
Chapter 1392

Chapter 1392
If all the giants really gather in Pingzhou, this is a rare opportunity to catch them all.

Chong Huan also knew that this matter was very risky. After all, the time was too long, and there were still more than [-] days. Once the news got out, they would be broken into pieces, and it would be difficult to catch them.

Zhang Bao was eager to make great contributions, so he came up with a plan for Zhong Huan. He put a note in the invitation and asked everyone to come in advance on the fifth day of the first lunar month, which happened to be a holiday for the government army, which was safer.

Chong Huan readily agreed, and asked one of the inner guards to write a note imitating Zhang Wo's handwriting and put it in the invitation.

In order to prevent surprise, Zhong Huan detained Zhang Wo and his son first, and at the same time controlled all insiders. Zhang Bao cooperated with the inner guard and was still preparing for his birthday. He sent people to various places to send invitations.

Even though it was the end of the twelfth lunar month in freezing weather, they couldn't stop the passion of the wealthy patriarchs from all over the country to fight for righteousness. After receiving the invitation, they still rushed to Pingzhou with their family members from all over Yanshan Road, regardless of the snow and ice blocking the way.

At the same time, more than 300 internal guard soldiers also secretly rushed to Pingzhou from all over Yanshan Road.

Perhaps this is the first time I have tasted the sweetness of tax exemption. This year's New Year on Yanshan Road is particularly lively, with lanterns and festoons everywhere, and the people are beaming, beating gongs and drums to welcome the New Year.

There are also lights and festoons everywhere in Pinglu County to celebrate the New Year. On the third day of the first lunar month, Hu Yun arrived in Pinglu County. The first stop of his inspection was Pingzhou. Of course, Hu Yun would also take this opportunity to convey an order from King Yong to Zhong Huan.

At this time, Zhong Huan was also deploying intensively. He had already wiped out Zhang Wo's 56 warriors, and transformed the inner guard soldiers into warriors of the Zhang family, ready to welcome the arrival of the seven wealthy patriarchs.

Hu Yun's sudden arrival really startled Zhong Huan. Wouldn't it be dangerous for Hu Yun to come to Pingzhou Fengyun gathering at this time?

He went out of the city to greet him personally, and welcomed Hu Yunxian to the official office of the governor's mansion. This is the official office of Wang Duo, the governor of Pingzhou, but Wang Duo spends most of his time in Yuguan.

Zhong Huan's attitude made Hu Yun a little strange. When he entered the official office, he asked, "What happened?"

Chong Huan laughed and said, "I'm catching turtles. I'm leading all the big turtles from Yanshan Road to Pingzhou, and then I'll catch them all in one go!"

"Catch the turtle?"

Hu Yun frowned, "Speak clearly, what are you catching?"

Zhong Huan will catch Zhang Wo and learn that he is going to celebrate his birthday. Taking this as an opportunity, he gathers the patriarchs of the eight great families together to discuss the matter of meeting soldiers.

Hu Yun was surprised and delighted at the same time and said: "Brother Zhong has done great things in Pingzhou without saying a word. If you can take this opportunity to destroy the eight wealthy families on Yanshan Road in one fell swoop, I will definitely write a letter to King Yong for your great achievements!"

"The appeasement envoy is too much, this is the job of a humble job!"

Hu Yun said with a smile: "Those who are able work harder, brother Zhong is capable, so His Highness entrusts you with another task!"

Chong Huan looked solemn, bowed and said: "Please order the comforter!"

Hu Yun took out a copy of King Yong's warrant and handed it to Zhong Huan, "This time, King Yong issued the warrant to me directly, without going through the internal guards. I will be responsible for planning and coordinating this matter. General Zhong's internal guards, the Liaodong intelligence station, and the navy Responsible for transporting people out by sea, let me tell you about this first, we will sit together to discuss in two days and plan an effective plan!"

"Is it before the appeasement envoy returns to Daxing City?"

Hu Yun nodded, "I will stay in Pingzhou for a few days, and the Liaodong Intelligence Station will also send people over. We will discuss it as soon as they arrive."

"But now I'm besieging the eight giants, I'm afraid that the two things will conflict in time!"

