
Chapter 1368

Chapter 1368 Daxing ([-])

The Yan Army is also known as the Miscellaneous Army, with complex ethnic groups, including Khitan, Xi, Han, Bohai, Korean, etc. They belong to the local army, with low pay, poor equipment, poor training, and generally low morale. When [-] Western cavalry flanked them back and forth, they quickly collapsed.

Priest Wanyan shouted anxiously: "Hold it! Hold it! Don't run away."

At this time, a general was stabbed obliquely, it was Yue Yun, the number one fierce general of the Western Army. He had seen this Jurchen general a long time ago, and he swung his hammer and shouted: "The Jurchen dog thief takes his life!"

Divine Master Wanyan recognized Yue Yun at a glance, and killed the copper hammer general Pucha Ahudie in a one-on-one fight. Originally, Divine Master Wanyan went into battle to challenge Yue Yun in the second round, but was temporarily adjusted. Yelu Ali Replacing him, this matter has always made Wanyan Shenshi bitter.

His martial arts are extremely high-strength, and a steel gun makes him appear like a ghost. He has the strength of the Jurchens and the tricks of the Han people. He is known as the number one warrior in front of the imperial court.

Unexpectedly, he met Yue Yun at this time, Wanyan Shenshi immediately realized that Yue Yun must be the leader of the Western Army, if Yue Yun can be killed, maybe the situation can be reversed.

He also yelled, "The southern barbarians are to die!"

He urged his horse forward, stabbed with a spear, and shook out seven gun flares, which were false and real, making people dazzled.

But what Wanyan Shenshi didn't know was that Yue Yun's marksmanship was also extremely good, he inherited his father's Yue family spear, but because of his extraordinary strength, he chose the 82-jin plum blossom bright silver hammer.

Yue Yun sneered, and clamped his hammers together, 'Damn! 'With a loud noise, the tip of the gun was pinched precisely.

Priest Wanyan was shocked and pulled it with all his strength, but the spear did not move at all. His two horses crossed each other. He held the spear with one hand, and with his right hand, he drew out his sword and slashed fiercely at Yue Fei's arm.

Yue Yun dodged, dodged a sword, and yanked his hammers violently. The god priest Wanyan couldn't hold the gun with one hand, and the spear went 'whoosh! 'The hands flew away.

Immortal Wanyan lost his weapon, his expression changed drastically, he urged his horse to flee, and within ten steps, Yue Yun swung his right hand and hit a flying hammer, 'Bang! The sledgehammer hit Wanyan Shenshi's vest firmly, and Wanyan Shenshi spewed out a mouthful of blood. His bones were broken, his heart burst, and he fell off the horse and died.

Yue Yun's personal soldiers rushed forward and chopped off the head of the god Wanyan. Yue Yun took back the silver hammer and shouted: "Anyone who does not surrender will be killed!"

All the cavalrymen of the Western Army fought bravely, and killed the soldiers of the Yan Army with blood rolling in their heads. Many soldiers knelt down and surrendered.

In this battle, 2000 cavalry fought against 1 infantry. At the cost of less than [-] casualties, the cavalry of the Western Army wiped out [-] enemy troops, killed more than [-] enemies, captured more than [-] enemies, and survived. Most of them are Han Chinese, and they escaped with their Han faces.

Daxing City is the central capital of the Kingdom of Jin, and its defenses are comprehensive. Sixty large-scale trebuchets are arranged at the top of the city, which can throw 150-jin boulders [-] steps away. There are not only trebuchets, but also a thousand bed crossbows. And thousands of barrels of kerosene.

The [-] Jurchen troops are well-trained and fierce in combat, but it is a pity that their number is smaller, otherwise they would also be a strong enemy of the Western Army.

[-] gold soldiers and [-] militia troops temporarily recruited were busy preparing for battle on the top of the city, carrying supplies, adjusting trebuchets, and transporting countless rolling logs and stones to the top of the city. The atmosphere on the top of the city was noisy and lively.

Wanyan Helisa stood at the top of the city, looking at the Western Army camp a few miles away with a heavy heart. He was once captured by the Western Army, and he has always had a shadow of the Western Army in his heart. He has been defeated repeatedly against Chen Qing in the past ten years. He even lost Guanzhong. If it weren't for his strong background, he would have been dismissed and sent to prison a long time ago. How could he still have the opportunity to guard Yanshan Mansion and Zhongdu.

