
Chapter 1371

Chapter 1371 Daxing ([-])

"Boy, I heard some Han ministers say that the main reason is that our national strength is not as good as the other party's?"

"national power?"

Wanyan Zonghan shook his head and said, "I have plundered all the national power of the Northern Song Dynasty, so am I not as good as the Western Army?"

"Father, this is the difference in our understanding of national power. We plundered gold, silver, copper coins, jewelry, jade, porcelain, calligraphy and paintings from the Northern Song Dynasty, thinking it was national power, but a large amount of this wealth is still sealed in the palace treasury, and it has hardly played any role. My child understands , the real national strength should be land and population, we just pay the least attention to population, and the plundered population is almost dead, so that now the source of soldiers is exhausted, and only the old, weak, women and children are left in each tribe."

"You are right. Our understanding of wealth is completely wrong. If we don't find a way out, our Jin Kingdom will perish!"

Wanyan Zonghan drank a jug of wine, threw the jug away, and ordered in a sharp voice: "Pass my order, the whole army retreats back to Liaodong!"

The [-] Jurchen cavalry retreated overnight, and Jin Guo's rescue officially declared a failure.

At night, the Western Army once again launched a fire attack on Daxing City. This time they no longer attacked the city walls, but directly attacked the city with trebuchets, and the warships no longer sailed into the moat. Only fifty heavy trebuchets continued to attack the city. Constantly throw fire oil clay pots into the west city.

Huge fireballs with bright red flames whizzed down from the sky, and immediately ignited raging flames when they landed. The west city had already experienced an attack. Hundreds of residential houses were burned down, and the people fled.

But this attack had a longer range and caused new losses. Hundreds of residential buildings were set ablaze. Looking at the fireballs in the night sky in horror, they flew towards the city across the line of fire.

The powerful momentum of the fireball landing made the people in the whole city uneasy. They thought of their own fate. If the Western Army entered the city, would they plunder and slaughter the city?
The camp of the Jurchen army is in the west city, but there are still more than 300 steps away from the place where the fireball landed, basically it will not reach the camp, but tens of thousands of soldiers have also come to the west of the camp fence, holding long contradiction cards in their hands, ready to fight.

At this time, no one thought that the real danger was inside the city. On the east side of the barracks, several black shadows quickly approached the barracks.

Several black shadows chopped off a barracks fence with an axe, and two skinny men got in through the gap. Not long after, more than a dozen large tents caught fire, and the two skinny men who set fire rushed back, and the black shadows quickly disappeared. In the dark night.

A fire broke out in the camp in the east, and the fire spread rapidly with the help of the wind. In just one cup of tea time, hundreds of large tents caught fire, and the fire spread even faster.

The soldiers in the barracks were in a mess and fled out of the barracks one after another.

Wanyan and Lisa rushed out of the tent of the Chinese army, and asked sharply, "What's going on?"

The soldier pointed behind him and shouted: "Marshal, the camp is on fire!"

When Wanyan Helisa turned his head, he was stunned. At least a thousand large tents burned, forming a terrible sea of ​​flames. The Western Army's fire attack for more than ten days made all the Jurchen soldiers afraid of fire. Now The fire was burning in front of them, and they were even more terrified. No one thought about putting out the fire or dismantling the big tent, but scrambling to escape from the camp.

Wanyan Lisa's soldiers ignored his orders and dragged him to flee outside the camp. Soon, Wanyan Lisa's tent of the Chinese army was also engulfed in flames.

It was finally dawn, and the western army's trebuchets retreated, and the city was in chaos. Pucha Ahu hurried into the official office, and whispered to Wanyan and Lisa who was sitting in a daze by the window: "Marshal, the losses have been calculated. .”

"What result?"

"More than [-] people were burned to death, all of whom were burned to death in their deep sleep. Eighty percent of the big tent was burned, and the warehouse was not affected. However, all the personal belongings of the soldiers in the big tent were burned, which seriously affected morale."

"How did the fire start?" Wanyan Helisa asked again.

"I have done an investigation. The fire started from the camp in the east, while the western army's catapults were attacking the western army. In short, someone set the fire. Someone cut down the camp fence and entered the camp to set fire."

"who is it?"

