
1376 Handover

1376 Handover
Lu Gang has already arrived in Lin'an and handed over to Hu Yun.

Lu Gangnian was about 35 or [-] years old. He was born as a Jinshi. He had a stable and generous personality, and he had quite the legacy of his ancestors. He started as a master, served as a master, a county magistrate, and a county magistrate. , when the sentence was less than two years old, he was once again reduced to magistrate.

Chen Qing attached great importance to Lu Gang, and after he came to Jingzhao, he appointed him as the governor of Ezhou. He was promoted to the special envoy of King Yong after only one year in office, and he was stationed in Lin'an. He took office directly from Ezhou to Lin'an.

In Changfeng Teahouse, Hu Yun is drinking tea with Wang Mu. After the handover, Hu Yun will assist Lu Gang for another ten days to fully familiarize him with the situation before leaving.

But today is the eighth day, that is to say, the day after tomorrow is the last day, and Hu Yun will leave for Jingzhao the day after tomorrow.

"Do you think Lu Gang is competent?" Wang Mu asked worriedly.

Hu Yun smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to worry, Your Highness has a good eye for seeing people, Special Envoy Lu is a needle in the needle, much more difficult to deal with than me."

"It seems that he is very gentle and easy to deal with!"

"That's right, he's very gentle, generous, and easy to deal with, but it's just on the surface. He's very principled, much stronger than me. I hope he will give in. That's impossible. He won't kill people, but he will He was in a hurry, and his counterattack was no small matter, so I said he was Mianlizhen."

"Hey! I really hope you don't leave and stay, but since you have been promoted, I still want to congratulate you!"

The two drank a glass of tea instead of wine, and Hu Yun smiled again: "Don't worry, Lu Gang will definitely do better than me, and it will be good for you to have a good relationship with him!"

"How do you say that?"

Hu Yun lowered his voice and said: "Everyone says that Lu Wei will become a prime minister and become the successor of Lu Qingshan, but I feel that Lu Wei will not be able to become a prime minister. What King Yong really values ​​is Lu Gang, and Lu Gang is Lu Qingshan's successor."

Wang Mu hesitated and said, "Lu Wei is King Yong's confidant, King Yong should trust him more!"

"It's two different things!"

Hu Yun smiled slightly and said: "It's not that a confidant can be a prime minister. King Yong is thinking about how to govern the country. Although Lu Wei is also capable, he is still inferior in terms of talent and learning, and he is not as mature and stable as Lu Gang."

Wang Mu nodded, "I understand when you say that. In the era of Xuanfu envoys in Sichuan and Shaanxi, King Yong used all his confidants. He needed to stabilize his territory and status. In the era of King Yong, he began to introduce Zhao Kai, Lv Qingshan is a prestigious foreign bureaucrat, and then in the Yong Kingdom era, His Royal Highness will consider Jiangshan Sheji. At this time, his status has been completely stabilized. It is not important whether he is a confidant or not. The important thing is whether he can become a famous person. Compared with Lu Wei, Lu Gang is indeed more Xiangguo-like."

"That's right, that's how it is, one generation after another."

In the afternoon, Lu Gang received Shen Jiangnan. This was the first westward official that Lu Gang met. Officials who defected from the imperial court to Jingzhao had a special name called 'Westward Officials'.

As the eldest grandson of Lu Yihao, Lu Gang also has extensive knowledge. He knows that Shen Jiangnan is the eldest grandson of the Shen family in Huzhou. His every move represents the attitude of the Shen family, and the Shen family is one of the six great families in Jiangnan. The Qian family, the Yu family in Yuezhou, the Shen family in Huzhou, and the Lu, Fan and Gu families in Pingjiang Prefecture.

All of these Jiangnan aristocratic families had strong financial resources and great influence. It was with their support that the Southern Song Dynasty court could gain a firm foothold in Lin'an.

For example, the Shen family has been a Jiangnan family since the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Shen Zhenzhu, the concubine of Emperor Li Yu of the Tang Dynasty, was born in the Shen family of Wu Xing, and was able to marry the royal family of the Tang Dynasty. The financial resources of the Shen family can be imagined.