"Marshal, the Western Army is likely to use fire to attack, and then use iron, fire and thunder to blow up the city. I have two suggestions!" His deputy Pucha Ahu was speaking, and he was also a famous general with rich experience and bravery.

"Say, what's your suggestion?"

"The first suggestion is to put the barrel of fire oil above the city gate. Once the Western Army uses iron fire and thunder, it must attack the city gate. We will burn it with fire. Rolling wood and rocks will not have much effect, only pervasive ones Fire will stop them."

"That's a good idea, I agree! What's the second suggestion?"

"The first suggestion is to use fire, and the second suggestion is to prevent fire. I heard from Han Chang that to deal with the kerosene of the Western Army, you can use soil or fine sand to put out the fire in time, and then remove the sand and transport it away."

Wanyan Drinking Lisa also knows this method, but the effect of using it is not very good, but it is still a method.

"Yes, but it is best to organize a special fire-fighting team. To carry out training, fire-fighting must be proficient and fast to keep up."

"Beiqian has organized 5000 militia groups in the city, and can organize [-] people as a firefighting team and train them."

Wanyan Helisa nodded, "I'll leave this matter to you!"

In the North Camp of the Western Army, hundreds of craftsmen were also busy installing heavy-duty trebuchets. This kind of heavy-duty trebuchets appeared for the first time in Daming City, but it took only two days. The effect was not very satisfactory, mainly because the precision was not enough. They also found the reason, mainly because the aiming and positioning were relatively rigid, and the 350-step line positioning was selected in advance, but in fact, each trebuchet would have small differences, and in actual combat, the difference was often a slight difference, which could be thousands of miles away.

Now that the reason was found, the craftsmen re-adjusted and upgraded, and switched to the Wangshan sight in the crossbow. It does not need to be positioned in advance, and it is aimed during the advance. Once it is aimed, it is positioned immediately, replacing the previously determined The position of the 350-step line of the catapult may be 370 steps or 330 steps, and each trebuchet is different.

After many experiments, as long as the weight of the throwing object is guaranteed to be exactly [-] catties, it is basically the same.

Interestingly, there is also a newly-invented gravity clock in the camp, which stands next to the main tent of the Chinese army. Various military operations, as well as the work and rest arrangements of the soldiers, all places that require time are made according to its timekeeping. .

The soldiers are very curious, and many people come to see it every day. The gravity clock has changed the lives of ordinary people in a subtle way. In the past, all kinds of timers were used by wealthy people. Ordinary people can only know the approximate time, and the specific time can only be guessed. , With the public big clock, everyone can use this as a standard to arrange their daily life and do many things.

There are still hundreds of large ships moored on the Sanggan River, and many craftsmen are modifying the large ships, mainly installing small trebuchets and fierce oil fire cabinets. Soldiers generally use manual oil spray leather bags, which are completely sufficient, but For some precise strikes, such as dealing with catapults and bed crossbows on the top of the city, it is necessary to spray the fuel tank accurately and then ignite it.

Chen Qing and several major generals stood on a five-foot-high observation wooden platform, observing the situation on the top of the city. The observation platform was one mile away from the city wall, and the enemy's longest ranged crossbow could not be shot, so it was absolutely safe.

Liu Qiong pointed to the top of the wall and said, "Your Highness, those soldiers wearing leather armor should not be the Jurchen army, but the Yan army?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "There is no Yan army in the city, it should be the militia they recruited, the people in the city."

Liu Qiong also saw clearly, he was taken aback and said: "There will be so many people?"

Chen Qing sighed slightly, "This is Yanshan Mansion! Why did Tong Guan's army lose so badly back then? Didn't it just not get the support of the people in Yanshan Mansion? This is also the reason why I don't want to break through the city early. All the people in the city may share the same hatred with the Jin soldiers, and we will suffer heavy casualties, and even have to retreat from the city.”

Niu Gao said in a low voice: "To be kind to them, you can't just be gentle, you should use an iron fist, so don't have the slightest bit of mercy."

"you're right!"

Chen Qing said lightly: "The combination of kindness and power is the kingly way!"

Inside and outside Daxing City, both sides are preparing for the battle in full swing. Time passes by, and two days later, a big battle will begin.

(End of this chapter)

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