
Chapter 1365 Yuguan

Chapter 1365 Yuguan
The soldiers on the South Gate of Juyong Pass were nervous. A thousand soldiers escaped before the cavalry of the Western Army came and ran out of Nancheng Pass. Holding a bow and crossbow, he looked at the cavalry of the Western Army hundreds of steps away from the city with trepidation.

Nanguan City is much lower than Beiguan City, only two feet high, and the ground is flat, without a condescending slope, such a Guancheng is easy to be breached.

The Western Army has rich experience in attacking cities, and they have different countermeasures for different city gates.

To deal with this kind of low city wall, there is no need for iron fire thunder at all, Liu Qiong gave an order.

Three hundred soldiers walked out from the ranks, each holding a kerosene leather bag, which is a special kind of leather bag with copper pipes and spouts on the front, the soldiers squeeze the leather bag, and the kerosene can be sprayed out for more than ten feet outside.

At this time, six thousand crossbowmen stepped forward and fired arrows at the top of the city in three shots. The soldiers on the top of the city squatted down one after another, and the arrows were so dense that they could not lift beginning.

Suddenly, jets of black liquid sprayed up the city, and many soldiers were splashed all over. Before they could react, dozens of torches were thrown up, 'Boom! 'The top of the city is burning.

As the black liquid continued to spray up the city, the fire at the top of the city was getting bigger and bigger. Hundreds of soldiers were on fire, and they crawled and rushed down the city. After a while, the top of the city became a sea of ​​flames.

Hundreds of soldiers appeared with huge battering rams. They shouted and ran forward. The battering ram hit the city gate heavily, and the city gate shook violently, almost unable to support it.

Hundreds of soldiers retreated dozens of steps, and then ran forward, "Boom!" The city gate was knocked open.

There is no urn in Nanguan City, Taniguchi is outside, and it is still dark. Although the city is full of flames, it is still impossible to see the situation of Taniguchi.

Liu Qiong immediately ordered, "Arrows open the way!"

Six thousand soldiers rushed forward, shot six thousand arrows at Taniguchi, and plowed the ground for three rounds. Only then did the main force of the cavalry rush through the pass.

Thirty thousand passed through Nanguan City and stepped into the land of Yanshan Mansion.

In the northwest of the Bohai Sea, near the Liaoxi Corridor, there is an island called Juehua Island. It is about [-] miles away from the shore of the Liaoxi Corridor. The island covers an area of ​​[-] hectares. This monastery was enshrined by the royal family of the Liao Kingdom who believed in Buddhism. With the demise of the Liao Kingdom, the source of livelihood was lost. The monks on the island could hardly survive and gradually dispersed. At present, there are only a few monasteries left to rely on a few hectares of land and cultivate them by themselves. Food and vegetables are difficult to survive.

However, since last autumn, the Western Army navy has occupied the island, and the navy has been coming to the island continuously, with a maximum of 2 people, and hundreds of ships with thousands of stones moored near the island.

A large amount of food and supplies were moved to the island, which made the monks on the island both happy and distressed. They were happy that a large amount of food and supplies went to the island, and they could also get food and living supplies. The distress was that they lost their freedom, and all monks were not allowed to leave the monastery. , and several of their small boats were also confiscated to prevent them from going ashore to report.

The Navy's temporary governor's mansion was set up in the Dalonggong Temple on the island. At dawn, several scout clippers passed through the thick fog on the sea and anchored on the shore of the island. Several scouts jumped ashore and rushed to the Dalonggong Temple.

Tang Huai, the captain of the navy, was in the Dalonggong Temple at this time, drinking tea and chatting with the abbot, Master Huiming. Coincidentally, Master Huiming and Tang Huai were from the same hometown, and both were from Tangyin County, Xiangzhou. Master Huiming went to the island to become a monk at the age of 20. After 40 years, he gradually forgot about the scenery of his hometown. To his delight, he recalled it little by little during the chat with Tang Huai.

At this time, the soldiers reported from the hall, "Captain, the scouts are here, and they have brought His Highness King Yong's warrant!"

Tang Huai hurriedly said, "Let him in!"

Not long after, the scout soldiers came up to the hall, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Dudu Tang!"

"Excuse me, where is King Yong's warrant?"

