
Chapter 1393 Planning

As soon as they entered the yard, hundreds of crossbowmen ambushed around the high wall fired their arrows together, and there was a lot of screams in the yard. Before Guo Wei, his son and ten warriors could understand what was going on, they died under the random arrows. More than a dozen arrows shot through his body, his mouth was wide open, his eyes were round, and his eyes had lost their luster. His son Huaide lay on the ground and was nailed to the ground by more than a dozen arrows.

Not only them, the patriarchs of the seven wealthy families were killed every time they came. On the [-]th and [-]th of January, the seven wealthy families on Yanshan Road secretly arrived in Pingzhou and disappeared likewise.

Together with Zhang Wo and his son Zhang Mingqian, they were secretly executed by the inner guards. The government immediately confiscated all Zhang Wo's manor and family property, turning the manor into official land.

But this was only the first step. Niu Gao immediately dispatched troops to arrest the children of the seven wealthy families on a large scale in various places on Yanshan Road. All the children were executed.

Even Niu Gao also felt that the methods of the inner guard soldiers were too cruel, but he also understood that Yanshan Road would never be peaceful if they were not cruel and ruthless. Once the powerful forces threatening the Western Army disappear, no one else will be worried.

Immediately, the government began to confiscate the land and family properties of the eight giants on a large scale. All the Zhuang Ding were disbanded, and all the weapons and armor stored in secret were also confiscated. The situation that made officials feel insecure finally eased.

The handsome hall in Yuguan is also called the Dashiwu. It was built on the westernmost side of Guancheng. It is made of all stones and covers an area of ​​half an acre. Hu Yun, the appeasement envoy of Yunlu, Wang Duo, the general of Yuguan, Zhong Huan, the commander of the internal guards, Cao Kai, the commander of the Yanshan Road Intelligence Department, and Pang Guangji, the head of the intelligence station who just came from Liaodong.

Everyone knew the task, and took the family of Yang Qin, Shangshu of the Ministry of War of the Kingdom of Jin, to Yanshan Road. Pang Guangji said to everyone: "I have already contacted Yang Qin. It was revealed that he was suspended at home, pending the investigation by the court of the Kingdom of Jin. The investigation was just an excuse. In fact, he had seen the results of the struggle between Yan Chang and Wanyan Wushu. Now Wanyan Wushu led the army to attack Goryeo. It is said that the battle went smoothly. , Five battles and five victories, more than [-] Goryeo troops have been wiped out. The smoother Wanyan Wushu is on the battlefield, the greater the pressure on Wanyanchang, and the more dangerous Yang Qin's fate will be. Their whole family was rescued from Liaodong, Wanyan Wushu will come back in March, it is very likely that he will be operated on first."

"Where is Yang Qin now?" Hu Yun asked.

"Currently in Liaoyang Prefecture, Tokyo, there is a team of ten soldiers guarding him under house arrest. He communicates with the outside world through one of his old servants."

Cao Kaidao, ordered by the Yanshan Road Intelligence Department: "First of all, coming out of the house is the first pass, leaving the city is the second pass, and leaving Liaodong is the third pass. The pass is dangerous. Our people must go to Liaoyang City, otherwise they will not even pass the gate. Can't get out."

Everyone in the middle looked at Zhong Huan, escorting Yang Qin's family out of the city safely, they could only rely on the inner guards.

Zhong Huan pondered for a moment and asked, "How many troops are there in Liaoyang City?"

Pang Guangji said slowly: "About 3 people, all of them are Jurchen soldiers."

"Is the control of entering and exiting the city strict? I mean, Han people entering and exiting the city." Zhong Huan asked again.

"Of course there are. There are quite a few people. The Han people are basically craftsmen and businessmen. They can also go out of the city and into the city, but they have to check the signs when entering and leaving the city. The Jurchens have bronze medals, and other Donghu people have iron medals. The signs are unobstructed."

Hu Yun frowned and asked, "What does the Han brand look like, and where can I get it?"

Pang Guangji took a bag from under his feet, dumped it on the table, and said, "Wow! I saw a pile of wooden signs poured out, and said with a smile: "I bought these on the black market in Liaoyang, two yuan for one yuan, and I bought 30 yuan, all of which are men's names."