"I don't know. It may be the spies of the Western Army, or it may be the people who are dissatisfied with us. Too many civilian husbands died. It may also be a scoundrel who came in to steal things and set fire. It may even be a soldier who went crazy inside. There is no evidence for his humble position."

Wanyan Helisa sighed and said, "General Ahu, do you think it is necessary for us to stay in Daxing City?"

Pucha A'hu pondered for a while and said: "Marshal, I'm sorry to say bluntly, if the Western Army wanted to capture Daxing City, they should have been able to break it long ago. For example, last night, there were no soldiers at the head of the Western City, but they did not attack the city. The humble official thought , The Western Army just wanted to force us away."


Wanyan Helisa was puzzled and said: "Could it be that Chen Qing pities the people in the city and refuses to fight us in the streets? But the way he burns the city is just as ruthless, even more vicious than ours. At least we won't directly set fire to the houses. But they went straight to it!"

"I feel that if I leave Daxing City, will reinforcements come?"

"Are you still counting on reinforcements?"

Wanyan Lisa interrupted him impatiently, "The city has been besieged for 20 days, do you think there will be reinforcements? There will be no reinforcements. I can only rely on myself. Whether I can escape back to Liaodong depends on God's will."

"The marshal never thought about it. Could it be that Yuguan fell into the hands of the Western Army and the reinforcements couldn't get through?"

Wanyan Heli Sa Teng stood up, his eyes were full of horror, he said anxiously: "It should not be possible! Absolutely impossible."

"Marshal knows Chen Qing very well, will Chen Qing leave Yuguan alone?"

Wanyan and Lisa sat down slumped, he finally understood that Chen Qing forced him to leave Daxing City because all escape routes were blocked and they had nowhere to go.

"Could it be that we can only die in Daxing City in the end?"

Pucha A'hu's lips moved, there was something he didn't say, but they could still surrender.

At this time, a soldier rushed over and reported: "Marshal, there is an eagle message from Shangjing!"

Wanyan and Lisa hurriedly asked, "Where is Yingxin?"

The soldier presented the eagle letter box, Wanyan Helisa took out a roll of yellow silk from it, he and Pucha Ahu were startled, the yellow silk was the hand letter of the emperor.

Wanyan and Lisa hastily unfolded the yellow silk, and the two leaned forward to read it. The content inside made them look at each other, and the emperor ordered them to surrender, and then he would redeem them with a huge amount of money.

Pucha Ahu nodded and said: "This may be the best way to save the lives of the brothers. The Han people have a saying: If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about no firewood. As long as you keep the lives of the Jurchens, the Kingdom of Jin will still have a chance." Get strong again."

Wanyan Lisa hesitated and said, "I'm afraid that Chen Qing will carry out the extermination order and kill us all!"

"Probably not. This is not a battlefield. He has no reason to kill prisoners of war who voluntarily surrendered. At most, he will let us go to mines to mine. But as long as Chen Qing is satisfied with the ransom from the imperial court, he will let us go."

Wanyan Helisa nodded, "Okay! Why don't you go to the Western Army camp and express to Chen Qing that we are ready to surrender."

"Humble job, get ready and go!"

In the Western Army camp, Chen Qing was discussing with several generals the plan to start street fighting after the siege. He had hesitated for 20 days to apply pressure, but the Jin soldiers still refused to withdraw from the East City, and Chen Qing finally lost his patience.

The generals all agreed that there were many Khitans and Jurchens in Yanjing City, and many civilians would probably take up arms against the soldiers of the Western Army. Therefore, as long as men appeared on the streets, no matter how old or young they were, they should all be regarded as enemies.

Chen Qing also deeply agrees with this point,

At this moment, a soldier reported at the tent door, "A Jurchen general came to the city, named Pucha Ahu, who said he was the deputy general of Wanyan Helisa, and he came here to ask for surrender!"


Chen Qing and the others also looked at each other, the news was also beyond their expectations, Niu Gao smiled to Chen Qing: "Thinking about it carefully, it seems that surrender is their wisest choice!"

Chen Qing nodded, and ordered: "Bring him in!"

Not long after, the soldiers brought Pucha Ahu in. Pucha Ahu knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists and said, "There are thousands of households in the Dajin Kingdom, the deputy general of Daxing City, Pucha Ahu, is here to meet His Royal Highness King Yong!"

(End of this chapter)

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