
Chapter 1367

Chapter 1367 Daxing ([-])

Daxing City is today's imperial capital, Nanjing of the Liao Kingdom, and the central capital of the Jin Kingdom. Such an important place is guarded by only [-] Jurchen troops, which also implies from one side that the Jin Kingdom's military resources are exhausted.

After all, the capital and ruling center of the Kingdom of Jin are still in Liaodong. Of course, the main forces of the Kingdom of Jin are concentrated in Liaodong, and the Yanshan Mansion is like a corner of the Kingdom of Jin. The Kingdom of Jin also wants to protect it. The way to rescue the army is to garrison fewer troops at ordinary times, and to increase troops in time when a crisis occurs.

This kind of defense is not impossible, because there will always be signs of a war breaking out, such as the increase of troops, the transportation of food and grass materials, and even Chen Qinghui's inspection of the Hebei army.

There was at least one or two months between the warning signs of war and the official outbreak of war, and Jin Guo had enough time to mobilize reinforcements for deployment.

But there is a big loophole in this resident plus rescue model, that is, the fear of a blitzkrieg. Once the Western Army launches a blitzkrieg and suddenly attacks Yanshan Mansion, the Jin Kingdom will not be able to rescue in time.

Chen Qing saw this loophole very clearly. He led the army to fight fiercely with the nomadic cavalry on the grasslands in Fengzhou, which made the Kingdom of Jin relax its vigilance. Guan, even if the Jurchen cavalry came to the rescue at a speed of three hundred miles a day, they would not be able to enter Yanshan Mansion.

This is an extremely beautiful attack, and it is also very classic. With the combination of the odd and the odd, it is inevitable to seize the Yanshan Mansion.

At this time, 20 troops besieged Daxing City, divided into three camps, north, south, and west, leaving the east gate unencircled, leaving a way for the [-] Jurchen troops in the city.

The walls of Daxing City are tall and broad, easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the moat is also extremely wide. Large siege weapons such as trebuchets must be used to suppress the opponent.

Fifty heavy trebuchets and a thousand craftsmen who attacked Daming Mansion back then were on their way to Daxing City.

The King Yong’s Tent in the North Camp is also the Commander’s Tent. At this time, the generals gathered together in the big tent. In front of them are two big tables. On one table is a wooden model of Daxing City, and on the other table is Yanshan Mountain. The mountain and river terrain sand table of the province.

Everyone is observing the characteristics of the city model. All of them are generals who have experienced many battles. The wide moat made them immediately think of ships. Of course, the moat of Daxing City is still some distance from the city wall. Climbing the city is not realistic, but you can fight with bows and arrows at the bow of the ship and the city, and even attack with fire.

At this time, Chen Qing coughed twice, and everyone's attention turned to King Yong. Chen Qing said slowly: "I want to tell you two news first. The first news is that [-] Yan troops in Pingzhou are heading towards Daxing. We will arrive in Daxing City around tomorrow night, we must annihilate this army, Yue Yun and Zhang Xian obey orders!"

"The end is here!" Yue Yun and Zhang Xian clasped their fists together.

Chen Qing took out the command arrow and said: "The two of you each lead [-] cavalry to encircle and suppress the army in Pingzhou. Those who surrender will be spared, and those who resist will be killed!"

"Follow the order!" The two took the arrow and hurried away.

Chen Qing said to the generals again: "The second news is that the other party's [-] reinforcements are rushing from Liaodong, but our [-] navy has captured Yuguan, cutting off the connection between Liaodong and Yanshan Prefecture."

Yang Zaixing asked: "Why doesn't Your Highness allow [-] troops to enter Yanshan Mansion, and we besiege the city to fight for aid, and annihilate the [-] troops as well?"

