
Chapter 1394 Inspiration

Chapter 1394 Inspiration
Lu Wei asked the steward of the dock to drag a wooden cart over. The wooden cart was pulled by a donkey. The wheels were tall and looked very strong. If you look closely, it was a miniature version of a large-wheeled carriage. The large carts are light and strong, which is very consistent with the principles of mechanics. Unless the iron production is rapidly increased, and all the wheels and axles are replaced with iron, there is little room for improvement. This is not a problem of craftsmanship, but a problem of national strength.

But what interested Chen Qing was that each car had a wheel and a wooden axle hanging on the back.

You must know that after a long period of use of wooden wheeled vehicles, the wheels and axles are easily deformed and broken, and replacement is very troublesome, requiring professional craftsmen to do it. Troublesome, so on the official road, you can often see carts abandoned after the wheels are damaged, and finally picked up by nearby farmers and burned as firewood.

But what does it mean to hang a wheel on the back of the wooden wheeled cart? Can it be repaired by yourself?
The manager of the dock explained with a smile: "It is said that this is a new type of wooden wheeled cart developed by Taixue. Every new car has a wheel and an axle on the back."

Chen Qing was surprised and delighted at the same time, because the limitation of national power could not change the overall quality of the cart for the time being, so he started from the simplicity, as if he opened a window when he couldn't push the door, and let people see the infinite In the future, we must reward the Taixue craftsmen who came up with this method.

"Have someone dismantle and replace it, I want to see how easy it is?"

Back in the official room, Chen Qing was still thinking about the scene where the coachman installed the wheels and axles. With three clicks, the coachman completed the replacement within an incense stick, which left a deep impression on Chen Qing.

At this time, a member of the army said at the door: "Your Highness, Lu Shilang is here!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Let him in!"

After a while, Lu Wei quickly walked into the official room, bowed and saluted, "See Your Highness!"

Chen Qing smiled and said, "Sit down and talk!"

Lu Wei sat down on a chair at the side, and Chen Qing said with a smile: "You have performed well in the past six months. The Ministry of Industry has just been established, and it has managed the Sanmenxia river and plank road, and repaired the Caohe River and Guangyun Lake. Facts have proved that you are in charge of the Ministry of Industry. , is a very correct decision.”

Lu Wei hurriedly said: "The real credit should be attributed to His Highness, if His Highness hadn't approved the use of iron fire thunder to blow up the reef, and if His Highness hadn't allocated enough money and goods from the treasury, the effect would not have been so good, nor could it have gone so smoothly. "

"Okay! Don't brag about me. I didn't ask you to come to hear your bragging."

Chen Qing interrupted Lu Wei with a smile, "I called you here to talk about what you will do in the future? Do you know that you have considered it?"

"Which aspect is Your Highness referring to? My personal future, or what to do with the affairs of the Ministry of Industry?"

"Of course it's the latter. If you do the work of the Ministry of Industry well, your personal future will not be a problem."

Lu Wei sighed and said: "Actually, I have also considered it. I think the affairs of the Ministry of Industry are very cumbersome and messy. Sometimes I don't know where to start. The dredging of the river this time is due to His Highness's arrangement. How about finishing this? Then I don’t know what to do next.”

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "It is the Ministry of Industry's job to deploy the plan to improve the river course, and the actual implementation of the plan is the job of the Metropolitan Water Supervision Department. This dredging of the river should be the job of the Metropolitan Water Supervision Department, but I haven't seen any from the Metropolitan Water Supervision Department." People are busy, but they see officials from the Ministry of Industry running around."

"Your Highness, the Capital Water Supervisor has not been established yet!"

"That's the problem. You are busy doing things all day long, so how can you have time to think about what to do next? You are the minister of the Ministry of Industry, not the order of the Metropolitan Water Supervision. The Metropolitan Water Supervision has not yet been established, so you have to hurry up Put forward a plan to request the Ministry of Internal Affairs to establish a Metropolitan Water Supervision Department, and as the head of the Ministry of Works, you also have the right to recommend candidates for the Metropolitan Water Supervision Order to the Internal Affairs Department.”

