
1391 Falcon

1391 Falcon

Zhang Bao was led by the soldiers to see Zhang Mingqian who was locked in the stone house. Zhang Mingqian suddenly saw his uncle, so excited he rushed forward, grabbed the iron fence and asked anxiously, "Second Uncle, why are you here?"

"I'm here to negotiate with them and let you out. You haven't been wronged, have you?"

Zhang Mingqian said bitterly: "They interrogated me last night and forced me to ask the whereabouts of the envoy from the Kingdom of Jin. How could I know that I was beaten up by them. If they didn't want to exchange information from my father, I would have died last night."

Zhang Bao became even more frightened, "Don't worry, I'll tell them that no more abuse is allowed!"

He turned around and hurried to see Zhong Huan.

At this time, Xue Ke, Zhong Huan's subordinate, also came. He followed the master and was responsible for tracking Zhang Bao.

The real purpose of Zhong Huan in arresting Zhang Mingqian was not to know the envoy of the Jin Kingdom, but to arrest Zhang Wo. The three assassinations against officials in Pingzhou were all planned by Zhang Wo. If he is not eliminated, other wealthy families will not be deterred. However, Yanshan Road officials still live in insecurity.

"The humble official saw that Zhang Bao entered the Silver Lake Villa, where must Zhang Wo be hiding?"

"Maybe there just now, but not necessarily now, you just need to keep an eye on Zhang Bao, and I will lead the army to follow behind."

Xue Ke hesitated and said, "Follow Zhang Bao and you will surely find Zhang Wo?"

Zhong Huan nodded, "Zhang Mingqian is his only son. He must be eager to know the outcome of the negotiation. This is also the time when he relaxes his vigilance the most. I believe my judgment will not be wrong!"

At this time, the soldier said at the door: "Zhang Bao is here!"

Xue Ke hurriedly said: "I'll go get ready first!"

He walked away, and Zhong Huan immediately ordered: "Bring him in!"

After a while, Zhang Bao was brought in, bowed and saluted, "See General Zhong!"

Zhong Huan waved his hand, "Please sit down!"

Zhang Bao sat down and said anxiously: "General Zhang knows my purpose of coming, I want to ask, what conditions does General Zhang want to let my nephew go?"

"My conditions are very simple!"

Zhong Huan said bluntly: "I want to catch the secret envoy of the Kingdom of Jin and tell me his whereabouts. I will let Zhang Mingqian go."

Zhang Bao nodded, "No problem, my brother agreed, but I told you the information, and it will take some time before he is caught. Can you release Zhang Mingqian first?"

Chong Huan thought for a while and said: "It can be under house arrest. You can find a small courtyard and let him live in the courtyard. My soldiers will stand guard at the door and will not interfere with his life. Once the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin is caught, I will lift the house arrest. I am also worried that you are giving me untrue information."

Zhang Bao pondered for a moment, he felt that house arrest was not bad, as long as he lived comfortably, he just didn't go out.

"You can be placed under house arrest, but you are not allowed to beat or abuse him again in these two days!"

"Do not worry!"

Zhong Huan said with a meaningful smile, "I promise I won't beat him again."

Zhang Bao bid farewell and left, and went to Bailong Villa, thirty miles away, to meet his elder brother. He was very cautious, sitting in the bullock cart and looking back from time to time to make sure that no one was following him, and indeed no one was following him. There was no one outside, which made him feel a little relieved.

In fact, Zhang Bao also knew that his brother had sent people to assassinate the officials of Pinglu County. Even the county lieutenant of Pinglu was seriously injured and is still lying on the hospital bed.

After the inner guard arrived, the elder brother was afraid and did not dare to live in the city. He had to change manors every day for fear of being caught by the inner guard.

Zhang Bao also felt that his brother was a bit paranoid. First of all, the inner guard did not have any evidence to prove that his brother planned to assassinate the county magistrate. Second, the inner guard had been here for almost a month and did not attack the Zhang family's property. Zhang Bao believed that the inner guard's goal was the Kingdom of Jin. Spy, it shouldn't be rich families like them.

But Zhang Bao didn't know that the inner guard's top-secret follow-up was by no means as simple as he thought. They followed far behind. The inner guards were hidden in the wilderness on both sides, at least two miles away from him, walking side by side with him, or even in front. Waiting for him, the other party can see him, but he cannot see the other party.

