tear through the Western Army's defense line, but what greeted them was an iron fist counterattack.

'Boom!Bang!Bang! '

The trebuchet made a loud noise, and threw wooden barrels of fire mines at the enemy crowd. The fire mines exploded in the enemy crowd. Although the impact power was not great, thousands of poisoned iron nails splashed everywhere, covering a radius of more than ten feet. None of the cavalry was spared, especially the horses. The iron nails were shot into the horses. This move was very vicious. There would be no symptoms for the time being when the poisonous nails entered the body. The ground, unable to run anymore, the cavalry who lost their horses could only be slaughtered with their hands tied.

The sound of the barrel fire and thunder was loud, but the damage was not great. The real threat to the enemy cavalry was the crossbow bolts. The crossbow bolts were shot from the large formation with great precision, making the enemy cavalry hard to guard against.

At the same time, there is also the fine steel short spear of the throwing hand. Hundreds of people are killed in one round of short spear throwing, which makes the nomadic cavalry frightened.

The two sides fought fiercely for an hour, and more than half of the nomadic cavalry had been killed. Erhan finally realized that something was wrong, and the casualties were more than half unknowingly.

Erhan found Hu Shahu and shouted: "My lord, our casualties have exceeded half, we can't fight anymore, we must retreat!"

At this time, Guishan also rushed over and said: "The casualties of the Mengwu tribe have exceeded [-]%, I implore the prince to order a retreat!"

Hu Shahu also saw that the Western Army had hidden needles in the cotton. If this continued, they would lose all their casualties. He immediately ordered: "Order the whole army to retreat!"


The horn of withdrawing troops finally sounded, and the exhausted nomadic cavalry retreated like a tide. They all used three-axes tactics, and the front was destructive and unstoppable. It faded quickly and morale started to drop.

At this moment, their fighting spirit was completely exhausted. Hearing the sound of retreating horns, everyone turned their horses and fled. Chen Qing was waiting for this moment, and he immediately ordered: "Cavalry attack!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The drums of the attack sounded, and the [-] cavalry who had been recharging their energy behind galloped out. The nomadic cavalry had no intention of fighting, and fled in defeat. Less than three miles away, Liu Qiong's [-] cavalry rushed out in front. The two cavalry attacked back and forth.

Tens of thousands of nomadic cavalry completely collapsed and fled in all directions. They were killed crying for their fathers and mothers, corpses lay everywhere, and blood flowed like rivers. Many cavalry horses were poisoned with poisonous nails. The cavalry was beheaded by the western army running past.

In this battle, of the [-] cavalry, fewer than [-] escaped in the end, and [-] nomadic cavalry died tragically on the Toyosu battlefield.

Chen Qing immediately ordered Liu Qiong's [-] cavalry to enter Fengzhou and wipe out Fengzhou's logistics tribes.

The Jurchen [-] cavalry who got the news fled in a hurry, leaving tens of thousands of herdsmen and tens of millions of sheep unprotected, and fell into the pockets of the Western Army.

(End of this chapter)

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