"I would like to recommend Zhang Yuanlang, the Metropolitan Water Superintendent of Henan Road, as the Metropolitan Water Superintendent. To tell you the truth, the treatment of the Sanmen Gorge and the dredging of the Caohe River are the plans formulated by Zhang Yuanlang. He has rich experience in water control, and even Taixue invites him to attend classes."

Chen Qing remembered that Zhang Yuenlang was responsible for widening the Caihe River into the new Bianhe River, dredging the Biankou, and calling on the government and the people to plant trees in the flooded areas of the Yellow River and change the salinity of the soil.

"Yes! I also agree to the appointment of Zhang Yuanlang as the Metropolitan Superintendent, but you haven't answered my previous question. What do you plan to do as a minister of the Ministry of Industry?"

Lu Wei already understood that it was not what he wanted to do, but His Royal Highness King Yong had already prepared the answer for himself. He bowed and said, "Your Highness is stupid, please clarify!"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "I saw that easy-to-disassemble truck on the pier today, and I was thinking in my heart, why didn't such a good truck be promoted to all over the world immediately? But who will promote it? In fact, it should be the workers. Ministry of Industry, if people are expected to promote it spontaneously, it will take at least 20 years or even longer, while government promotion will be promoted in two to three years, so I think the promotion of new technologies is a very important task for the Ministry of Industry."

Chen Qing took two steps behind his back and said: "In fact, the most important thing for us now is to restore the former prosperity and population. Every department has a lot to do, and the Ministry of Industry is no exception. Take the governance of Sanmenxia as an example. , What is the purpose of our governance of Sanmenxia? It is to pass more and bigger ships more safely and improve transportation capacity.

So the question is, can we continue to use large iron fire mines to blow up the stone islands in the Sanmenxia, ​​so that the Yellow River channel will become wider and the water flow more gentle?It can pass through the Wanshi ship and extend it one step further. Can the Wanshi ship directly reach Jingzhao?

Here comes the question again, what should I do if the number of Wanshi ships is too small?We want to build more sea-going ships, stronger and cheaper ships, where will the craftsmen come from?Where do the ingredients come from?Where does better technology come from?These are things that the Ministry of Industry must consider.

For example, Taixue's equipment class is now divided into several groups to develop steam engines. Once successful, we can build large ships of 20 shi or [-] shi, and we can reach Yangzhou in a few days by boat. Has the Ministry of Industry paid attention to Taixue? this project?
We talked about the Yellow River just now, but what about the Yangtze River?We use Danshui to extend the water transport from Xiangyang to Shangluo County. Can we continue to extend the water transport to the north for a hundred miles, build the canal to the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, and then build a canal on the other side to connect Jingzhao, and then in the north and south of Zhongnan Mountain? A transit warehouse group will be built at each end, and the actual land route will only pass through Zhongnan Mountain, so the transportation capacity will be greatly enhanced. "

After saying so much in one breath, Chen Qing said with a smile: "I have thought of so many things to do right now, but you feel at a loss. This is not a qualified minister of the Ministry of Industry."

Lu Wei was ashamed, stood up and bowed: "Your Highness's words made the lowly post understand!"

"You go back and call the officials of the Ministry of Industry to discuss the matter, and tell everyone what I said today. There is one last sentence to tell everyone. Tools are the extension of manpower, and vehicles and boats are the extension of human legs. What the Ministry of Industry has to do is how to Extend human hands and human legs longer and farther.”

Chen Qing taught Lu Wei a good lesson. Lu Wei is the chief official of the Ministry of Industry, and the responsibility of the Ministry of Industry is to make plans, deploy various large projects, and require the promotion of various new technologies. Simply put, the Ministry of Industry is a dispatcher , Responsible for allocating resources, arranging projects, and making long-term plans. If even the head of the Ministry of Industry is confused, has no clear thinking, and doesn't know what to do, then nothing can be done in the end.

There is no doubt that Lu Wei is more capable of handling affairs, but Chen Qing has higher demands on him. To become a thinker and planner, he must have a long-term vision and a higher level of thinking.

Obviously, Lu Wei is not qualified for the time being. If after half a year, Lu Wei is still in a state of confusion and has not really paid attention to his intentions, then the minister of the Ministry of Industry will be replaced.

(End of this chapter)

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