
Chapter 1369

Chapter 1369 Daxing ([-])

In Yuguan, Wanyan Zonghan led a [-] support army to the outside of the pass, but Wanyan Zonghan never thought that Yuguan had fallen into the hands of the Western Army.

This made him very shocked and worried. The shock was the speed of the Western Army. The Pingzhou Army rescued Daxing City. In just two or three days, the Western Army seized this opportunity and occupied Yuguan.

The worry is whether Yanshan Mansion is still in their hands?Can Wanyan and Lisa still hold Daxing City in the central capital?
But no matter how worried he was about Yanshan Mansion, the Yuguan in front of him gave him a headache. How many Western troops are there in the pass?How should he seize it?

Yuguan Guancheng is about two feet five feet high, tall and strong, and the city wall is about three miles long from east to west. It is actually a small city with four walls, but the only advantage is that there is no moat.

However, the Western Army dug a deep trench in front of the city wall and pulled up a suspension bridge. The suspension bridge is equivalent to a shield, and it is impossible to directly hit the city gate with a battering ram.

Wanyan Zonghan had no choice but to order the army to cut down trees and make simple siege ladders.

Twenty thousand Jin soldiers felled trees nearby, and captured a hundred craftsmen from nearby counties and ordered them to make siege ladders.

The craftsmen could only make a very simple and heavy siege ladder according to Jin Bing's requirements, and weave a raft out of tree trunks. Wooden sticks, pedaling and climbing have a place to focus.

Thousands of golden soldiers also made raft ladders together, first fixed them with iron nails, and then tied them together firmly with leather ropes.

This kind of raft ladder is simple and practical, because it is heavy and not easy to be overturned. Overnight, Jin Bing made [-] raft ladders. Some rafts were used as bridges across the trenches, and the rest were used as siege ladders.

Wanyan Zonghan's only hope now is that the number of Western troops on the city wall is small, about two to three thousand. Even if he pays the price of thousands of people, he can still capture Yuguan.

Before dawn, Wanyan Zonghan impatiently ordered to attack the city. Ten thousand soldiers rushed towards the city wall carrying rafts and ladders, and the five thousand soldiers of the Western Army on the top of the city fired arrows down together. Some soldiers were shot down by arrows, but they still couldn't stop the Jurchen soldiers from charging forward frantically.

The rafts were put on the ditch and became bridges. The soldiers carried the big rafts across the ditch, lifted up hundreds of raft ladders, put them on the top of the city, and began to climb up crazily.

Arrows were shot at the soldiers on the ladder of the raft like a storm. The Jurchen soldiers kept getting hit by arrows, screaming and rolling down the raft, slowing down the enemy's climbing speed, but there were still a large number of Jurchen soldiers holding their shields and climbing up cautiously .

Several soldiers pushed the raft ladders with iron forks, but the raft itself was too heavy, and there were Jurchen soldiers standing on it, and they barely overturned several raft ladders, but this was too time-consuming. Army soldiers fought fiercely together.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Tang Huai ordered decisively, "Use fire oil!"

The kerosene of the water army is filled with thin-skinned pottery pots, each weighing [-] catties, which is convenient for projecting onto enemy ships and neatly placed under the wall. The altar shattered, and a large amount of kerosene poured down. After the torch was lit, the raft ladder quickly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the fire quickly spread downward with the flow of kerosene.

The Jurchen soldiers on the ladder of the raft panicked and jumped off the raft one after another. Immediately after, kerosene jars fell like raindrops, and the fire burned rapidly below the city. Bundles were thrown down the city, and the fire became more intense. The soldiers overturned more than 100 raft ladders, and the raft ladders fell into the fire and burned.

Wanyan Zonghan was very anxious, and ordered: "Send the order to retreat!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The bell for retreat rang, and the Jurchen soldiers who were attacking the city retreated like a tide. The soldiers of the Western Army on the top of the city took the opportunity to fire crossbow arrows behind them. More than 1 people retreated, and more than [-] people were killed.

