
Chapter 1372 Yanshan

Chapter 1372 Yanshan

As soon as Chen Qing waved his hand, the soldier moved a chair, and Chen Qing said calmly, "Please sit down!"

Pucha Ahu sat down and said sincerely: "We know we are defeated by the Western Army, and we don't want soldiers to die in vain on the battlefield, so we sincerely ask you to surrender!"

After speaking, he presented a letter to Chen Qing, "This is a begging letter from our coach!"

A soldier stepped forward to receive the letter and presented it to Chen Qing. Chen Qing didn't read the letter, and said coldly: "How many Han people have you killed, and now you want to surrender again when you are damned. Is there such a good thing in the world?"

"Your Highness is bad. It has been more than twenty years since the Jingkang Incident, and the soldiers who committed evil have long since died. The current Jurchen soldiers are all young people who grew up later, and have nothing to do with the past."

"Father's debt is repaid, it's only right and proper, not only young people like them, I will kill all the Jurchen men, so that their wives and daughters can also taste the taste of being ravaged by the army."

Pucha's face changed, "Your Highness, you don't accept our surrender?"

Chen Qing tore Wanyan and Lisa's letter in half, "I will never accept it!"

"Okay! Let's fight to the death!"

Pucha Ahu got up to say goodbye, Chen Qing waved his hand, several soldiers rushed up to hold him down, Pucha Ahu shouted anxiously: "The two countries are fighting each other, don't behead them!"

"You are not worthy, push it out and behead it!"

Pu Cha's Hu felt too regretful, he thought Han people were all about etiquette, but he didn't expect Chen Qing to be so cruel, if he had known, he wouldn't have come.

He yelled and was dragged out by the soldiers. Chen Qing said to everyone: "Everyone may wonder why I didn't accept the other party's surrender? Because the Jurchen soldiers in Yanshan Mansion were captured by me at the beginning and sent to Red Copper Mountain to mine. The imperial court exchanged the captive Bianliang people back, and I have said it beforehand, if we meet again on the battlefield, I will never forgive them!"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize, Yang Zaixing said: "The humble officials also remembered that they were the captured soldiers, no wonder His Highness did not accept the surrender."

Chen Qing said again: "Our innocent people have been killed by more than ten million, and women have been abused by more than one million. If we are tolerant to them, how can we explain to the dead people?"

Everyone said one after another: "Your Highness is right, tooth for tooth, blood for blood!"

Not long after, the soldiers brought up a head, and Chen Qingling said: "Take the head with a long bamboo pole and stick it under the city!"

The soldiers took out the heads, and Chen Qing said coldly to everyone: "The Jurchen army has no way to surrender, and they will definitely go out of the city to break through tonight. Tonight, the whole army will encircle and suppress the Jurchen army who broke through the siege. If you don't accept the surrender, you will count your merits with your head!"

All the generals stood up together, "obey the order!"

Wanyan and Lisa were restless in the mansion, pacing back and forth like ants on a hot pot, he always had an intuition in his heart that Chen Qing would not let him go.

Suddenly there was the sound of hurried running in the courtyard, and a soldier reported from the hall, "To the Marshal, the soldiers of the Western Army picked a head on the top of the wall, it seems to be General Ah Hu!"

Wanyan and Lisa turned pale with shock, "Is it General Ah Hu?"

"It should be, with red hair!"

Wanyan and Lisa sat down slumped, Pucha's Ahu was actually killed, he began to feel fear, Chen Qing must have decided to attack the city, staying in the city would only lead to death, he escaped and hid in the mountains, and used the golden cicada to escape his shell Maybe I still have the possibility of surviving, no!Must evacuate.

Without Pucha Ahu's stop and persuasion, Wanyan Helisa returned to his own way of thinking. This is his character. When he encounters danger or despair, the first thing he thinks of is to escape. This is the case in Hanzhong. The same is true in Guanzhong, and it is still the case now. This is nature and cannot be changed.

Wanyan Holisa made up his mind and immediately ordered the whole army to pack up their belongings and leave Daxing City tonight.

Under nightfall, the East City Gate opened and the suspension bridge was lowered. Wanyan Helisa led [-] Jurchen cavalry to rush out of the city gate like lightning, and rushed to the east. The cavalry in front also began to intercept. At the same time, Niu Gao led [-] infantry into Daxing City and imposed martial law throughout the city. The Western Army quickly took control of key departments such as government offices, warehouses, barracks, and palaces.

