
Chapter 1377 Complaint

Chapter 1377 Complaint
When Chen Qing returned home, he found out that the princess was also pregnant. All of a sudden, three of his wives and concubines were pregnant. In addition to the princess Lu Xiu, there were also Zhao Yingluo and Yu Ying. Chen Qing could only ask Zhao Qiaoyun and Yu Lian to bear more burdens. The housework is mainly to help take care of other children. Of course, Yao Mei is also obliged to take care of Binger and Xueer. Fortunately, the children have wet nurses who take care of them during the day and they take care of them at night.

At night, Yu Lian served Chen Qing with all her heart. She herself was also full of rain after a long drought, and she was saturated with nourishment from her husband, which made her satisfied.

"Officer, I want to ask for it again!" Yu Lian lay in Chen Qing's arms and whispered coquettishly in his ear.

"Not tonight, let's do it tomorrow morning!"

After scoring three goals, Chen Qinglue was a little tired, he hugged Yu Lian's unusually plump body, he really liked this slutty girl.

Yu Lian didn't dare to insist any longer, she lay in her husband's arms and said with a smile: "Madam is pregnant, third sister and Ah Ying are also pregnant, and the due date is autumn. Now the whole family's trip to Fujian may change."

Chen Qing laughed and said: "I really didn't think of it, if it doesn't work, let's talk about it later!"

"There is one more thing I want to tell the officials!"

"what's up?"

"A Mei's cousin is here. A few days ago, Ah Mui went out with him for a day."

Chen Qing was taken aback, never heard that Ah Mui has a cousin!He frowned slightly, "Isn't his uncle single and unmarried?"

"It's not a cousin, it's a cousin. It is said that they have a marriage contract since they were young. I'm not talking nonsense, I'm telling the truth."

Chen Qing felt really uncomfortable, and asked after a long while: "Does the princess know?"

Yu Lian didn't dare to speak nonsense, so she had to tell the truth: "The princess knows!"

Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief, it's good for the princess to know, under her control, nothing will happen.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Qing came to his study room. As soon as he sat down, Yao Mei rushed over. It seemed that she didn't sleep well last night, and her eyes were a little red.

Yao Mei made a pot of tea and filled it up for Chen Qing. Seeing that her eyes were bloodshot and she lost her previous spirit, Chen Qing asked, "Amei, didn't you sleep well last night?"

"My lord, my servant didn't sleep last night."


Yao Mei bit her lip and asked, "Did Alian say something to the prince last night?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "She said that you have relatives here."

"I knew she would take a chance!"

Yao Mei secretly resented that that vixen would always complain behind her back.

Chen Qingwen smiled and said: "It's normal to have relatives at home!"

"My lord, what Alian is talking about is definitely not a relative, but my cousin, my aunt's son, Zhang Qu, who came to Jingzhao to take the imperial examination. In fact, we had a marriage contract when we were young." Yao Mei summoned up her courage.

"Oh! And then?" Chen Qing still had a smile on his face.

Yao Mei snuggled into her husband's arms, and put Chen Qing's hand around her waist, "Husband holds me, I will tell you slowly!"

Chen Qing hugged her and sat on his lap, but put his hands dishonestly into her skirt, squeezed her tightly, and said with a smile: "Speak!"

Yao Mei rolled his eyes at him, and continued: "He is five years older than me, my uncle showed me my physiognomy, and said that I will be extremely valuable in the future."

"Your uncle can still read faces?" Chen Qing asked in surprise.

"He knows a little bit about everything, and then he talked to my father, and my father broke the engagement. For this reason, my aunt's family had a big fight with my uncle, and my uncle went to the grassland in a rage. I was only five years old at that time. I don’t understand anything, my mother told me later.”

"What's your mother's attitude?"

"My mother has always listened to my father, and husbands sing and women follow suit. Because of this, my aunt also turned against my mother, and the two families have no contact. There was an accident in our family the year before last, and my aunt never showed up, right?"

"Meaning, you haven't seen your cousin since you were five years old?"

Yao Mei nodded, "That's right!"

"Did you go out with him a few days ago?"

Yao Mei sighed, "I knew that A-Lian would talk about this, but it wasn't that I wanted to accompany him. I didn't plan to accompany him at all. I have a husband myself, and what's the point of going out with a young man? I don't want to To cause trouble for myself, it was Madam who asked me to accompany him to walk around the city to hear what he wanted? In fact, I was sitting in the carriage, and my cousin was riding outside the carriage. With a servant girl and two female guards, my husband should not worry too much."

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, "Alian said, the princess knows about this, so I don't worry about it, you don't have to worry."

Chen Qing patted her pretty face and said with a smile: "Go to sleep! I'm going out later, it's none of your business, I'll eat you well at night."

Yao Mei put her arms around her husband's neck, kissed her wholeheartedly, and then went back to her room.

At this time, a maid said at the door: "My lord, madam is here to invite you!"


Chen Qing took two sips of tea before coming to his wife's living room. It was the first ten days of April, and Lu Xiu's belly was already distended, and she started to feel a little uncomfortable when walking.

In the room, there were two large boxes, which were carried in by several female guards.

When Chen Qing saw the box, he patted his forehead and smiled, "I forgot about them. They are spoils from Yanshan Road, and they were presented to me according to the usual practice."

Lu Xiu sighed: "It used to be a small box, about ten catties, and Qiaoyun and I could take it to the warehouse. Now there are two big boxes. The female guard said that each box weighs more than 100 catties. How can I take it?"

Chen Qing's underground treasure house does not allow outsiders to enter. Every time Lu Xiu and Zhao Qiaoyun went down, Chen Qing said with a smile: "I'll carry it down, so don't worry about it. Instead, you asked the sisters to pick [-] pieces each. Taking Yanshan Road for the first time, too much wealth has been confiscated, all of which are the treasures of the former Tokyo Imperial Palace."

"Okay! I'll let them choose later, does my husband know about Amei's cousin?"

"Amei told me just now."

Chen Qing still dotes on Yu Lian, and did not betray her, otherwise, with Lu Xiu's temper, he would definitely not spare Yu Lian lightly.

"Husband, don't worry too much. They are fine. We haven't seen each other for more than ten years. The marriage contract when I was a child has long been canceled. Amei's cousin is called Zhang Qu. He is here to take the imperial examination. He wants to follow the example of his cousin and see if he can take care of him." ?”

"Jinshi can't do it, but Mingjing can!"

This is the rule set by Chen Qing. The Jinshi Division can only make exceptions when it involves the overall situation, such as Xu Xiantu's son Xu Shou, but the Mingjing Division has ten places to take care of each session, which are limited to senior officials above the third rank. Chen Qing wants one for Yao Mei. , It’s totally possible. This is the Yinguan system of the Tang and Song Dynasties. Chen Qing also has Yinguan here, but the premise is that he must take the imperial examination, and he must have some knowledge.

"What should I do specifically?" Lu Xiu asked.

"Where is he from?"

"A native of Huairen County, Datong Prefecture, it's called Zhangqu, the song of music!"

"I see, you ask the butler to tell him to let him take the Mingjing exam, and Ah Mei will stop contacting him."

"Don't worry! I will arrange it."

Only then did Chen Qing leave the palace and went to Qingfeng Teahouse, and at the same time sent someone to invite Zhou Kuan, Jiang Yanxian and Zhang Xiao to the teahouse for discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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