
Chapter 1373 Yanshan

There is a misunderstanding about the copper coins circulating in the market. Many people think that the money of the Song Dynasty was circulated in the Song Dynasty. In fact, this is not the case. The Kaiyuan Tongbao of the Tang Dynasty is still circulating in the market, accounting for a considerable proportion.

However, almost all the money in circulation in the Southern Song Dynasty was iron money. On the one hand, the economy in the Southern Song Dynasty was developed and the demand for money was great. Another reason was that a large amount of copper coins were looted by the Jin Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Jin occupied the land of the Song Dynasty for only 20 years. It was basically at the end of the fishing, hunting and nomadic society.

The Western Army seized the Daming Mansion before, and the wealth they obtained was only a small part of the wealth plundered by the Jin Kingdom, but it has greatly improved the finances of the Yong Kingdom, and captured the central capital of Daxing Mansion. The wealth stored here is [-]% of the wealth plundered by the Jin Kingdom. The money and goods inside can be imagined.

There are not only 5000 million catties of copper ingots, but also millions of catties of white copper, more than one million taels of gold, 700 million taels of silver, 2000 million copper coins, millions of pieces of cloth and silk, as well as jewels and jade, bronze ware, lacquer ware, porcelain, Precious wood, precious medicinal materials, etc., are piled up like a mountain.

In addition, there are 50 shi of grain, 70 dans of fodder, 30 catties of black beans, and military supplies such as armored bows and crossbow tents. There are [-] tents alone, and every warehouse in Cangcheng is full.

After reading the briefing, Chen Qing sighed: "This is only [-]% of the plundered wealth in the Song Dynasty. You can imagine the prosperity in the Northern Song Dynasty."

Zhao Geng said with a smile: "Your Highness, Bianliang, Tokyo, used to gather half of the world's wealth, and other famous cities, Luoyang, Daming, Yingtian, Taiyuan, and Jingzhao were almost all looted by the Jin soldiers. The wealth of the Song Dynasty, as well as the wealth left over from the Northern Zhou Dynasty and even the Tang Dynasty, I found that among the many precious porcelains, there are a large number of Tang Dynasty celadon, secret color porcelain and white porcelain, and other wares are the same, many of which come from the Tang Dynasty court."

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile: "The next step is to consider how to transport it back to Jingzhao. You are the transfer envoy of Hebei Road, and this is your business."

"The humble staff had already considered it last night. First, transport it to the mouth of the Juma River by a [-]-stone cargo ship, where it will be transferred to a tens of thousands of stone ships. The fleet will follow the old course of the Yellow River, all the way west to Shanzhou, and then transfer to a [-]-stone cargo ship. To Jingzhao, you only need to transfer twice."

"This plan is good!"

Chen Qing turned his head and said to Niu Gao: "Allocate [-] troops to be responsible for the transfer of this batch of wealth and materials. The expenditure needs of Yanshan Mansion will be allocated by Jingzhao Finance."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

After a pause, Niu Gao asked again in a low voice: "Your Highness, what do you mean, let the humble official sit in Yanshan Mansion?"

Chen Qing nodded with a smile, "From now on, you will lead an army of [-] to serve as the envoy of Yanshan Road. Niu Dutong, Yanshan Road is not Hebei Road or Shandong Road!"

Niu Gao nodded silently, he felt a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

Chen Qing immediately came to the imperial palace, which was the residence of the emperors of the Liao and Jin Dynasties. The Kingdom of Jin was planning to expand and move the capital, but construction had not started yet.

Because of the preparation for expansion, all the items of the palace were transported to the warehouse, making the palace look empty, with only a few hundred court ladies and eunuchs.

The age of the court ladies is generally very young, most of them are only in their teens. They are basically the descendants of the palace ladies of the Song Dynasty. But he was a young eunuch in the Song Dynasty palace, and now he has become an old eunuch.

These court ladies and eunuchs all grew up and lived in the palace, completely out of touch with the outside world, and they would not be able to survive if they were released.

Chen Qing thought about it, after the Jingzhao Palace was completed, a group of court ladies and eunuchs would also be needed, and these court ladies and eunuchs were just in use.