At this time, 2 Jurchen cavalry were surrounded by 16 large legions about 16 miles away from Daxing City. , In the dark, arrows shot at the Jurchen cavalry like a storm, and the Jurchen cavalry fell off their horses one after another, but none of the cavalry surrendered. The 16 army went on a killing spree. Shooting with arrows meant that the tens of thousands of Jurchen cavalry guarding Yanshan Mansion were completely wiped out.

The coach Wanyan Helisa also died among the rebellious army, but the Western Army never found his body. In the end, they only found a corpse with a disfigured face. Through the gold medal on his neck, it was finally confirmed that this person was Wanyanhe Lisa.

But what Chen Qing never imagined was that Wanyan Helisa did not evacuate at all. Not long after he led the army out of the East City Gate, he used the golden cicada's trick to get out of his shell, found a soldier who was similar in figure and appearance to him, and put on Putting on his armor, wearing his gold medal, pretending to be him and continuing to flee with the army, but he himself pretended to be a soldier, left the team with two soldiers, and hid in a forest.

After dawn, the three of them disguised themselves as merchants and went into Lu County to hide. A few months later, Wanyan and Lisa crossed Yuguan as a medicine merchant and headed for Liaodong.

This is the cleverness of Wanyan and Lisa, sacrificing the entire army and letting himself live. Although his life was saved, his reputation was completely ruined. He was ordered to be imprisoned for questioning, but he always insisted that he had succeeded in breaking out of the siege, and the Kingdom of Jin had no evidence to prove that he betrayed the army. In the end, he had to remove all his titles and be demoted as the guardian of the imperial tomb, and was called the escaped general by the people of the Kingdom of Jin.

In the afternoon of the next day, Chen Qing led an army of [-] into Daxing City. At this time, order had been restored in Daxing City. People came and went on the streets in an orderly manner. Patrolling soldiers of the Western Army could be seen everywhere, monitoring all suspicious people.

Five porridge sheds also appeared on the street, and there was a long queue in front of the sheds, and the soldiers were cleaning up the burned houses, clearing out the useful stone, bricks and tiles, and clearing out the useless broken bricks, rotten tiles and soil Outside the city, all the families whose houses were burnt down were temporarily resettled in a child-mother account. On behalf of Chen Qing, Niu Gao promised that the common people would pay a certain amount of compensation, which seemed to appease thousands of families.

After entering the city, Chen Qing went directly to Cangcheng. This was also the thing he was most concerned about. He knew that the Kingdom of Jin had designated Daxing City as the central capital and was planning to move the capital. Due to his sneak attack on Yanshan Mansion, it was too late to transport these materials and wealth away, which was also an important reason why Wanyan Helisa defended Daxing City to death.

The warehouse in Daxing City is also a warehouse city, located in the north of the city, covering a large area. Hu Yanyun led 100 soldiers to guard this warehouse city consisting of more than [-] warehouses.

The Hebei transshipment envoy Zhao Geng came out to welcome Chen Qing. He stayed up almost all night last night, checking and sorting out various data in the warehouse. His eyes were red from the heat, but he still couldn't hide his inner excitement.

"It seems that the harvest is good!" Chen Qing smiled slightly.

Zhao Geng was the son of Zhao Kai, the counselor, and he served as the transshipment envoy of Hebei Road. He followed Niu Gao to Yanshan Mansion, and Chen Qing entrusted him with the important task of counting the warehouses in Daxing City.

Zhao Geng rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "The humble job was once in charge of the inventory of Daming City's warehouses. I was amazed at the abundance of storage in Daming Mansion's warehouses, but Daming City's warehouses are nothing compared to Daxing City's warehouses."

"Is it such an exaggeration?"

"Your Highness, it's not an exaggeration at all. The copper ingots that I counted last night alone amounted to 5000 million catties?"

"How much?" Chen Qing was also surprised.

"The 5000 million catties are almost all copper ingots in the Bianliang official treasury. They were robbed by the Jin soldiers to Daxing City. They were originally intended to be used to make coins, but they robbed too many copper coins and could not use them up. Therefore, the copper ingots have been preserved to this day."

(End of this chapter)

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