Wanyan Zonghan had no choice but to wait for the fire to go out before launching a second attack.

In Daxing City, a large-scale siege battle also kicked off. At two o'clock in the night, thirty large ships of five thousand stone sailed from the Sanggan River into the moat, which immediately alarmed the defenders all over the city.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The alarm bell rang on the top of the city, and the soldiers sleeping on the top of the city were awakened one after another, and they immediately got up and prepared to fight.

Wanyan Helisa is also a seasoned veteran. More importantly, he understands Chen Qing's tactics and knows that Chen Qing likes to fight at night. Therefore, even at night, he deployed [-] troops on the top of the city, allowing soldiers to Sleeping on the top of the city, but once there is an enemy situation, you must get up and fight immediately.

The distance between the moat and the city wall was about ten feet, and it was impossible to directly build a shipboard city. However, the Western Army was not in a hurry to enter the city. They needed to use siege warfare to consume the enemy's vital strength.

As the ship entered the moat, the paddles on both sides turned and rumbled. The height of the ship's side was almost at the same level as the city wall. Jurchen soldiers hid behind the battlements and fired arrows. A soldier of the Western Army squatted behind a firing hole.

Arrows from both sides rained down like rain, and the sound of killing was loud. The distance between each other was too close for the catapults to be effective. However, the distance between the kerosene bags of the soldiers of the Western Army was just right, and strands of kerosene were sprayed up the city like arrows, and were thrown over immediately. The torch was lit, and there was a raging fire on the top of the city. The firefighters on the top of the city immediately rushed forward and poured sand on the fire, and the fire that had just ignited was extinguished immediately.

The Jurchen soldiers on the top of the city did not show any weakness, and threw small clay pots weighing several kilograms onto the big ship. The surface of the small pots was already ignited by fire, and when they hit the ship, the pots burst and the kerosene burned immediately. , but was also put out by soldiers of the Western Army with wet quilts.

As all thirty large ships sailed into the moat, the battle intensified.

The casualties of the Western Army have also increased, mainly due to the threat posed by the bed crossbow. Jackdaw iron arrows can shoot through the ship's bulwark, which poses a huge threat to the soldiers hiding behind the ship's bulwark. Soldiers of the Western Army continue to be hit by arrows Falling down, the Jackdaw Arrow's penetrating power is too strong, and almost all of them are fatal injuries.

Similarly, the top of the city also suffered heavy casualties. The casualties were mainly fire extinguishers. They became the targets of the crossbowmen of the Western Army while running. When the powerful crossbow arrows were fired, some people screamed and fell down immediately.

At this time, fifty heavy-duty trebuchets entered the field, all of them were not in the north of the city, they were lined up in a row, and the burning kerosene tanks were thrown out one after another, streaks of red flames were drawn in the air, and they passed the big ship with extremely high accuracy. High, only two of the fifty kerosene cans hit the city wall, and the rest all hit the top of the city. The [-]-jin kerosene tank shattered on the ground, splashing a large piece of kerosene, ignited by burning pottery, and burned immediately In one piece, the firefighter ran forward tremblingly, but was shot mercilessly by the crossbow arrows of the soldiers of the Western Army, fell into the fire, and instantly turned into a fire man.

The fire at the top of the city was raging, and the thick smoke billowed into the air, choking the Jurchen soldiers unbearably. They hid under the battlements. Although they could escape the fire, they couldn't escape the thick smoke. They didn't know that they had to cover their mouths and noses with wet towels to escape quickly. But the strong smoke made people unable to breathe, and the soldiers had to get up and run for their lives. Many soldiers fell down while running, were choked by the smoke, passed out, and finally died of suffocation.

The heavy-duty trebuchets of the Western Army did not stop, and they threw burning fire oil tanks at the top of the city one after another. The top of the city was reduced to a sea of ​​flames, and thick smoke and fear filled the city together.

(End of this chapter)

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