
Chapter 1378 Candidates

The reason for discussing the matter in the teahouse is mainly to express an attitude, to discuss the matter informally, and Chen Qing wants to know what everyone thinks.

Zhang Miao passed away, and the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials was vacated. This position was very powerful. It managed two courts, one for selecting officials and the other for merit examination. All officials below the fifth rank were subject to its assessment.

Chen Qing also knew very well that everyone was staring at this position, this candidate was also of great importance, and Zhang Miao's qualifications to participate in political affairs were also a major matter.

Chen Qing admired Hu Yun very much. He wanted to promote Hu Yun, but there was a lot of resistance. After all, Hu Yun's flaws were more obvious, that is, his lack of qualifications, especially his lack of experience in governing the country.

The greatest power of the superior is not to kill whoever he wants, nor to sleep whoever he wants, which is no different from bandits.

The greatest power of the superior is to formulate the rules, the maker of the rules, but if you do not abide by the rules, then the rules are meaningless.

Make your own rules and take the initiative to abide by them. This is the long-term way.

Not long after, several political affairs officers rushed over, except for Lu Qingshan, who went to Yanshan Road to preside over the overall situation, and he would not be back for at least a year.

"Your Highness, how much wealth did you get this time?" Zhou Kuan couldn't help asking as soon as he sat down.

This is his biggest concern, and it is also shared by everyone.

"You can support the army for at least ten years. I'm satisfied with this answer!"

Everyone exclaimed, Jiang Yanxian said: "Isn't that equivalent to the financial revenue of the Northern Song Dynasty for two years?"

"Almost. Of course, I don't just mean copper coins, but also various other properties. Everyone, what you see is only the first batch, and only [-]% of all materials."

Everyone was really excited. They don't know how expensive they are if they are not in charge of the family. With such a huge wealth, they no longer have to worry about financial constraints in this term.

Chen Qing glanced at Zhou Kuan, Zhou Kuan suddenly came to his senses, and quickly smiled: "Half and half, I promise to give half to the treasury."

After everyone was seated, Chen Qing said to them, "Let's discuss Zhang Zhizheng's funeral first. We will hold a state funeral for him, and all expenses will be borne by the treasury."

The three agreed, and Chen Qing slowly said: "Respecting the dead is also respecting the living. The funeral preparation team is composed of the three of you, and Jiang Shenzheng is in charge."

Jiang Yanxian nodded, "The humble official must organize the funeral well."

After a pause, Jiang Yanxian said again: "Your Highness, can you posthumously entitle Zhang Canzheng?"

"Of course, I'm considering posthumously pronouncing him the Duke of Chu, and you can discuss the posthumous title."

After Zhang Miao's funeral was arranged, Chen Qing changed the topic to today's business. He asked Cha Ji to step down and said to the three of them, "Mr. Zhang died of illness while in office. We need to discuss, what do you guys think of Hu Yun?"

Zhou Kuan has a straightforward personality, and said frankly: "Your Highness, I'm sorry to say that I am humble, but with Hu Yun's current qualifications and qualifications, he is far from being able to bear the burden of participating in political affairs, and it will make everyone dissatisfied!"

Jiang Yanxian also said: "It's been hundreds of years of officialdom practice not to go to the provinces and counties, and not to go to the provincial stage. If you don't understand the people at the bottom, how can you be a prime minister? Of course, with the exception of Qin Hui, he will become a cancer of the court. If His Highness wants to train Hu Yun, you can let him serve as a local governor first, experience at the bottom for a few years, and then it will not be too late to use him.”…

Zhang Xiao also said: "Your Highness, he has good abilities, but there is still a problem with his qualifications. His appointment as a political adviser will chill the hearts of other ministers!"

Chen Qing nodded, "I understand everyone's attitudes and opinions. Hu Yun's position as a political counselor is indeed lacking in qualifications, which makes people dissatisfied. In fact, I didn't ask him to replace Zhang Counselor. I wanted him to be the Minister of Zhongshu , in charge of my secretariat, but it is inappropriate for Zhongshu Shilang not to have the title of participating in political affairs, so let him be changed to the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and the candidate for Zhongshu Shilang will be considered separately."

Jiang Yanxian said with a smile: "Your Highness is considering Hu Yun's ability, let him be in charge of the official department, we are considering his qualifications, and oppose him as a political advisor. In fact, there is no conflict between the two. Your Highness's compromise is a low position. support!"

