
Chapter 1366

Chapter 1366
Five hundred soldiers were led by General Li Zhangsheng of the Tang Huai Department. The five hundred soldiers landed in the south, and they could see Guancheng extending to the sea in the distance.

There is not much difference between Yuguan and Shanhaiguan in the Ming Dynasty. Shanhaiguan was rebuilt on the basis of Yuguan. Its purpose is to guard the passage of the Liaoxi Corridor. It is impossible to leave a hole for the army to bypass the pass, so the city walls must be repaired. seaside.

Yuguan also has an urn city, which was built by the Liao Kingdom to prevent the Jurchen army from going south, and two thousand Yan troops were stationed in the pass city.

Five hundred soldiers were lying in ambush in a forest about two miles away from Guancheng. The monk Jueming was the son of a nearby fisherman and was very familiar with the surrounding terrain. He said to Li Zhangsheng: "There are strange rocks all the way by the sea. Walking along the beach, covered by strange rocks, the defenders at the top of the city can't see it, so you can go directly under the city wall."

"Is there a way to go by the sea? All I see are gaps."

"Yes! There is a small path that is not easy to find. We used to walk it when we were young."

Li Zhangsheng nodded, "Let's go tomorrow night!"

In the afternoon of the next day, a [-]-strong army landed in Haiyang County, Runzhou. This is the Qinhuangdao of later generations. It is a good natural harbor and is very close to Yuguan.

The [-] troops landed and were immediately discovered by the Yuguan defenders. The defenders were very nervous.

Commander Xiao Hongwei was a Khitan native and he was cautious in doing things, so he was left to guard Yuguan.

Xiao Hongwei was also really shocked, the Western Army actually came from the waterway, but the shock was the shock, he had to defend the pass.

"The whole army is not allowed to slack off, prepare bows and arrows, roll logs and stones, the Western Army is likely to attack the city at night!"

The Guancheng was three miles long, and it was a bit difficult for two thousand soldiers to defend the city. All the soldiers pressed against the north wall, and their backs were basically free. Only a few dozen people were left on the south wall to guard the gate.

The [-] Western Army navy was just one mile away, and the chief general Tang Huai patiently waited for the dark.

When encountering different situations, different methods of siege should be adopted. For example, Liu Qiong used fire attack when he attacked Juyongguan, and then used a battering ram to smash open the city gate. Juyongguan has no meaning for them.

However, Yuguan, which Tang Huai was facing, was of great significance. He had to capture Guancheng in its entirety without destroying it, so Tang Huai used internal and external cooperation to capture the city.

It was already dark at this time, Tang Huai and Chen Bing held the torches a mile away, and the [-] troops gathered into a sea of ​​fire, full of murderous intent, patiently waiting for the changes on the top of the city.

In the south of the city, Li Zhangsheng led [-] soldiers and was rushing along the seaside path. The soldiers were covered by strange and jagged rocks. Nearly five hundred soldiers.

Soon, [-] soldiers arrived at the easternmost end of the city wall, which is close to the sea. Originally, there were soldiers standing guard, but the situation in the northern city was severe. Soldiers from all positions were transferred to defend the northern city. Pull away.

Several soldiers threw their iron claws to the top of the city, hooked them to the wall, and began to climb up. After a while, three soldiers climbed up to the top of the city. Seeing that there was no one around, they fixed the three rope ladders and threw them down the city. , the brigade of soldiers began to climb the rope ladder to the city.

There are [-] soldiers on the top of the south city gate. They are the only soldiers of the Yan army who stay in the south city. The soldiers are patrolling back and forth on the top of the south city, looking anxiously at the north city from time to time. Come here, the team is neat, and the Nancheng soldiers thought it was their own people who came to change the guard.

They greeted them happily, but what greeted them was a storm of arrows. Twenty soldiers fell down one after another. But he was overtaken by the second round of arrows. Three soldiers were shot by random arrows and fell to the ground. More than a dozen soldiers from the Western Army rushed up to protect the bell.

