
Chapter 1387

Chapter 1387
Zhou Wang is about 50 years old a year. Although he is over half a century old, he is still tall and strong, and his martial arts skills are also very good. He lives in the largest house on the island and often goes to Chaoyang County. County magistrates are on good terms.

Zhou Wangyi had a son named Zhou Xing, who was born to him and a Nanyang woman. The Nanyang woman died during the fire, and he brought his son back to China.

He later married another wife, but later had conflicts with his son Zhou Xing and was hacked to death by his son. Zhou Wangyi never married again. He often went to the county to bring a few prostitutes home for a few days, and then sent them back. To avoid further family conflicts.

In his deep sleep, Zhou Wangyi was awakened by a violent dog barking. He had been a pirate for more than [-] years, and he was extremely sensitive to all kinds of things. .

"Yuanwai, what's the matter with you?"

"Shh - don't talk."

He strained his ears to listen, and suddenly he heard shouts and screams in the distance.

"not good!"

He jumped up and pulled out a knife on the bedside. The three prostitutes screamed in fright and got under the covers.

Zhou Wangyi put on his clothes indiscriminately, kicked open the back window and jumped out. He ran out from behind, crouched under the wall and observed carefully. Countless soldiers rushed into the village, and there were shouts of killing and screams everywhere. Watching several of his men rushing over, they were caught up by a soldier and stabbed to death one by one with a spear.

He gasped. These soldiers were vicious and brave. They were by no means ordinary state soldiers. At this moment, a few women screamed from his house, it was broken, and they were about to come after them.

Zhou Wangyi hurriedly got up and ran along the path. His subordinates kept following him along the way. When he ran out of the village, there were already more than [-] people behind him.

"Daddy!" He suddenly heard his son's shout, Zhou Wang was overjoyed, and his son also escaped.

"Follow me quickly!"

They all knew that the only way to escape the siege was to enter the sea, which was their world, and no one could catch them.

The crowd followed Zhou Wangyi and fled towards the bay where the boat stopped. The officers and soldiers came from the northwest, so they might not know the boats they hid in the bay.

The crowd ran for more than ten miles and gradually approached the bay. At this moment, they heard a bang of clappers, and suddenly countless arrows were shot from the high ground on both sides. They were as fast as rain and powerful. A large area was shot down, and screams and wailing rang out. Zhou Xing, the son of Zhou Wangyi, ran in the front, was shot through by seven or eight arrows, and died tragically on the spot.

However, Zhou Wangyi reacted very quickly because the people on both sides acted as human shields. He got down in time and escaped the first round of arrows. Four hundred soldiers surrounded and killed them, leaving less than 20 people. His strong desire to survive made him Zhou Wangyi knelt down and raised his hands and shouted: "I am Zhou Wangyi, I surrender! Surrender!"

The other subordinates also knelt on the ground and yelled to surrender. Unfortunately, what they encountered today was the Western Army who had experienced many battles. His heart was as hard as iron and he had no mercy. Han Xiaowu ordered coldly: "Leave Zhou Wangyi, Kill all the rest!"

The soldiers rushed forward, dragged Zhou Wangyi aside and tied them up, and the rest were hacked to death. Zhou Wangyi was so shocked that his face turned pale. He also killed people like hemp, but he had never seen such a ruthless soldier.

What made it even more unacceptable to him was that all the bodies were thrown onto the boat, and all the people and the boat were burned by a fire, and sank into the sea.

As the sky gradually dawned, the suppression of the island was over, and no one escaped. Except for the leader Zhou Wangyi, all 340 pirates were executed. Only the old, weak, women and children survived.

The soldiers immediately searched out a lot of wealth in every household. Copper coins and cloth and silk were piled up like mountains, but the real wealth was found in Zhou Wangyi's mansion. A room led to a huge dark cave. They were all big boxes. Zhou Wangyi didn't want cloth or copper coins, but only gold, silver, jewelry and precious spices.

It took the soldiers two days to move all their wealth onto the big ship. There were 20 copper coins and nearly 50 bolts of cloth and silk. Liu Dajiang immediately announced that he would give all the copper coins and cloth and silk to the soldiers. Everyone was given thirty pieces of cloth, and everyone cheered for a while.

The fleet then sailed back to Quanzhou. Everyone made a fortune by eliminating the pirates. They needed to go ashore, sell the cloth and satin, and remit the copper money to their families through the counter.

Pirate Zhou Wangyi was beheaded at Caishikou, tens of thousands of people gathered around and applauded. This is also a reassurance for Quanzhou businessmen that the Western Army will severely crack down on pirates and maintain the safety of overseas routes.

The Sichuan-Shaanxi cabinet shop in Quanzhou was full of people, and there was a long queue, basically all of them were Liu Dajiang's subordinates. They sent all the [-] guan coins they were allocated to the back warehouse, and after counting, they got a sign. This sign is used to store or send money.

Liu Dajiang suggested that they remit the money to their families. Their lives may be in danger at any time overseas. It is better to leave the money they earn to their parents, wives and children.

Withdrawing money from other places has always been the advantageous project of Sichuan-Shanxi cabinet workshops. It is very convenient and is very popular among businessmen and soldiers.

After everyone deposits money, just tell the cabinet where to withdraw money, and the cabinet will hand over half a bronze medal, secret seal and money withdrawal receipt to the soldiers, and with these three things, money can be withdrawn at the agreed cabinet. .

Liu Dajiang put all the soldiers' money withdrawal vouchers into a cloth bag, and there was also a soldier's home letter inside. The cloth bag was written with the name and home address of each soldier, and it was tightly sewn with needles and threads. The wealth was sent to Jingzhao together, and Chen Qinghui sent people to deliver these cloth bags to the hands of each soldier's family, thinking very carefully.

In the official office of the Overseas Trade Administration, Chao Kun is explaining simple overseas information to Liu Dajiang. Chao Kun is now fully responsible for exchanging silver with Japan and recruiting Japanese laborers to the big island of Ryukyu. He has no time to go to Nanyang, so leave it to Liu Oe.

On the table is a simple map drawn by Chao Kun himself. Although it is simple, it is more accurate.

"Sailing southeast from Quanzhou, you can reach Luzon Island in about six to eight days. There are many large islands there, almost all of which are uninhabited islands, and only a few natives live. Your Highness once told me that these islands will Included in our overseas territory, the first time you go to sea is mainly to understand the whole Nanyang, don't stay in one place for too long!"

Liu Dajiang pondered for a while and said: "Although those boatmen have been to sea, they are not very familiar with the situation in Nanyang. Can you introduce some guides who are very familiar with Nanyang to me."

"Yes! There are quite a few! I'll introduce you to someone later. He is an experienced old navigator named Zhang Jiugong. Although he is a little older, he is a living map of Nanyang. He has also been to Tianzhu Dashi and is in good health. Very well, I will let him take a few people to go to sea with you."


Liu Dajiang said happily: "With such a live map, I feel at ease."

Five days later, Liu Dajiang led ten large ships full of cargo to leave Quanzhou and head for the distant Nanyang.

(End of this chapter)

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