Hu Yun smiled and said: "There will be no conflict. It will take at least ten days for the people from the Liaodong Intelligence Station to come and go back. Now it is just preparation in advance and it will not be implemented until the end of the month. You should have time."

Zhong Huan nodded silently, it would be too late for Yue Yue's words.

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, a group of people came up the official road outside Pinglu County. Ten warriors surrounded a large carriage with an apricot-yellow pennant on it. A man of more than ten years old, he is quite stout, with a big nose hanging on his face like an eggplant, and his eyebrows are as rough as a steel brush. This man is Guo Wei, the patriarch of the wealthy Guo family in Jizhou. His mother is from Khitan. He inherited his father's cunning and his mother's fierceness.

Wu Wenli, the county magistrate of Ji County, was the one who arranged for the warriors to kill him on the road and even cut off his head. The inner guards had suspected him for a long time, but there was no evidence.

His second son, Guo Huaide, was still sitting in the carriage. Guo Wei had two sons. The eldest son, Guo Huairen, was the governor of Tanzhou in the Kingdom of Jin. , the Guo family is also the largest landlord in Jizhou, owning eight farms with [-] mu of fertile land.

"My child doesn't quite understand that it's a good thing for the Western Army to be exempted from taxes! Why did father say that it seriously damaged our interests?"

"what do you know?"

Guo Wei said to his son in displeasure: "Did we pay taxes in the Jin Dynasty? Tax exemption is not good for us now, but for those muddy legs. We will know in the spring. I am afraid that half of our land is deserted." planted."

Guo Huaide was stunned, "Is it so serious?"

Guo Wei nodded, "Our land rent is [-]%, while the rent of official land is [-]%. Now that there is no tax, many farmers can eat their own food by planting their own land. If you rent some official land to grow, there is no need If we rent our land again, unless we also reduce the rent to [-]%, then you can figure out how much our loss will be, how can it not damage our interests?"

Guo Huaide was surprised and said: "When my father said this, I remembered that most of the tenant farmers have not come to sign the lease until now. In previous years, they signed the lease after the autumn harvest. Could it be that they don't want to rent anymore?"

Guo Wei's face was as sinking as water, and he looked out the car window coldly. The Central Plains Dynasty and the others wanted to seriously damage their own interests, and they couldn't do without fighting.

At this time, a group of knights rode towards them, and some of their men shouted: "My lord, the Second Patriarch Zhang is here!"

The head of Zhang Er's family is Zhang Bao, Zhang Wo's brother, and he is in charge of Zhang Wo's superficial birthday celebration this time.

Guo Wei thought it would be Zhang Wo's son, Zhang Ming, who would come to greet him. After all, Zhang Mingqian went to Ji County to celebrate his birthday on behalf of Zhang Wo last month.

But Zhang Bao can do it too, after all, Zhang Bao is responsible for all kinds of miscellaneous affairs of the Zhang family.

Guo Wei opened the car window and laughed, "Second Master Bao, I haven't seen you for many years!"

Zhang Bao stepped forward to salute and laughed, "Master Guo is well!"

"Where's your elder brother?"

"Brother is inconvenient to go out, the government will keep a close eye on him!"

Guo Wei nodded. He completely understood that the government kept a close eye on him, and he also hid himself, letting his two sons show up for everything.

"I thought it would be tomorrow to pick us up."

Zhang Bao quickly explained: "Grandpa just arrived, and I'm going to pick him up tomorrow."

Guo Wei frowned, "Second Sun of Zhuozhou?"

"It must be him."

Guo Wei's daughter was married to the Sun family in Zhuozhou, but died of illness within a few years of her marriage. Guo Wei believed that the Sun family did not take good care of his daughter, and he has always had a grudge against the Sun family.

If it weren't for the great importance of this gathering, he would not have met the Sun family.

"Okay! I'll trouble the second master Lao Bao to arrange it."

"Please invite Guo Ye's team to follow me."

Guo Wei saw that the eight warriors behind Zhang Bao were all tall, powerful, and majestic, and couldn't help but praise: "The warriors of the Zhang family are really good!"

"Let Master Guo laugh!"

Zhang Baohe and his subordinates immediately opened the way ahead, and the Guo family team surrounded the carriage and drove towards the Silver Lake Grange a few miles away.

[I'm not feeling well today, I only coded two chapters, sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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