
Chapter 1385

Chapter 1385
Chen Qing's step-by-step arrogance and upgrade are like boiling frogs in warm water. The people in the south of the Yangtze River and the gentry are accustomed to it, but the emperor Zhao Gou knows it well. He is afraid of everything that will happen. If he does not become emperor, he feels that the sky has not fallen.

At this time, he was extremely sensitive and easily raged, as if a slight disturbance could knock him down, but he encountered something that broke him down. One of his talents actually cheated on a guard and became pregnant.

Since his son died in the first year of Shaoxing, he has no heirs anymore, but having no heirs does not mean that he cannot have sex. In fact, he still has the ability to have fun in the harem with concubines , just lost fertility.

When Zhao Gou heard the news that the concubine of the harem had cheated on the guard and became pregnant, the anger that Zhao Gou had accumulated for more than a year erupted at this moment. He ordered the guards to beheaded, and the body was thrown out of the city to be fed to the wild dogs. He also ordered Cairen to be fed with tiger medicine, aborted the fetus in her womb, stripped of all titles, thrown into the cold palace, and never allowed to come back.

Zhao Gou was still angry, and dragged several eunuchs and maids around Xu Cairen down and beat each of them with a hundred sticks, killing two of them on the spot, and the rest of them didn't heal their injuries, so they rushed directly to Ye Ting Palace to serve as rough envoys. Palace people.

Zhao Gou was furious in the palace, but he didn't know that the scandal in the palace had already caused a sensation in Lin'an. "Anecdote News" reported in detail on the headline "He slept with the emperor's woman" on the front page. The scandal, for a while, people in Lin'an snapped up newspapers. A piece of "Anecdote News" sold for five pennies. For the first time since its inception, its daily circulation exceeded that of "Beijing News". The whole Lin'an street was talking about it.

Unfortunately, "Anecdote" made a fatal mistake. They took it for granted that "Beijing News" was safe and sound because the court was tolerant, but they didn't know that the court did not dare to touch "Beijing News" because of the powerful Yong Kingdom As a backing, otherwise the "Beijing News" has died countless times, but how could the emperor tolerate a tabloid using his privacy as a selling point.

Even if the emperor didn't know about it in the palace, the emperor's minions would not ignore it. Just after dark, five hundred Plum Blossom Guard soldiers surrounded the "Anecdote". The soldiers rushed in and arrested all the newspaper staff who were editing the typesetting , All printing machines and other materials were confiscated, and finally the seal of Plum Blossom Guard was affixed, and the newspaper was completely sealed off. Other relevant personnel who were not in the newspaper were also arrested by Plum Blossom Guard overnight.

At noon the next day, Wang Mu hurriedly found Lu Gang in Xinfeng Teahouse. Like Hu Yun, Lu Gang ate and drank tea at Xinfeng Teahouse every day to learn about various situations in Lin'an. Of course, he also met Wang Mu every day. .

It's just that Hu Yun and Wang Mu's noon tea drinking is a kind of personal friendship, but it has become a system when it comes to Lu Gang's place, which can be heard from their mutual address.

"Special Envoy Lu, I heard that "Anecdote" was blocked by the Plum Blossom Guard last night?"

"It's true, but don't worry about the owner of the palace. Meihuawei will not touch the "Beijing News" newspaper office. As long as there is no personal attack, we report the current news in an open manner. They can't find an excuse. Of course, unless they are prepared to Completely turn against the Yong Kingdom, otherwise you and I will still be able to drink tea here every day."

"I'm not worried about myself, I just feel that Plum Blossom Guard has gone too far this time, arresting people without the emperor's will and sealing up the newspaper, this situation is worrying"

"Aren't they always like this? If they dare to talk about the current situation in a teahouse, they will be arrested and beaten half to death, and then let their family members use money to redeem them. I don't know how many people have been arrested. To them, nothing is more normal."

"That was not what I meant!"

Wang Mu lowered his voice and said, "Often at the end of the dynasty, there will be various high-handed controls. This is the manifestation of the emperor's loss of confidence. He can only achieve rule by oppressing the people."

"You're right, this is indeed a sign of the end of the dynasty."

"The Plum Blossom Guard is here!"

A clerk shouted, and the tea drinkers who were chatting were suddenly silent, and everyone was drinking tea in silence.

At this time, five or six Plum Blossom Guard soldiers walked in, and they glanced fiercely at everyone. Many people were afraid of their gaze, and lowered their heads one after another.

The shopkeeper Dong An sat aside, ignoring these bastards. At this time, the leader, Plum Blossom Wei Yuhou, stepped forward and knocked on Dong An's table, and said viciously: "We have received a report that someone is talking about the imperial court here. No such thing?"

According to the market situation, the shopkeeper should come out with a smile on his face to explain, and then put some money in, say a few nice words, everything will be good, even restaurants and teahouses run by officials dare not provoke Mei Huawei.

Dong An ignored him, and said with a half-smile: "Brother, you have just been promoted! Don't you know who opened this teahouse?"

This Plum Blossom Guard Yuhou is really newly promoted. His name is Zou Shuan. He was originally a local rogue in Lin'an. She was accepted as a concubine and doted on her a lot, and her family was naturally honored. Her father was a toothman who worked as a tent in Plum Blossom Guard, and her elder brother was Zou Shuan, who became a Marquis of Yu in Plum Blossom Guard. .

Extorting merchants has always been what Zou Shuan has been doing for these years. He used to do it as a rogue, but now he does it as Meihuawei Yuhou. Of course, he is more prestigious now, and he has extorted more money.

Perhaps because of his humble background, the rest of the Plum Blossom Guard leaders all despised him and looked down on him, so naturally they wouldn't tell him that those places should not be provoked.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, this Zou Yuhou happened to be assigned to manage the area of ​​Xinfeng Teahouse. After a few days of arrogance, he brought people to blackmail Xinfeng Teahouse today.

Seeing that the other party didn't buy his account, Zou Shuan was furious, "Stop talking nonsense, I'm doing business according to my duties, and who cares about your backstage? Come with me!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Dong An's skirt with his hands, stretched his hand halfway, and a big hand grabbed his wrist like lightning. In an instant, Plum Blossom Wei Yuhou's wrist was so painful that he screamed in pain.

The big hand was slightly relaxed, and Meihuawei Yuhou was relieved. Then he noticed a man like an iron tower appeared in front of him. He was tall and burly, with dark skin, and a pair of sharp eyes that were scary. I really don't know where he came from. ?
"Hero, you have something to say!"

The person who arrested him was Wei Yanzong, and Wei Yanzong said coldly: "I'm not a good man, I'm a Marquis of Yu just like you!"

Wei Yanzong took out a silver medal and put it in front of his eyes, and opened his eyes wide to see, what is this?
Zou Shuan didn't know a few big characters, but he knew two words on the sign, 'Western Army', which scared him out of his wits and begged for mercy.

Dong An glanced at Lu Gang in the distance, and said calmly: "Let him go! Let him go."


Wei Yanzong let go of his hand, and Zou Shuan led several of his men to roll and crawl away.

(End of this chapter)

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