The Shen family even affected the Ming Dynasty. Shen Wansan, the richest man in the Ming Dynasty, was born in the Huzhou Shen family. Shen Wansan went to Nanjing to meet Zhu Yuanzhang. To a large extent, he represented the Jiangnan chaebol to negotiate with the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. But Zhu Yuanzhang did not accept him, probably because of his old enemy. Regarding Zhang Shicheng, these Jiangnan chaebols supported Zhang Shicheng. Zhang Shicheng's defeat was actually the fact that the Jianghuai faction represented by Zhu Yuanzhang defeated the Jiangnan faction represented by Zhang Shicheng.

Lu Gang knew very well that when Shen Jiangnan went to Jingzhao, the Shen family was actually standing in line. He pondered for a while and said, "I'm a little worried that if you go to Jingzhao, will the Shen family attract revenge from the court?"

Shen Jiangnan shook his head and said, "My father told me that if the imperial court wants to deal with the Shen family, it will be against the entire Jiangnan family, and the imperial court dare not do so."

Lu Gang nodded, "It also makes sense! It just so happens that Special Envoy Hu returns to Jingzhao the day after tomorrow, so you can go with him on his boat."

Shen Jiangnan saluted and said, "Thank you so much!"

Lu Gang smiled slightly and said, "I plan to visit your father in two days. Is it convenient for you to ask him for me?"

"I'll go home today and ask my father, and then I'll come back the day after tomorrow to ask Special Envoy Hu, when will I leave and where will I gather?"

Hu Yun next to him said with a smile: "Around the day after tomorrow, you come to the "Beijing News" newspaper office, and then we will set off at dawn!"

Shen Jiangnan bid farewell and left. Hu Yun smiled slightly at Lu Gang and said, "Did Lu Xian see that, the Western Army's recovery of Yanshan Road has had a huge impact! Even the Shen family in Huzhou has begun to turn to Jingzhao."

Lu Gang said indifferently: "I believe this is not a decision made by the Shen family. These Jiangnan families have been marrying each other for hundreds of years, and they are already intertwined and intertwined. One prospers and one loses. The family has discussed it, and the Shen family will take the lead."

Hu Yun smiled and said: "When you say this, I think of a metaphor His Royal Highness Yong told me. He said that many things are like icebergs floating on the water. What we see is the iceberg on the water. It is a small mountain, but there must be a bigger iceberg under the water surface, but we can't see it. Shen Jiangnan went to Jingzhao, it was just a small iceberg, but behind him, the choice of the entire Jiangnan family must still be hidden .”

When Chen Qing returned to Jingzhao, he got the news that Zhang Miao, who was in charge of politics, died of a sudden illness three days ago at the age of 60.

This news really made Chen Qing deeply saddened. Zhang Miao and Zhou Kuan were staff members of Wang Yan's tent, and they had a deep relationship with Chen Qing. After Wang Yan was demoted, he handed them over to Chen Qing. By his side, he worked hard and worked tirelessly, and made great contributions to Chen Qing's growth from a weak to a strong step by step.

In the past two years, Zhang Miao's heart has been bad, and this year's situation is especially bad. She often suffers from chest pains. Zhang Miao submitted his resignation to Chen Qing, and Chen Qing also agreed. He waited for Hu Yun to come over to replace Zhang Miao. Before he had time to enjoy family happiness, he suffered a heart attack and died in the official room of the Internal Affairs Hall.

Before Chen Qing could go back to the mansion, he went directly to Zhang Miao's mansion. Zhang Miao's eldest son, Zhang Xianchu, brought a few brothers out of the mansion to welcome His Royal Highness King Yong. As soon as they met, the brothers burst into tears.

Chen Qinghong comforted them and said, "It's my fault, I should let him rest earlier, and he shouldn't be so tired!"

"Father's greatest wish is to become the Prime Minister of His Royal Highness, which is also the most important reason why he refuses to rest. Now that the Yong Kingdom is established, father has no regrets."

Chen Qing nodded, "I'll go offer a stick of incense to your father and see him off for the last time!"

Chen Qing asked for a white mourning belt to be tied on his head, and walked down to the coffin shed surrounded by the Zhang brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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