
Chapter 1379 Decentralization

Chapter 1379 Decentralization
The husband and wife sat down and stopped disturbing their brothers and sisters farming. Chen Qing said with a smile: "When I came back just now, I met Qiaoyun."

"Then husband also met Mr. Liang?"

Chen Qing nodded, "When they are together, Mrs. Liang is actually Qiao Yun's personal maid, what a coincidence!"

Lu Xiu smiled slightly and said, "Actually, there are even more coincidences!"

Chen Qing was immediately interested, and said with a smile: "Let's hear it!" "

"Last year, Yingluo received a letter from Taiyuan. She was also her former little maid, who now lives in Taiyuan. She begged Yingluo to help her find her daughter. Where did Yingluo go to help her find her daughter? There was no way. Yingluo arranged for an urgent delivery. I gave her 100 taels of silver, but I didn't expect to find her daughter a few days ago."

"But those little palace ladies?"

"Exactly, these more than 400 little palace ladies are basically born to the palace ladies. The palace ladies were sent out of the palace after they got old, and their daughters were kept. I asked, and a large part of the little palace ladies' mothers are there. Your Highness can Help them find relatives!"

"You mean, let them all go home?"

"Seeing that they are voluntary and willing to stay, I will accept them. If they want to reunite with their families, I will let them go. The same is true for those dozens of eunuchs. If they want to go back to their hometown, I will give them a sum of money to let them go. They are all poor people. They have been enslaved for half their lives, give them a choice!"

Chen Qing admired in his heart that his wife really has the demeanor of a mother.

"Qiaoyun said Mrs. Wen is leaving?"

Lu Xiu nodded, "The couple brought it up last year, and I kept them. They brought it up again last month because they missed their grandson. This time, I won't keep them anymore. I will compensate them for one year's salary and let them return Let’s take care of the elderly in the countryside! In fact, I also understand that they are not going home to see their grandchildren.”

"Is it because of the new palace?" Chen Qing asked tentatively.

"It should be for this reason, they didn't say it clearly, and I didn't point it out!"

Lu Xiu sighed softly, "Actually, it's not just them, all the maids and servants in the house, I'm considering terminating the contract, making up for the rest of the time, and letting them go home."

"So my lady is going to ask Mrs. Liang to bring a group of court ladies and eunuchs over?"

Lu Xiu said helplessly: "That's the only way. The palace and the palace are completely different, and the rules are different. We can only adapt to it."

When Chen Qing returned to the study, he was quite restless. He had been fighting outside for the past few months, and he could not feel the changes after the establishment of the kingdom. In fact, everything was changing. Changes in the palace, the servants who have been with them for many years must also be sent home, and the servants and maids will become eunuchs and maids.

The same is true of their officials. In the past, all officials belonged to staff officers, and there were no files in the imperial court, or they were sent to the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi. Now all officials have to become kingdom officials, and they want to get rid of the Song Dynasty system. It is the easiest and most mature to establish your own bureaucratic system and directly apply the system of three provinces and six ministries of the Tang Dynasty.

Chen Qing also thought of the gap in political affairs, so he must decide on a new candidate as soon as possible.

Chen Qing sat down on his seat and wrote down a few candidates. The first one was his advisor Lu Cunyi, a great Confucian in Guanzhong, who was also the chief examiner of the imperial examinations. Zhizheng Shi was crossed out. Lu Cunyi was good at learning but not good at governing the country. Chen Qing added Guozijian Jijiu behind his name. This position is more suitable for him.

The second one is Liu Zan, the eldest son of Liu Ziyu, who is currently serving as the governor of the Yanwu Hall. The soldiers would not approve, so Chen Qing could only sigh and crossed out his name.

Chen Qing thought of Niu Gao, Niu Gao was the most suitable candidate to be the privy envoy, his qualifications and prestige were sufficient, but Niu Gao had to sit on Yanshan Road for himself, so he had no time to spare.

Perhaps it is possible to find someone to transition for two or three years. Thinking of the transition, Chen Qing immediately thought of a suitable candidate, and he wrote down the name of Orihiko. It is most appropriate to form a privy council.

The candidate for the privy envoy has been finalized, but this privy envoy is not a member of the political affairs, which is different from the imperial court, and can only serve as the internal affairs hall.

The next one is the candidate for Zhongshu's servant. Hu Yun was unanimously opposed by everyone. The flaw of lack of qualifications was too great, so Chen Qing had to choose someone else.

Chen Qing wrote about Zhang Shun, the magistrate of Jiangling. Zhang Shun once served as the governor of Jingnan Road Shangshuxing. After the revocation of the Shangshuxingtai, Zhang Shun continued to serve as the prefect of Jiangling.

Zhang Shun was a Jinshi during the Xuanhe period. He has been an official for more than [-] years. He started as a master and was promoted step by step to the county magistrate, county magistrate, and then to the general judge. , with a complete resume and deep connections in southern official circles.

