
Chapter 1374 Yanshan

Chapter 1374 Yanshan

The general who accompanied Chen Qing to Pingzhou was Vice Commander Wang Duo, who was nearly fifty years old and a veteran of the Western Army. He was the brother of Wang Yan, the leader of the Eight Character Army, and he had been Niu Gao's deputy for these years. , his personal martial arts skills are not high, but he is cautious and tough, good at defense, and loyal to Chen Qing. This time, he was appointed by Chen Qing as the governor of Pingzhou and will lead [-] troops to garrison Pingzhou.

After entering Pingzhou, both sides of the official road became colder and colder, and ordinary people could not be seen at all, and the common people hid one after another.

"Your Highness, I feel that the people in Pingzhou seem to be more hostile to us, even more hostile than those in Yanshan Mansion. I really don't understand. They are also Han people. Why do they treat us like this?"

Chen Qing said lightly: "If you understand history, you won't be surprised."

"Please enlighten me, Your Highness, I am willing to listen to you!"

"It's a long story, so let's just talk about it briefly! Thousands of years ago, the Six Towns of the Northern Wei Dynasty rebelled. After the rebel army was suppressed, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and their families were resettled to Hebei and Guanlong. Although these soldiers were Han They did not become obedient citizens in the Central Plains, but instead formed two major military groups, the Hebei Military Group and the Guanlong Military Group.

Later they established the Northern Qi and Northern Zhou respectively, and finally the Guanlong Military Group defeated the Hebei Military Group, and both the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty were established by the Guanlong Military Group.

During the mid-Tang Dynasty, the Anshi Rebellion was also related to the Hebei military group. After the Anshi Rebellion, Yanshan Mansion became the old nest of separatist regimes. Since then, the Han people in Yanshan Mansion and the Han people in the Central Plains have not burned a stick of incense. It has been two to three hundred years. By the way, most of the wealthy families in Yanshan Mansion are descendants of the Hebei military group, and their low recognition of the Central Plains Dynasty is actually not entirely the result of the century-old rule of the Liao people, and they themselves do not recognize the Central Plains Dynasty. "

Wang Duo nodded silently, "I understand!"

"So after we seize Yanshan Road, we will send a large number of internal guards to monitor the movements of the wealthy families on Yanshan Road, and prevent them from colluding with Jin Guo, especially Pingzhou!"

Chen Qing said to Wang Duo: "Pingzhou is the bridgehead for Jin Guo to retake Yanshan Road. They will definitely infiltrate Pingzhou, form an army secretly in Pingzhou, and cooperate with Jin soldiers to seize Yuguan. This is what I am most worried about. You As the governor of Pingzhou, you must be highly vigilant, fully cooperate with the internal guards, and immediately send troops to suppress any signs of it, and be sure to kill all the wealthy families that participated in the rebellion, and you must not be lenient."

"His Royal Highness' warning, I will bear in mind my humble position!"

The army came to Yuguan, and Tang Huai was in Yuguan at this time, and went out of the city to welcome the arrival of King Yong.

Chen Qingxiao asked: "Have you received the military order I sent a few days ago?"

Tang Huai bowed and said: "I have received it, I have sent three hundred Wanshi ships to the mouth of the Juma River to transfer the supplies of Daxing City."

Chen Qing asked again: "Are the remaining ships still on Juehua Island?"

Tang Huai nodded and said: "Juehua Island has established a base on the base, with a garrison of 2000 troops, [-] of the remaining [-] Wanshi warships are moored there, and the rest are moored at the seaside of Pingzhou. "

Tang Huai met with Wang Duo again. He knew that Wang Duo was here to replace him. After all, they were naval forces, and they couldn't stay in Pingzhou all the time.

When everyone entered Yuguan, they saw that Yuguan was under construction. Tang Huai quickly explained: "After the humble guards of Yuguan fought fiercely with the Jurchen army, they also discovered some weaknesses in the pass. First, the city wall of Nanguan is relatively low, so it is easy Climbing, the second is that Beiguan City needs to be heightened and widened, and the defense capability will be even greater."

"Not bad!"

