
Chapter 1383 Debriefing

Chapter 1383 Debriefing
In the early morning of the next day, white water jets rose from the water surface of Renmen Gate, and the operation to blow up hidden reefs began, but in the end, Chen Qing's method was used, using a long bamboo tube to stick out of the water surface, because there were a lot of water underwater. For a single stone pillar, iron fire mines must be bound to the stone pillar to blow it up. It took a whole month, hundreds of reefs were blown up, the eddy current disappeared, the water potential became calm, and a three thousand stone cargo ship full of cargo could also be blown up. Under the guidance of the tracker, it is undoubtedly a huge progress to sail through Sanmenxia safely.

This means that materials from Jianghuai, Jiangnan and even Hebei can be directly transported to Jingzhao by a ship of three thousand shi, and Bianliang has risen again as a material transfer point, thus forming two lines, and overseas goods are transported to Xiangyang for transit , Domestic goods are transported to Bianliang for transit. There are more than a dozen specialized large-scale transport fleets on the Yellow River. They are familiar with hydrology and continuously transport materials from the Bianliang transit warehouse to Jingzhao.

Tens of thousands of camels are responsible for land transportation. As long as it is the transportation between Guanzhong and Bashu, and between Guanzhong and Shangluo, camels are known as the boat of land, and the cargo transported by each camel is equivalent to a small boat.

Of course, camels only transport ordinary goods to Bashu. The transportation of bulk materials between Guanzhong and Bashu still needs to be transported by water, taking Xiangyang and Shuijiang waterways. , 20 shi can be transported in one trip.

In the blink of an eye, time came to late autumn. Autumn is the season of ripe fruits and harvest. Chen Qing also had children. His wife Lu Xiu and Yu Ying gave birth to a son for him, and Zhao Yingluo gave birth to a daughter.

What made Chen Qing most happy was that all the mothers were safe and the children were all healthy.

This morning, Hu Yun, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, returned to Jingzhao from Yanshan Road, and immediately rushed to report to Chen Qing.

Hu Yun did not come to Jingzhao directly before. He received an appointment from Chen Qing in Xiangyang and appointed him as the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and the comfort envoy of Yanshan Road. He immediately switched to Yanshan Road and replaced Lu Qingshan in Yanshan Road. Working experience, going to Yanshan Road to sit in town for two years this time is undoubtedly a great exercise for him.

Hu Yun was not in Jingzhao, and the affairs of the Ministry of Officials were temporarily in charge of Jiang Yanxian, the right servant of the Shangshu.

In the official room, Chen Qing asked Hu Yun to sit down with a smile, and asked the soldiers to serve tea.

"When did you arrive at Jingzhao?" Chen Qing asked.

"I just arrived this morning, and I came as soon as I sent the salute back to the mansion."

Hu Yun's parents, wife and children are all in Daxing City, but he has an official residence in Jingzhao. His 16-year-old eldest son Hu Sheng is studying at Jingzhao Guozi Academy, and sometimes he will go back to the residence for two days.

Chen Qing nodded, "It's not too late to have a good rest for two days before reporting on your work."

"Let's talk about the humble job to His Highness briefly, and I will report on the job in two days."

"How is Yanshan Road now?"

Hu Yun shook his head, "It looks calm on the surface, but you can still feel a tense atmosphere. Someone is hostile to us. Wu Wenli, the county magistrate of Ji County, was killed on his way to Daxing City for business. His head is missing. The case is still being investigated, and this time I came to Jingzhao, I also hope that His Highness can send more internal guards, especially capable officers, and I suggest that Zhong Huan go to Yanshan Road."

A flash of anger flashed in Chen Qing's eyes. He dared to harm officials. Needless to say, he also knew that it was the powerful forces on Yanshan Road. Murderous intent arose in his heart, and he nodded slowly, "I will send Zhong Huan to Yanshan Road. .”

"Let's talk about the good things about the humble job. The people at the bottom of Yanshan Road are now very supportive of us. They have received benefits. The tax exemption has greatly improved their lives. Many farmers plan to start planting corn and pumpkins next year. This time I came back from the humble job and wanted some. Seeds, and I hope to send some capable planters to Yanshan Road to teach you how to grow corn and pumpkins.”

"No problem, you can go to Lu Canzheng later, and he will arrange it."

After a pause, Chen Qing asked again: "How is the situation of Jin Bing? Have spies infiltrated Yanshan Mansion?"

"The Kingdom of Jin sent Yan Zonghan to station [-] troops in Jinzhou to build siege weapons. The spies must have infiltrated them. There are too many powerful locals secretly supporting the Kingdom of Jin, but there is a strange feeling about being humble."

"What strange feeling?"

Hu Yun thought for a while and said: "On the surface, Jin Bing is actively preparing for the war in Jinzhou and is going south to attack us, but I feel that the attack is an illusion, and they are actually defending."

"why would you say so?"

"Xiaozhi got the news that Wanyan Wushu led an army of [-] to attack Goryeo. At this time, the Kingdom of Jin must be defending us."

In fact, Chen Qing is not in a hurry to attack the Kingdom of Jin, at least he will not think about it in the next few years. He needs time to digest the Yanshan Road, seize more court resources, and start to build his own empire. It is not so urgent to destroy the Jin Kingdom.

However, Jin Guo's attack on Koryo has aroused Chen Qing's vigilance. Jin Guo is now exhausted and very weak. He must want to annex Koryo to return blood, but it is not so easy to annex Koryo. Jin Guo also has to pay a heavy price.

Maybe the blood was not sucked, but instead fell into the quagmire of Goryeo, and the national power became weaker. It is very possible, but I can't just stand by, and the plan to seize Tamna Island will start next year.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing said to Hu Yun: "Your next task, don't manage Jin Guo for the time being, concentrate on governing Yanshan Road, win over those wealthy families who are willing to submit to us, and then cooperate with the internal guards to severely crack down on those local forces that are hostile to us. In one year next year, the cancer on Yanshan Road will be eradicated completely, and in another year, Yanshan Road will return to normal, and your term of office will be over."

"Humble job understands, humble job will not let His Highness down!"

At dinner, his son Chen Ji put a piece of steamed pumpkin on his father's plate. Chen Qing was startled, and it was the first time that his son picked up vegetables for himself.

Lu Xiu smiled and said, "Husband, let's taste the pumpkin first!"

With a thought in his mind, Chen Qing asked his son with a smile, "Is this the pumpkin you grew yourself?"

Chen Ji nodded, and Bing'er and Xue'er next to him became anxious, raised their hands and shouted: "Daddy, we also planted for brother, and we watered it!"

Chen Ji's face turned pale. His father had warned him that he had to plant by himself and not let outsiders help. In fact, his studies were relatively heavy, thanks to his two younger sisters who helped him water every day.

Chen Qing laughed and said, "Okay! You guys count too, Daddy will reward you."

"Daddy, I want a piece of jade with red skin."

"I want yellow skin!"

When the two little guys heard that there was a reward, they immediately thought about the reward. Chen Qing said with a smile, "Okay! Dad will reward you later."

The two daughters ate happily, and Chen Qing smiled at Chen Ji again: "I said I don't want help from outsiders, but my younger sister is not an outsider. Brother and sister work together to plant pumpkins and corn. Daddy is even happier!"

Chen Ji heaved a sigh of relief, and asked again: "Daddy, four vines have grown in one piece, and 24 big pumpkins have grown. Is this a good harvest?"

(End of this chapter)

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