Only 480 soldiers were left in the southern city, and the remaining [-] soldiers, led by Li Zhangsheng, rushed to the northern city along the narrow aisle at the head of the city.

The two thousand soldiers on the top of the city were waiting in formation, the chief general Xiao Hongwei was a little surprised, why did the other side make no movement for so long, as if they were waiting for something?He had an ominous premonition in his heart.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion on the eastern part of the city wall, and the soldiers ran to the west one after another. I don't know what happened?
Xiao Hongwei hurriedly ordered: "Go and see, what happened?"

A soldier ran to inquire, and came back after a while to report, "General Qi, countless soldiers from the Western Army have been killed on the east wall. They are very fierce, and the brothers cannot resist it!"

Xiao Hongwei was startled and angry at once, and shouted: "The army presses up, hold them back!"

Under the city, Tang Huai also saw the chaos in the East City. It was their surprise soldiers attacking. Tang Huai immediately ordered: "The whole army attacks!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The drums of the Western Army were loud, and [-] soldiers carried a hundred siege ladders to attack. Their goal was the eastern section of the city wall. The [-] troops rushed towards the east city like a tide.

At this moment, on the eastern section of the city wall, the soldiers of the Yan army were being killed and retreated steadily, and the ground was covered with corpses. Xiao Hongwei was so anxious that he personally led a thousand soldiers to charge up. The two sides fought together on the top of the city. Li Zhangsheng was extremely brave. He wielded a big knife, and killed the enemy soldiers with head rolls and stumps all over the ground. Many soldiers were split in two, and their internal organs flowed out, with an extremely stench.

The three siege ladders took the lead on the top of the city controlled by the Western Army. Soldiers swarmed up. The top of the city was already under the control of the Western Army. They did not encounter any obstacles. In just a moment, the No.1 soldier jumped onto the top of the city. Immediately after the second person and the third person, more and more soldiers climbed to the top of the city, and the two sides began to fight for the top of the city.

The chief general of the defenders, Xiao Hongwei, was so anxious that he ordered all the soldiers to press on and drive the enemy down from the city. The shot came from the ground, he couldn't dodge in time, it hit the left chest, Xiao Hongwei screamed, and fell to the ground on his back, several soldiers hurriedly dragged him down.

More and more Western troops rushed to the top of the city, outnumbering the enemy. At this time, the city gate was opened, and the soldiers of the Western Army rushed in. The guards on the top of the city could no longer hold on and began to be completely defeated. , but the Western Army had already entered the Wengcheng, and the enemy army had no way to go down the city. They knelt down and surrendered one after another.

After a mere quarter of an hour, the war ended. None of the 1000 soldiers escaped, and more than [-] people became prisoners of war. The main general Xiao Hongwei was seriously injured and died.

The Western Army occupied Yuguan and guarded the throat of Liaodong entering Yanshan Mansion and even the Central Plains.

At the same time, Wanyan Zonghan led [-] Jurchen cavalry who had already passed Jinzhou, and were heading south quickly to rescue Yanshan Mansion.

Chen Qing also led an army of [-] to enter Yanshan Mansion from Juyongguan, while Niu Gao and Gao Ding each led an army of [-] to cross the Juma River. Niu Gao divided [-] troops into the Ten Thousand Nuzhen Army and ordered Wang Duo to lead them to attack Yi County in the west, while he himself led an army of [-] to march towards Daxing City.

After Gao Ding led the army to capture Guiyi County, he also sent [-] troops to attack Yongqing County, which also had [-] defenders.

At this time, the Jin soldiers were also rapidly shrinking. There were only [-] defenders in Daxing City, and [-] Jurchen troops were deployed outside. Qing County's troops withdrew.

There were 4 Jurchen soldiers in Daxing City, and another [-] troops were too late to withdraw, and were annihilated by the Western Army in Rongcheng County and Guiyi County.

Just two days after Yuguan changed hands, Chen Qing, Niu Gao, and Gao Ding's army joined forces outside Daxing City, with a total force of 20, besieging Daxing City in the central capital like an iron barrel.

(End of this chapter)

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