"Yang Dutong asked a good question. When fighting for Shandong Road before, we put 100 reinforcements from the enemy into Shandong Road, and finally wiped them out. But why did I intercept the reinforcements this time? You may not think of the reason , because this is Yanshan Road. It has been more than [-] years since Shijingtang was ceded to the Liao Kingdom. Although the gentry here have a Han face, in fact, their interests are closely related to Liao and Jin. I consider myself a native of the Liao Kingdom and the Jin Kingdom. Only the most oppressed and exploited people will care about their homeland. When we seized Hebei Road, we felt deeply. The Han officials from Yanshan Mansion resigned one after another, unwilling to serve me. It can be said that we have no foundation in Yanshan Mansion, but we came suddenly, Jin Guo has not had time to mobilize the people, so once the [-] cavalry reinforcements enter Yanshan Mansion, it may arouse the common hatred of the entire Yanshan Mansion. Willing to face."

Niu Gao nodded, "Your Highness is right. We traveled all the way north. In the counties we passed, none of the county magistrates came out to greet us. The people were also quite indifferent. They were completely unsurprised and excited by seeing the Han army. I'm afraid the Jurchen reinforcements entered Yanshan Mansion Afterwards, the people along the way will line up to welcome them."

"Niu Dutong supplements very well!"

Chen Qing praised: "When we captured Yuguan, the Jurchen reinforcements couldn't come in. Ordinary people didn't know it. They thought it was the Kingdom of Jin who abandoned them. They were desperate, hated, and turned to obey us, but once reinforcements came in. Yanshan People in the government will think that the Kingdom of Jin has not abandoned them, and they will definitely send people, food and money to support the soldiers of the Golden Army. Even if the soldiers of the Golden Army fail, they will not change their allegiance easily. , our future governance will be very difficult.”

Only then did everyone understand His Royal Highness King Yong's worries and prudence, not only from military considerations, but also from political considerations, which is not what they are good at.

At this time, Chen Qing pointed at the model of Daxing City and smiled again: "Let's discuss how to attack the city better? General Yang will talk first!"

Yang Zaixing clasped his fists in salute, "The lowly job is the first to make a fool of yourself!"

He picked up the wooden pole and pointed at the city wall: "The city wall is tall and strong, so it can be said that it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. We don't need to spend our troops on strong attacks and tough battles. We can definitely use our advantages to attack the morale of the enemy. I mean Said, don't rush to use iron fire mines, first use warships, heavy catapults, and kerosene to attack the enemy in turn, kill and injure a large number of enemy troops, and after the enemy's morale is almost wiped out, use iron fire mines to break through the city."

Niu Gao also laughed and said: "Seeing the wide moat, I also thought of warships. Hundreds of warships are transporting food and supplies northward along the Sanggan River. A warship of five thousand shi can rival the enemy's city wall. Bows and arrows Combat and firearms are enough to severely hit enemy soldiers!"

Chen Qing asked, "Are our fifty trebuchets also in the boat?"

Niu Gao nodded, "They're all there, they're just disassembled for shipment, and artisans need to reassemble them after delivery."

"It doesn't matter, we have a thousand craftsmen, and the installation can be completed in one day after delivery."

After discussing for a while, everyone agreed to adopt the catapult plus boat attack tactics.

Yue Yun and Zhang Xian led [-] cavalry each to the east, and they stopped the [-] Yan army near Xianghe County.

At noon, [-] Yan troops were resting in the wilderness next to the official road, and the chief general Wanyan Shenshi was a little worried. He got the information that Daxing City had been surrounded by the western army, leaving only the east gate, so what happened to his army? To enter the city?It is impossible for the other party not to intercept it!

Or intercepting the logistics fleet of the Western Army, this is the best strategy Wanyan Shenshi can think of.

At this time, the ground trembled slightly, and the priest Wanyan stood up in surprise, and suddenly a soldier said: "There are enemies in the west!"

The priest Wanyan looked to the west, and saw a long black line several miles to the west, and countless cavalry were rushing towards it.

The priest Wanyan shouted loudly: "The whole army is assembled!"


The horn blew, and the Yan army who was resting got up and lined up one after another, preparing to deal with the impact of the army from the west.

But they didn't know that behind them, the same 2 cavalry was also coming towards them.
(End of this chapter)

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