
Chapter 1386

Chapter 1386
Dong An walked up to Lu Gang and said with a smile: "This man's surname is Zou and his nickname is Zou Scarzi. He was originally a local ruffian in the Sanqiao area. He was appointed Marquis of Plum Blossom Guard Yu three days ago. He is in charge of monitoring our area. It has been two days. A lot of storekeepers have come to tell me, let me be careful of this person, he is black-hearted and greedy, it seems to be Yan Xin's nepotism."

Lu Gang pondered for a moment and said: "Find out his background clearly. If it is really related to Yan Xin, then this person is useful."

Dong An is a little afraid of Lu Gang. Lu Gang looks gentle, but he hides his secrets, making it hard to understand. Hu Yun is a man of temperament, but this Lu Gang is not. Every word he said, even every word It's all said after careful consideration.

"Humble job understands, I will find out today!"

Lu Gang said lightly: "He has suffered a lot today, and he will definitely not give up. He will definitely come for revenge, so be careful!"

"How does Special Envoy Lu think he will retaliate?"

Lu Gang smiled, "I want to know the answer is very simple, ask how he used to take revenge on others, the ruffians are nothing more than those routines."

"Thank you for the special envoy's guidance, I know what to do."

Like a gust of wind, Zou Shuan ran to the commander of the capital, Yan Xin, and excitedly reported his discovery to him. He actually discovered the stronghold of the Western Army.

Unexpectedly, Yan Xin's face darkened, and he said sharply: "That's not the place you should provoke, you are not allowed to go to that teahouse in the future, did you hear me?"

Zou Shuan opened his mouth wide, and said for a while, "But that is the stronghold of the Western Army, and I saw the badge with my own eyes!"

Yan Xin was really impatient, how stupid must this person be to not understand?
"Is the other person a fool? Show you the badge, and you won't be afraid of being caught. Think about it, why does he dare to show you the badge?"

"Could it be that everyone knows where it is?"


Yan Xin scolded angrily: "Who doesn't know that there is an intelligence base of the Western Army? Only you, an idiot, don't know, it's a place you can't afford to provoke, don't provoke it anymore, do you hear me?"

Zou Shuan was extremely depressed, bowed his head for a while and said, "I remember it!"

He turned around and walked away sullenly, Yan Xin sneered and said to himself: "Send this idiot to that area, someone is putting on shoes for him!"

Zou Shuan is 26 years old this year, and he has been a gangster for ten years, but he has only been in Meihuawei for three days, and he is still a gangster in essence. He doesn't know the rules of Meihuawei or politics. He only knows Changfeng The teahouse has made him suffer, and he must find this place back.

Even though Yan Xin repeatedly warned him not to touch Changfeng Teahouse, he didn't take this warning to heart. In his opinion, if he couldn't do it clearly, then he would be playing tricks.

Zou Shuan used to lose in fights or blackmail, and his favorite thing to do was to set fire to people's shops or homes at night.

Of course, he had almost no success. The main reason was that he was afraid of being caught by others, so he would throw a torch and run away. The only time he succeeded was setting someone else’s shop on fire, which caused heavy losses to the shop owner. He hid outside for several months When he came back, he found that the shop had moved to Jingzhao, so he had no worries and bragged about it all day long.

At night, Zou Shuan changed into black clothes and carried a bag on his back. Inside the bag were some stock left over from before, a few torches, a bag of sulfur, and a scythe. Taking advantage of the cover of night, Zou Shuan set off.

His home is not very far from Changfeng Teahouse, about three miles away. Soon, he appeared opposite the teahouse. He stared at the teahouse with hatred, lit a torch with a scythe, and was about to throw it towards the teahouse. Suddenly, his The hand was grabbed, it was still the familiar feeling, the wrist was pinched to the bone, the torches' clattered! ' landed, stomped out,
Zou Shuan was frightened out of his wits, and turned his head slowly. Behind him was the man who looked like a black tower, staring at him fiercely, and there were several big men surrounding him like wolves.

Zou Shuan completely forgot that he was the Marquis of Plum Blossom Wei Yu, and got used to his identity as a scoundrel. He was so frightened that his whole body trembled, his legs went limp, and he collapsed on the ground.

Wei Yanzong strangled him like a chicken and dragged him into the teahouse
At dawn, a carriage stopped in front of Zou Shuan's house, and Wei Yanzong handed him a small package, "Have you remembered everything I told you?"

Zou Shuan nodded again and again, "The villain remembers it!"

"Let me say this one last time. The general situation of the world has been decided. Since you are on King Yong's ship, even if you can't become a high-ranking official, you will be able to protect your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life. You are a smart person, so you should know how to choose!"

"I know I know!"

"Get out of the car! If there is anything, I will contact you."

Zou Shuan almost stepped on the ground, and slowly got out of the carriage. The carriage started immediately and went away quickly.

Looking at the carriage going away, Zou Shuan hastily opened the bag, and inside were ten ingots of white silver, a total of 200 taels.

There are a series of islands off the coast of Chaozhou on Guangnan East Road. The population here is very sparse, and only a few fishermen live there. It was still dark, and ten large ships surrounded one of the islands from all directions.

These ten large ships were the fleet led by Liu Dajiang. Chen Qing entrusted them with four major missions: eradicating thieves, expanding borders, trading, and treasure hunting.

On the trade routes from the Song Dynasty to the Southeast Asia, dozens of pirates, large and small, were active, but most of the pirates only dared to plunder single ships, and the pirates did not dare to provoke groups of sea ships, and often shunned them. .

But the pirates along the coast in the Song Dynasty had another kind of threat. They would go ashore to plunder small coastal counties and rape women. They came and went like the wind, and they had sea ships. Now, let's start to attack the official ships. Two three-thousand-stone supply ships transported by the Quanzhou government to Daliuqiu Island were robbed by the pirates.

Although they are all daily necessities and not worth much, the nature of robbing official ships is very serious, and if there is one, there will be two, and if there are two, there will be three. The Quanzhou government immediately sent people around to inquire about the whereabouts of the pirates, and at this time, Liu Dajiang arrived in Quanzhou with a thousand men and ten large ships.

According to the information obtained by the Quanzhou government, the leader of this pirate group is Zhou Wangyi. The entire pirate group consists of more than 300 people. They live on the islands off the coast of Chaozhou. They are usually honest fishermen. They turned into thieves and started their crimes.

The details of the leader Zhou Wangyi have also been found out. When he was young, he was a member of a pirate gang in Nanyang. The pirates had a conflict and finally disbanded. Zhou Wangyi returned to his hometown and began to form his own pirate gang. , They murdered, looted, and raped women along the coast of the East China Sea. It can be said that they are full of evil, and they have always been a cancer on the southeast coast.

Chen Qing also made up his mind to completely eradicate this band of pirates.

There is a narrow bay in the southeast of the island, in which dozens of medium-sized ships are moored. On the surface, they look like fishing boats, but they are actually pirate ships disguised as fishing boats.

Commander Han Xiaowu has rich experience in combat, and said to Liu Dajiang: "The humble officer suggested that we divide our troops into two groups. On the way, 500 people will enter the village to arrest and encircle. On the way, intercept these fleeing pirates."

Liu Dajiang is very good at man and respects the suggestions of professional soldiers. He said happily: "What to do, I will lead one to five troops to encircle and suppress, the general will lead six to nine troops to intercept, and the tenth troops will stay on board."

The two immediately split into two groups and acted separately.

(End of this chapter)

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