The scout took out the warrant and presented it. Tang Huai took the warrant, opened it, read it, nodded, "I see, you can go down and rest!"

After sending the scouts down, Tang Huai asked Master Huiming again, "Does Master know Yuguan?"

Huiming smiled and nodded, "When the poor monk was young, he studied in Fahua Temple in Pingzhou for several years. Yuguan is in Pingzhou, which is the junction of Pingzhou and Runzhou. The canyon, Yuguan is located in this canyon, tall and majestic, magnificent, guarding Yuguan, the Jin soldiers in Liaodong will never enter Yanshan Mansion from the Liaoxi Corridor."

"Is there a landing place over there?"

"Large ships can land in Haiyang County, Runzhou. For small-scale landings, just use small boats to land near Yuguan."

Tang Huai was overjoyed, clasped his hands together and said, "Thank you Master Huiming!"

"Where! Where! The poor monk would like to thank Tang Dudu for the gift of grain, oil and cloth, so that the poor temple finally has a little reserve to deal with the disaster year."

After a pause, Master Huiming said again: "I have a disciple whose home is near Yuguan. He is very familiar with the terrain there. I asked him to lead the way for the Western Army."

"Thank you so much!"

Chen Qing's warrant was for Tang Huai to seize Yuguan, cut off the way for Jin Guo to support Yanshan Mansion, and at the same time cut off the retreat route for Jin soldiers in Yanshan Mansion.

Yanshan Mansion is not Hebei. Hebei and the Central Plains belong to the outskirts of the Kingdom of Jin, but Yanshan Mansion belongs to the core territory. Five years ago, Yanshan Mansion was granted the title of Central Capital by the State of Jin. Because the Jin soldiers retreated steadily on the Central Plains battlefield, Jin Guoqian had concerns. Until the Western Army captured Hebei, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​​​moving the capital.

But no matter what, the status of Yanshan Mansion in the Kingdom of Jin is still very important. Once Yanshan Mansion is attacked by the Western Army, the Kingdom of Jin will send troops to fully support it.

Pingzhou is not under the jurisdiction of Yanshan Prefecture. The governor of Pingzhou, Wanyan Shenshi, is the general of Wanyan Wushu and the elder brother of Wanyan Digunai. He commands [-] Yan troops. In fact, they are miscellaneous troops, except for the Jurchen soldiers. In addition, there are other armies of various races, including Khitan, Xi, Han, Bohai, Korean and so on.

He originally refused to obey Wanyan Holisa's jurisdiction, but under the emperor's order, he had no choice but to give in. He obeyed Wanyanhelisa, distributed [-] Yan troops to Wanyanhelisa, and stationed them in various passes. , he commanded [-] Yan troops in Pingzhou.

Just two days ago, he received an emergency order from Wan Yan, ordering him to immediately lead [-] troops to Daxing City for support. A western army broke through Juyong Pass, and Daxing City was in danger.

The priest Wanyan also knew that Daxing City was the central capital of the Kingdom of Jin and should not be lost. He ordered general Xiao Hongwei to lead [-] soldiers to guard Yuguan, and he led [-] troops to rush back to Daxing City for support.

Yuguan was the later Shanhaiguan Pass. It was built in the Sui Dynasty and was the only way from Yanshan Mansion to Liaodong. Once Yuguan was lost, not only the Liaodong reinforcements could not enter Yanshan Mansion, but also the Jurchen army of Yanshan Mansion could not retreat to Liaodong. Therefore, The strategic position of Yuguan is extremely important.

Wanyan Shenshi led [-] troops to guard Pingzhou, but he was also guarding Yuguan. However, Juyongguan was attacked by the Western Army and killed Wanyan. Helisa was caught off guard. The strength of Daxing City was only [-]. Yan Helisa didn't care about Yuguan anymore, the most important thing was to keep Daxing City first.

As the 2000 troops in Pingzhou were urgently transferred away, a flaw in Jinbing's defense appeared. There were only [-] people stationed in Yuguan. , It will be very difficult to seize Yuguan again.

That's why Chen Qing placed Tang Huai's waterway soldiers on Juehua Island in order to seize Yuguan at a critical moment and cut off the connection between Liaodong and Yanshan Prefecture.

Under the night, more than [-] medium-sized ships quietly approached a bay, and [-] soldiers went ashore under the leadership of a monk.

(End of this chapter)

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