
Chapter 1384 Scandal

Chapter 1384 Scandal
"This harvest is not bad! Where's the corn?"

"We collected 350 catties of corn."

Chen Qing asked: "The 350 catties is with corncobs, right?"

"Yes, it hasn't been peeled off yet!"

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile: "The normal corn kernels are more than 100 catties, and one mu of land costs more than 1000 catties. Think about it, how much wheat can be harvested per mu of land?"

Chen Ji thought for a while and said, "It weighs more than 300 catties in the field, but only 100 catties in the field."

"That's right. You have more than 100 catties of corn per share, which is equivalent to the wheat yield per mu. They are all food, and corn is more drought-tolerant. Do you think we should vigorously promote the cultivation of corn?"

Chen Ji nodded, "We must vigorously promote it!"

"But we have to divide the problem into two. Although corn is good, it can only be grown for one season. In the south, rice is grown twice a year, and the total annual output is almost a thousand catties. Winter wheat can also be grown twice a year. Season, one season of wheat, one season of rice, although the total annual output is only seven to eight hundred catties, but the taste of flour and rice is better, it belongs to fine grains, corn is still a bit coarse, it can only be regarded as coarse grains, and the price cannot be sold, so Rice should be promoted in the south, wheat in the upper fields and corn in the middle and lower fields in the north, and where there is only one crop a year, try to grow corn as much as possible, no matter what, we must first let the people have enough to eat, and then consider other things.”

"The child understands that filling the stomach is the most important thing!"

"Yes! Next year you will plant two more pumpkins, and the corn will take time, so you will stop planting them."

Chen Ji nodded, "Your child must persevere!"

The two young ladies raised their hands together, "Let's help my brother grow together too!"

"That's right. Next year, I will help my brother plant the land. If the planting is done, Daddy will definitely reward you a lot."

. . . . . . .

At night, Chen Qing had sex with his wife. Lu Xiu had finished her confinement and her body had recovered. This year was the first time she had sex with her husband. It was only two times, and the two had a great time.

Lu Xiu lay in her husband's arms and said: "Today I suddenly found that the children have grown up, especially Bing'er and Xue'er, who used to be mischievous, but now they can take the initiative to help my brother with things, which really makes me gratified."

"Yes! The children have grown up and become sensible."

"But... I'm getting old."

Women's thinking is always jumping. Fortunately, there are many women around Chen Qing, so he is used to this kind of thinking.

Chen Qing caressed his wife's still tender and fair skin and said with a smile: "Such delicate skin is still called old?"

"Then I take good care of myself, then tell me, who has better skin, Amei or I?"

It was another unanswerable question. Seeing her husband embarrassed, Lu Xiu couldn't help but chuckle, "Forget it, don't embarrass your husband, you really postponed going to Fujian Road until next year?"

Chen Qing nodded, "There are a lot of changes this year. I need to stay in charge and I can't leave. I will wait until next year to stabilize before starting."

Lu Xiu hugged her husband tightly, her whole body became hot again, and whispered in her husband's ear: "Husband, I want it again, what should I do?"

"My wife has orders, I dare not disobey my husband!"

Chen Qing turned over with a smile and put his wife under him, and began to plow the fields like a scalper.

. . . . . . .

In late autumn, there is no sunshine in Lin'an Mansion, and the weather is cloudy and rainy. It is cold and bleak inside and outside the city.

An incident happened in the Lin'an Palace two days ago, a guard was executed. This incident has no influence in the court, and the officials don't care about such trivial matters.

But this matter was followed by Lin'an's "Anecdote News", which specializes in publishing lace news. With their professional sensitivity, they all realized that there must be a mystery and a story in it.

In a tavern in Zhongwazi, a fair-skinned middle-aged man sat at a small table in the corner and ordered a jug of wine and a few dishes of side dishes, but he obviously had no intention of eating and drinking, and basically did not move his chopsticks. He kept looking out the door, looking a little restless.

Experienced people can recognize it at a glance. This man is a eunuch. He is white and fat, beardless, and has no Adam's apple. At this time, a tall and thin man in his 30s walked into the tavern quickly and saw the eunuch sitting in the corner. Hastily walked over.

The tall and thin man sat down and asked eagerly, "Where's the news?"

The middle-aged eunuch patted his head, "The inside story you want is in me, but I have to see your sincerity!"

Sincerity, of course, refers to money. It is not easy to go out of the palace. Who would come here if there is no profit?

The tall and thin man took a small ingot of silver, put it on the table and pushed it over, "Two taels of silver, that's enough!"

"It's only two taels of silver, not even enough for tea!"

"It's quite a lot. Two taels of silver can be exchanged for sixteen coins in the black market. If you don't do it, I'll find someone else."

Perhaps this scandal has already spread in the palace, and its value is the time difference of these few days, so the so-called inside story is worthless afterwards.

The eunuch was upset, but he still accepted the money.

Seeing that the other party took the money, the tall and thin man immediately said: "I want to make it clear first, since you have received the money, you can't hide anything, you have to tell me the whole thing."

"Don't worry, I still have this credit."

The thin and tall man immediately took out a pen and paper and said, "Say it!"

The middle-aged eunuch lowered his voice and said, "The bodyguard who was executed two days ago was called Jiao Dahong, because a concubine of the official family was pregnant."

"Ah! What's the name of the concubine?"

"Xu Cairen is the daughter of Xu Haocai, the former servant of the Ministry of Industry. She contacted the imperial physician privately to try to have an abortion, but was reported. The officials were furious. The officials did not favor her for at least two years. How could she be pregnant? After a lot of torture She had no choice but to confess that it was the guard Jiao Dahong who did it, they hooked up half a year ago, the officials were furious and killed Jiao Dahong, and Xu Cairen was thrown into limbo and never returned."

"Then what about the fetus in Xu Cairen's stomach?"

"Of course it was destroyed. Although the official family has no heirs, they will never accept other people's seeds."

The thin and tall man hesitated and asked: "Is it true that the official family can no longer have sex?"

"This news is not within the range of two taels of silver, we have to add money!"

The thin and tall man said displeasedly: "You man, selling things must be a little bit of trouble! This news is a bit of trouble, otherwise I really won't look for you next time."

The middle-aged eunuch had no choice but to say: "Of course the official family can have normal intercourse. The imperial doctor said that his seeds are too few, and the concubines can't conceive. The medicine that has been taken for more than ten years has no effect. It is estimated that the offspring is really dead."

"Didn't the official family have children? How did it become like this?"

The middle-aged eunuch gave him a wary look, "You ask too many questions."

"Okay! I won't ask, that's all."

The tall, thin man got the inside story of the scandal he wanted and hurried away.

The middle-aged eunuch paid for the food and drink, and then went back to the palace worried.

He knew that the emperor would never read that kind of vulgar tabloid, and that kind of newspaper would never appear in the palace. In fact, even if he knew it, he would not be able to find out who leaked the news. This is why he dared to betray the news.

(End of this chapter)

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