Everyone was overjoyed, they didn't expect Pang Guangji to be so thoughtful and even prepared the signboard.

"When will Liaohe thaw?" Hu Yun asked again.

"It probably started in early February, and basically all thawed in the middle of February."

Hu Yun said to everyone: "The plan I'm considering is to go by water. If I go by land, I'm afraid I won't be able to pass the pass in Jinzhou, so I have to board the boat before Jinzhou and go down the Liaohe River. The navy will meet it at the mouth of the Liaohe River."

Chong Huan hesitated and asked, "Is there a navy of the Kingdom of Jin on the Liaohe River?"

Hu Yun nodded, "There are patrol ships, mainly to prevent our naval forces from entering the Liaohe River by sea. Generally, they will not interfere with civilian ships. If there is no accident, they will not be inspected, but we still have to take precautions and choose good water quality. The internal guards are going, and all kinds of combat materials must be prepared."

Everyone discussed the details again, and finally finalized the whole plan.

After the end of January, Jingzhao began to feel a bit of spring. The ice and snow melted, and the Qujiang Pond began to thaw. The willow trees by the lake appeared green buds. In the freshly thawed river, groups of white ducks were swimming happily. The birds in the sky were chirping and chirping, and they flew into Jingzhao City in groups from the outskirts of the forest.

In the field, the wheat seedlings that have survived the winter began to grow vigorously, and the farmers began to fertilize and loosen the soil in the fields, and they were busy.

The originally deserted official road has also become lively, and a continuous stream of caravans come to Jingzhao from all directions. If everyone is asked to rate Yong, the highest score is probably the businessman. Yong is not just for businessmen to get civilians. Quan, in fact, the Northern Song Dynasty did a good job, but Yongguo gave merchants a very good business environment, low business tax, merchants pay taxes immediately after buying goods, and then travel all over the world with a single tax bill, without any kind of manipulation along the way. Take the level of the merchant, and there is no war.

It is precisely because of the very good business environment in Yongguo that the commerce and transportation industries in various places have flourished.

In the morning, a convoy of several carriages, escorted by cavalry, came to Guangyuntan outside the east city. Guangyuntan was a huge artificial lake dug by Shanzhou prefect Wei Jian during the Kaiyuan period. Cargo ships can directly transport goods to Chang'an, which has great military and economic value.

After the end of the Tang Dynasty, the Guangyun Lake gradually dried up. Later, it was re-excavated and introduced into the Chan River, but it was still too small and could only be barely used. After the Sanmenxia reef was blown up and dredged last year, a cargo ship of five thousand shi could also pass through Sanmenxia, ​​and the transportation capacity increased greatly. Chen Qing also ordered to organize 20 people to expand Guangyuntan and widen the Caohe River, so that the five-thousand-stone ship can sail to Chang'an smoothly.

After five full months of busy work, the huge water conservancy project was finally completed, and the spring was warm and the flowers were blooming. Chen Qing and the councilors from the Internal Affairs Hall specially came to attend the inauguration ceremony of the new pier.

Gongs and drums were beating on the pier, colorful flags were fluttering, and tens of thousands of people surrounded the pier from a distance. Soldiers maintained order, and the size of Guangyun Lake was tripled, from a small lake to a large lake with waves and waves , The lake is full of large ships, including military ships and cargo ships, and the pier has also expanded to a length of one mile. Originally, only three cargo ships could berthed at the same time, but now ten [-]-stone cargo ships can berthed at the same time.

The inauguration ceremony was in charge of the Ministry of Industry, and Lu Wei, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, served as the master of ceremonies. Chen Qing offered incense to sacrifice to the river god, and threw the prepared three animals into the pool. Amidst the sound of fierce firecrackers, the simple inauguration ceremony was completed. A [-] shi cargo ship with a red belt slowly entered the wharf, followed by nine large ships. These were ten [-] shi official ships, but they were not from the Yellow River, but from Yaozhou. Ten large ships of briquettes.

The Yellow River has not completely thawed, and it will be thawed in early February, but the Weishui can be sailed.

"Unload the ship!"

The steward yelled, and thousands of civilians who had been waiting for a long time rushed up on the pier, and many of them were pulling new-style wooden carts. It was this new-style wooden cart that Chen Qing became very interested in.

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