Chen Qing gradually understood why Zhou Kuan recommended Zhang Shun. The Neizhengtang needed a representative of the southern faction, but it was not suitable for Zhang Shun to be the Minister of Zhongshu. The Minister of Zhongshu must be his confidant.

After pondering for a long time, Chen Qing wrote down Zhang Xiao's name behind Zhongshu's servant, Zhou Kuan served as the servant, and Lu Qingshan and Jiang Yanxian served as the left and right servants of the minister.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Qing wrote down Zhang Shun's order of suppressing government and Taiwan, and participating in political affairs.

On the back of Hu Yun's name are written Minister of the Ministry of Officials and Walking in the Internal Affairs Hall.

Early the next morning, Chen Qing came to his official room, and all his subordinates stood up together, bowing to welcome His Royal Highness King Yong back.

Chen Qing waved his hands to everyone, and said with a smile: "Don't worry! Take Yanshan Mansion, according to the old rules, every official will be rewarded."

Everyone cheered and stood up, Chen Qing walked into his official room and sat down, and said to Chao Qing: "Go and invite the three political advisers to the meeting hall, and say that I have something important to discuss with them."

Chao Qing hurried over, and after a short while, three political advisers hurried over.

The three of them knew in their hearts that yesterday's discussion in the teahouse was just an informal discussion, but today is probably a formal decision.

Chen Qing asked the three of them to sit down, and passed a copy of the decision he had drafted to everyone to circulate, and everyone read it silently, all in deep thought.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Now we have the last chance to make comments. Once I promulgate King Yong's order, it will be formally implemented."

Jiang Yanxian asked: "May I ask your Highness, how do you divide the work between the left and right servants?"

Chen Qing said slowly: "The left servant is in charge of the third department of soldiers and criminals, and the right servant is in charge of the third department of officials and household rites. The actual power is equivalent to that of Shangshu Zuocheng. They are also the two hardest jobs."

Jiang Yan nodded first, and didn't ask any more questions. He was most concerned about the newest candidate for political affairs. It seems that His Highness chose Zhang Shun. This person has enough qualifications. Jiang Yanxian has no objection.

Zhang Xiao raised his hand and asked, "Your Highness, the Privy Envoy should be given the title of Adviser on Political Affairs. As a representative of the military, why doesn't Orihiko have this title?"

Chen Qing smiled faintly: "Did the three ignore me? I am General Tiance, and I can represent the interests of the military enough."

The three looked at each other, Zhang Xiao had no choice but to smile wryly: "This rule should change in the generation of Shizi!"

"It depends on the situation at that time, and the situation will change if necessary!"

Zhang Xiao asked again: "The humble official doesn't quite understand the power of Zhongshu Shilang."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "The Minister of Zhongshu holds the power to make edicts. Although we don't have edicts, we have the orders of King Yong. That is to say, the orders of King Yong may not be issued by me in the future, but they need my approval. The second power Just to manage the more than 100 officials outside me, Chao Qing and Wei Ji are too young to be the leaders, they need a supervisor.”

Zhang Xiao said again: "There is one last question about the humble position, who is the leader of the five political advisers?"

"Four to be exact!"

Chen Qing said to the crowd: "Zhou Shenzheng is the servant of the sect, equivalent to the left minister. His duty is to oppose, while the other four take turns to control the ruling affairs, one round every half a year. The author of the ruling affairs is the right minister. Many don't need it." The drafting of imperial edicts and small matters that do not need to be discussed in the internal affairs hall are decided by the author of the ruling affairs.

But what is the big thing and what is the small thing? This requires us to inherit our long-term experience and divide military and political affairs into four categories: A, B, and C. Now the question is, who is responsible for the classification? "

Jiang Yanxian said: "This requires the establishment of a special government office, similar to the authority of the Shizhong. It is responsible for the classification of military and political affairs, and reviews the legality of government orders. It should belong to the Menxia Province."

Zhou Kuan shook his head and said: "Menxia Province is only the final check, raising objections to the content of government orders, but all government affairs need to be classified from the beginning, and secondly, reviewing the legality of government orders is a system issue. I think it should be directly under the jurisdiction of His Highness."

Chen Qingdao: "Set up a Baihutang, and I will directly govern it. There are not many people, six people are enough. They are divided into two groups, one group is responsible for pre-classification, and the other group is responsible for reviewing the legality of government orders afterwards."

Zhou Kuan was silent for a moment and asked: "In this way, His Highness basically loses the power to make political decisions. Does it make His Highness empty?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "I control the military power, the internal guards, the Baihutang, the appointment and dismissal of officials above the third rank, and the financial power of the treasury. In addition, major government affairs of the first category require the promulgation of King Yong's decree, and the King Yong's decree needs my approval. , in fact, I can still ask, I can not approve until you convince me."

After a pause, Chen Qing said again: "Since we imitate the Tang system, the essence of the Tang system lies in the separation of powers between the monarchs. If the dynasty wants to maintain long-term stability, it needs to restrict the monarch's power institutionally. This is not only to limit my power, but also to My children and grandchildren will live forever."

(End of this chapter)

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