More than an hour later, Zhang Bao entered Bailong Mountain Villa. Zhang Wo had already arrived first. The reason why he chose Bailong Mountain Villa to meet his brothers was that the villa was easy to escape. The secret path can be drilled into the woods of a hundred paces, even if surrounded, he can escape without anyone noticing.

Zhang Wo sat on a wide chair, and he said with a gloomy face, "Has my son been abused by them?"

"They may have interrogated Ming Qian last night, but there should be no injuries. They promised to use house arrest later!"

"House arrest?"

Zhang Wo snorted heavily, "It means that they won't let me go if they can't catch the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin?"

"Brother, you should be able to catch it! Didn't those envoys from the Kingdom of Jin say that they would come back to see the training place?"

"That's at least a month or two away."

At this moment, a Zhuang Ding stumbled into the lobby and said, "Villa Master, countless soldiers appeared outside and surrounded the villa!"


Zhang Woteng jumped up, startled and angry, staring at his brother Zhang Bao and said, "Didn't I tell you not to be followed?"

Zhang Bao also panicked and said, "I've been paying attention, no one is following me!"

"Hmph! It's strange that you can find them."


"Stop talking, go to the door to stop the inner guard and buy me time."

"Brother, wouldn't I be in danger then?"

Zhang Wo comforted him and said, "It's me they want to arrest, not you, otherwise you would have been arrested long ago, go quickly, don't delay."

Zhang Bao had no choice but to leave in a hurry.

Zhang Wo ran away from the firewood room in the backyard, which had been locked all year round. He had the key in his hand. He entered the firewood room, pushed aside the pile of firewood, and lifted a board, revealing a big black hole.

The reason why he chose Bailong Villa is because there is a secret way to escape here.

Zhang Wo jumped into the secret passage and crawled out. What kind of brotherly love and father-son relationship were all forgotten by him at this moment, and the most important thing was to save his life.

The secret passage was about a hundred steps long, leading to the forest behind the house. Zhang Wo used both hands and feet, panting from exhaustion, and finally climbed out of the secret passage.

Zhang Wo was dumbfounded when he climbed out of the secret passage, surrounded by inner guard soldiers, Zhong Huan was standing in front of him, looking at him coldly, Zhang Wo forgot who the other party was, how could such a small trick of the secret passage be hidden Passed inside guard?
The next morning, the interrogator reported to Zhong Huanhui: "This Zhang Wo is just like his son, he can handle it quite well. No matter how much he tortures and interrogates him, he just refuses to tell."

Zhong Huan sneered, he understood what Zhang Wo was thinking, he thought that if he didn't say anything, he would be valuable and wouldn't die, he really thought too much.

Chong Huan then came to another cell, where Zhang Wo's brother Zhang Bao was imprisoned. Seeing Zhong Huan coming in, he hurried forward and said, "General Zhong, I'm just an ordinary businessman, and I really haven't done anything harmful. , The assassination of the county magistrate was done by my elder brother, it has nothing to do with me, I even advised him not to do such a stupid thing."

Zhong Huan said indifferently: "I just want to ask you one thing, as long as you tell me, I will let you go home, you will do your business honestly, and your family will be safe and sound."

"If it's an envoy from the Kingdom of Jin, I really don't know, I haven't contacted it before."

Zhong Huan shook his head, "I'm not an envoy from the Kingdom of Jin. I just want to know which wealthy families your brother has been in close contact with recently? That's it."

Zhang Bao knew very well that as long as he said it, his brother's life would be lost, but when he thought of the ruthlessness that left him and escaped from the secret path alone, there was no brotherhood in his heart. up.

"I know that they have been gathering secretly in the name of celebrating their birthdays these past few months. Before that, Guo Wei, a wealthy family in Jizhou, celebrated his birthday. Next month will be my brother's birthday. In fact, his birthday is in May, and it has passed long ago."

Chong Huan cheered up, and quickly asked, "Is there a list?"

"Yes! My brother asked me to come forward to help him celebrate his birthday, and gave me a list. Among them, he sent someone to notify me, and let me leave them alone. They are all rich and powerful families from all over the world. Circle eight people."

"Give me this roster and the list of eight people, and you'll be fine."

Of course, Zhong Huan didn't fully believe Zhang Bao's words, so he ordered people to search the Silver Lake Manor carefully. Sure enough, he found eight bronzing invitations in a box. ', eight characters.

The names on the invitation exactly matched the eight people circled on the roster.

(End of this chapter)

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