Zhou Kuan and Zhang Xiao also expressed their support, and Zhang Xiao asked: "It turns out that the intelligence department is under the supervision of Zhang Zhizheng, can His Highness consider assigning it to the Ministry of War?"


Chen Qing agreed, "The Intelligence Department can reduce its size and become an Intelligence Agency, which belongs to the Ministry of War!"

After pondering for a long time, he said to everyone: "In addition, I am considering establishing the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Punishment, changing the Finance Department to the Household Department, the Government Affairs Department to the Minister of Finance, and the Supervisory Department to the Suzhengtai. Specializes in performing ministerial duties, but there is still a lack of a political adviser, do you have a suitable candidate?"

Jiang Yan thought for a while and said, "Didn't Your Highness invite Liu Ziyu to be a political advisor?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "He was hit by a poisonous arrow in his early years, and the poison has not been cleared for so many years. Now there are signs of backlash. Maybe the remaining years are numbered. Now he is resting next to his son in Bazhou, and he is not suitable for official career."

Zhou Kuan said with a smile: "I have a more suitable candidate, please consider it, Your Highness!"


"Jiangling prefect Zhang Shun!"

Chen Qing nodded, "I see, I will think about it carefully!"

Back at the Wangfu, just after noon, the late spring sun shone on the lake, sparkling, with tall weeping willows on the shore and a large grassland on the other side, Chen Qing was sitting in the carriage of the mansion and walked slowly along the path by the lake , the warm sun shone on him, and the spring breeze of Hexi was refreshing.

At this time, Chen Qing saw Zhao Qiaoyun walking by the lake, followed by a woman, she didn't look like a person from the mansion, but her back was a bit familiar.

Chen Qing suddenly remembered, this is the palace official Liang, who has served him in the Yanshan Palace for two days, why is she here?
"Qiaoyun!" Chen Qing shouted.

Zhao Qiaoyun turned around and said pleasantly, "The officials are resting today?"

"Rest today!"

Chen Qing turned his gaze to Mrs. Liang, and Mrs. Liang's pretty face flushed slightly. The prince galloped on her body like a wild horse in those two nights, and that feeling was unforgettable and unforgettable for her.

She hastily stepped forward and offered ten thousand blessings, "Slave, Mrs. Liang, sees the lord!"

"Where does Director Liang live now?"

"All of us are temporarily living in the palace outside the city. The arrangement is very good. Thank you for your kindness."

Chen Qing looked at Zhao Qiaoyun, he suddenly had a feeling, and asked with a smile: "Do you know each other?"

Zhao Qiaoyun nodded, "In the past in the Bianliang Palace, Feiyan was my little maid. We were taken captive to the Kingdom of Jin and served as maids in the Palace of the Kingdom of Jin. Later, when I came out, she was still in the palace. A few days ago she When I came to report to the princess, I recognized her."  …

Chen Qing smiled in surprise, "Is it such a coincidence?"

Mrs. Liang also sighed, "Yes! I didn't expect to meet the little princess. It's my luck!"

Zhao Qiaoyun said again: "Ms. Wen is going to go back to her hometown to retire. Eldest sister is looking for a suitable candidate. It happens that Feiyan brings someone here. I think she is very suitable."

"Steward Wen wants to go back to his hometown, so doesn't that mean that Steward Tian also wants to go back together?"

"Exactly! They are old and want to go back to reunite with their children and grandchildren and enjoy family happiness. The elder sister has already agreed."

Chen Qing nodded, "Go ahead! I have no objection."

Chen Qing glanced at Mrs. Liang before returning to the inner house.

When he came to his wife Lu Xiu's living room, he saw Lu Xiu standing in front of the window with a smile on his face.

"What are you looking at?" Chen Qing stepped forward and asked.


Lu Xiu whispered: "Don't disturb them!"

Chen Qing looked out of the window and couldn't help laughing. He saw his son Chen Ji was loosening the soil in the corn field with a small hoe, and his two younger sisters, Bing'er and Xue'er were helping him water. The cooperation is really tacit, the corn stalk is already half the height of a person, and it grows lushly, the melon field next to it is also covered with vines, the flowers have withered, and small pumpkins are formed on the melon stems.

Standing up, Chen Ji wiped his sweat with a towel. Looking at the gratifying growth of corn and pumpkins, a proud smile appeared on his red face, all of which he planted with his own hands.

[There are only two chapters today, I'm a little sorry, but I still want to wish everyone a happy new year in 2023! 】

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