
Chapter 1370

Chapter 1370 Daxing ([-])

As the sky gradually dawned, the warships and trebuchets of the Western Army had all been withdrawn, the fire was finally extinguished, and there was still some curling smoke. The city was in a mess above and below the city, and there were charred corpses everywhere on the top of the city.

The trebuchet threw dozens of rounds, but they couldn't control their aim at the back. Most of them passed the city and hit the city. One even hit his own big ship and burned the cabin of the big ship. Because of this, Chen Qingcai ordered Withdrawal.

In the city, hundreds of private houses close to the North City were also ignited by the fire, and burned to a piece of white ground. The owners of the houses fled their homes when the war broke out. They stood in the distance and watched the huge fireball fall from the sky. Not only they saw the fire, but almost everyone in the city saw it. The scene of a huge fireball falling from the sky shocked everyone's heart.

Only then did they realize how powerful this siege army was, and it was not the Song army at all.

On the ruins, some people fell to the ground crying and lost their homes, but more people were silently looking for the surviving things at home. They carried valuable items with them, but after all, they fled in a hurry, and there were still many belongings that were too late to take away. The old man picked up a broken teapot, sighed softly, threw it aside and continued searching.

"Grandpa, the food is still there, it hasn't been burned!" A teenager shouted.

"Great, take out the food first, be careful!"

The grandparent and grandson carefully carried out three bags of wheat from a cracked wooden cabinet. They were overjoyed. With the food, they would not have to worry about food.

At this time, the corpses on the top of the city were cleaned up, and more than [-] charred corpses were carried down from the top of the city. Half of them were civilians who put out the fire. The oil ball burns into coke.

Every Jurchen soldier has a bronze medal around his neck, which is the only way to distinguish soldiers from civilian husbands with charred corpses.

Under the city wall, tens of thousands of family members of the folk husbands were extremely anxious. When they saw the charred corpses, they could not identify their identities at all. Everyone knelt on the ground and wailed, distraught, but did not reflect on themselves, why did they go to To assist Jin Bing in combat?
In the fierce battle overnight, more than [-] Jurchen soldiers were killed, most of them were choked to death by thick smoke, and then their bodies were burnt. Many soldiers were shot by arrows and burned to death because they could not escape.

Almost all the materials at the top of the city were burned, including hundreds of large catapults, nearly a thousand bed crossbows, 20 arrows, more than 1000 barrels of kerosene, and soldiers' weapons, etc., and suffered heavy losses.

But is that the end?No, to destroy the will of the enemy, not only burn the head of the city, but also continue to burn the city.

That night, the alarm bell on Nancheng sounded, and fifty large ships sailed into the moat and attacked the head of Nancheng. There were no catapults or bed crossbows on Nancheng, only [-] Jurchen soldiers were engaged in bow and arrow battles with the Western army.

But there was no accident. Not long after, [-] heavy-duty trebuchets had been repaired and fired again. Huge fireballs roared down from the sky, which was suffocating. The city and the city were ignited again, and the people in the south of the city retreated in panic.

A big fire burned all night, and three thousand Jurchen soldiers died under the bows and smoke.

Immediately after the third day, the fifth day, and the seventh day for more than ten days in a row, the Western Army attacked the city every two days. After seven or eight attacks, the Jin soldiers suffered nearly 2 casualties, and the number of houses in the city were burned. Thousands of rooms, tens of thousands of people were burned to death, the fear of war finally shocked the people in the city, all the peasants fled, and no one wanted to support the Jurchens.

The shadow of failure hangs over the hearts of every Jurchen soldier.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At the foot of Yuguan, the drums of the Jurchen army were beating loudly, and [-] Jurchen troops rushed forward like a tide. The soldiers of the Western Army's water army removed a thousand bed crossbows from Dachuan Mountain and deployed them at the top of the city. Thousands of jackdaw arrows shot powerfully into the crowd. The powerful arrows pierced through the shields and armors, and the soldiers fell one by one. After a while, the second gurney crossbow shot out again.
The tide of the Jurchen soldiers' offensive was only fifty steps away from the city wall. Hundreds of small wooden barrel fire mines were suddenly thrown from the top of the city, exploding above and below the crowd's heads and feet. A poisoned iron nail flew forward, and countless soldiers were shot by the poisonous nail. They were terrified. They all saw the tragic state of the soldier's poison attack, lying on the ground, crying and rolling. Many soldiers lost in pain, even if they survived, they would die. Falling disabled.

Thousands of people attacked the city and set up rafts and ladders. The Western Army was too lazy to fight them, so they threw down thousands of bundles of lit wheat straw and thousands of altars of kerosene, and the scene of hell on fire happened again.

Wanyan Zonghan urgently ordered the withdrawal of the troops. The bell for the withdrawal of the troops rang, and the soldiers ran for their lives as if the tide was ebbing. They all carried shields to prevent the Western Army from shooting arrows from behind. Unfortunately, this time they were facing Jackdaw Arrows, and a thousand Jackdaw Arrows were fired together. , Five thousand arrows shot at the fleeing soldiers like a storm. The iron arrows pierced the shields and armors, and shot through the bodies. The soldiers who ran slower were shot down by the iron arrows, crying.

Yuguan has sieged the city four times, this is the fourth time, more than 5000 soldiers were killed and injured, and a total of 5000 people have been killed in battle, but Yuguan is still standing tall, Wanyan Zonghan is helpless, and his confidence is gradually lost .

At this time, Wan Yan Zonghan got the news that their rations could only last for two days. Seeing that the rations were almost exhausted, 5000% of the soldiers were killed, and only [-] of the [-] army were left. They were all Jurchen soldiers. How could he explain when he went back?

More importantly, he has been unable to rescue Daxing Jinbing, nor can he explain to the emperor?
At night, Wanyan Zonghan was very depressed and drank alone. His son Wanyan Xiebao persuaded him: "Father has tried his best. We didn't expect that Yuguan would be captured by the Western Army. We didn't have much preparation. Fifteen thousand people were killed in battle. It shows that the father has gone all out, and the emperor and the court will understand."

Wanyan Zonghan drank the wine in his hand and sighed: "I just got the news from Haiyang County. This Song army landed in Haiyang County. There are 3 to [-] people. I will say why they appeared today. The bed crossbow turned out to be Chen Qing's navy, no wonder we couldn't attack Yuguan."

"Chen Qing was very well prepared, thoughtful, and considered every detail, but we were not prepared at all. We couldn't defend Yanshan Mansion, and we couldn't attack Yuguan. sharp."

Wanyan Zonghan pondered for a while and said: "Back then we destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty like a rotten one, but now we are beaten back steadily by the Western Army. Each of our soldiers is so brave, but we are no match for the Western Army. Xiebao, what do you think it is? reason?"

(End of this chapter)

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