Chen Qinglian claimed to praise: "General Tang is not only a city guard, but also a well digger, which is admirable!"

"His Royal Highness, I have another plan, and it is currently being implemented. Please Your Highness and General Wang come with me!"

Tang Huai took Chen Qing and Wang Duo to the north city wall. On the north city wall, soldiers and craftsmen were building the wall. The ground outside was scorched black, and the large bloodstains were still very clear, showing the intensity of the battle.

Tang Huai pointed to a river faintly visible in the distance: "There is Yushui over there, about five miles away from us. I want to draw a tributary to form a moat. What do you think, Your Highness?"

Chen Qing said with a faint smile: "I can't decide this question, I should ask General Wang!"

Chen Qing glanced at Wang Duo, "What does General Wang think?"

Wang Duo bowed and said, "Your Highness, please give me half an hour to let me go and have a look."

Chen Qing said happily: "Yes!"

Wang Duo saluted and went down to the city with a few soldiers. Tang Huai praised: "It is said that General Wang is a cautious man, but now it seems that his reputation is indeed well-deserved. Let him be the general of Pingzhou, and Yuguan will be fine!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Take me to see the situation in Guancheng!"

"Your Highness, this way please!"

Half an hour later, Wang Duo came back. He bowed to Chen Qing and said, "General Tang's idea is feasible, but I have a new idea!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Why don't we go and see that river together!"

The crowd rode to the edge of Yushui. This river is not big, only seven or eight feet wide. It flows from the north and should pass through Yuguan, but turns eastward at the north of Yuguan and flows into the sea.

Wang Duo said to Chen Qing: "If a tributary is led from here to Yuguan to build a moat, it is feasible and feasible, but there is a flaw in it, that is, it is easy to be cut off by the enemy's direct filling, and this tributary will be useless."

Tang Huai's face turned hot, he cupped his fists and said, "It's still General Wang who is thoughtful, I really didn't think of this."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "General Wang continues!"

Wang Duo continued: "But General Tang's idea of ​​using the river water as a defense is very good. I think about building another pass city by the river as the front line of defense for Yuguan. With the addition of Yushui, there will be three lines of defense for the entire Yuguan. .”


Tang Huai immediately praised: "General Wang Duo's method is very practical and effective, and it is ten times better than the humble job of diverting water to create a moat!"

Chen Qing looked at the two sides. The width of this place is about the same as that of Yuguan, which is also about three miles. There are mountains on one side and the sea on the other. It should be feasible to build a three-mile-long pass city.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said, "But General Wang, have you ever thought about how our defenders will retreat if Jurchen breaks through this pass?"

This is indeed a big problem. Once the enemy breaks through the pass, the cavalry must rush in. The soldiers of the Western Army are infantry, and they are five miles away from the main pass. The infantry may be chased by the Jurchen cavalry if they fail to reach the main pass. If it goes up, the whole army will be wiped out.

Wang Duo thought for a while, his eyes looked towards the sea in the east, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly said: "Report to Your Highness, you can run into the sea!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Tell me in detail!"

"You can build a pier plank road by the sea, which is full of boats. Once the western army can't hold the pass, you can go down the city from the easternmost corridor and go directly to the plank road to board the ship. To be safe, you need to make two deployments. !"

"go on!"

"The humble officer is considering the first deployment. Dig a few north-south ditches in the pass city and sprinkle them with barbed caltrops. This is to prevent the cavalry from rushing to the plank road wharf after entering the pass city, and buy time for the soldiers to retreat."


Chen Qing agreed, "Let's talk about the second deployment!"

"The second deployment that I consider is to arrange a few navy ships on the sea to prevent the enemy from sneaking behind us from the water, especially at night!"

Chen Qing smiled and asked Tang Huai, "How about this arrangement?"

"very necessary!"

Tang Huai hurriedly said: "Actually, this is how we captured Yuguan!"

Chen Qing nodded, and said happily: "Then deploy a small-scale naval force, more than 1000 warships, and [-] people are enough."

Wang Duo was overjoyed, and bowed to salute, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your fulfillment!"

(End of this chapter)

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