At this time, the maids and eunuchs were staying in their respective dormitories. Everyone was in panic, for fear that the disaster of war would fall on their heads. They had lived in the palace for many years, and everyone was extremely timid.

At this time, a palace lady was brought to Chen Qing. The lady was about [-] years old. She was a maid from the former Bianliang Palace. One is the emperor's concubine, the other is the leader of the palace maid, and this female official belongs to the latter.

She was brought in front of Chen Qing, knelt down and performed the Wanfu salute, "The palace servant Liang is joining His Royal Highness King Yong!"

"Are you from Bianliang?"

"Yes! My family is from Bianliang, Tokyo, and has been in the Northland for 20 years."

Chen Qing beckoned her to come forward, the female officer knelt and stepped forward, Chen Qing raised her face, and saw that she had a pretty face, fair skin, and a plump figure, which was exactly the type he liked and could temporarily meet his needs.

"how old are you?"

The female officer timidly lowered her head and said, "My family is thirty-two."

Chen Qing nodded, seeing that it was getting late, he said with a gentle smile: "I want to take a bath, you come and serve me!"

That night, Chen Qing stayed in the palace. Liang also knew that she was too old to become King Yong's concubine. Wang, she also worked very hard to serve King Yong, and it rained several times a night, which completely released the desire that Chen Qing had accumulated in his heart.

After serving King Yong wholeheartedly for two days, Liang was once again appointed as the head of Yongwang Palace by Chen Qing. She set off by boat with hundreds of maids and eunuchs, and they went to Jingzhao with the first batch of belongings to start their new life. Life.

Chen Qing also led his army to leave Daxing City and continued eastward to inspect Pingzhou, while Niu Gao stayed in Daxing City to stabilize the situation.

Yanshan Road includes Yanshan Prefecture, Weizhou, Yizhou, Zhuozhou, Tanzhou, Jingzhou, Jizhou, Pingzhou and Guihua Prefecture.

The entire Jin army was destroyed. After the Western Army captured Yanshan Mansion, the entire Yanshan Road was under military control. Every state and every county had Western Army stationed there. Most of the officials abandoned their official positions and went back to seclusion, unwilling to work for Chen Qing, which is completely opposite to that of other places in the Central Plains.

This is also the reality of Yanshan Road. It has been separated from the Central Plains Dynasty for more than 100 years. The Liao Kingdom also tried its best to win over the Han people and gave them land and slaves, so that they also became vested interests. His descendants no longer recognized the Central Plains Dynasty at all, and the Jin Kingdom was just a continuation of the Liao Kingdom to them, with little difference.

In the last years of the Liao Dynasty, the Song Dynasty briefly occupied Yanshan Mansion, but because of the lack of support from the local gentry, Tong Guan's 20 army was defeated by Yelu Dashi and Xiao Qian's [-] old and weak troops, and the Jin Kingdom was also planted. The seeds of the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Chen Qing had also arranged for intelligence spies to lurk in Yanshan Mansion before. After collecting intelligence for several years, he had a deep understanding of the people's conditions in Yanshan Mansion.

The Han people are more inclined to the Liao and Jin Dynasties in terms of emotion and belonging, and will not easily recognize the Western Army, while the lower-level Han people have a relatively neutral attitude towards the Central Plains Army. They are neither hostile nor supportive. The key is to look at their interests. If it is profitable, they will support it, and if it loses their interests, they will firmly oppose it.

On the contrary, the Khitan people and Xi people who lived on Yanshan Road were more supportive of the Western Army. They had a feud with Jin Guo to destroy the country, and were brutally squeezed by Jin Guo. Almost all young and strong men were sent to the Central Plains battlefield by Jin Guo, and almost died in battle.

Therefore, Chen Qing's tens of thousands of troops marched west all the way, and they did not see the grand occasion of the Han people at the bottom level kneeling to welcome the king's teacher, and the rice pots and food. Some Khitan people and Xi people bowed their hands on the side of the road to express their gratitude to the Western Army.

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