
Chapter 1395 Rescue

In mid-February, the Liaohe River had completely thawed. That night, under the cover of darkness, three cargo ships of [-] shi sailed silently on the river. There were also many civilian ships on the river, but they all docked at night. Without sailing again, these civilian ships are weak against wind and waves, cannot enter the Bohai Sea, and can only transport goods and personnel on the Liaohe River.

Of course, there are also military ships. There are more than a hundred patrol ships, all of which are small boats of about a hundred stones. They don't come out at night, they only come out to patrol during the day.

These three cargo ships were the 20 internal guard soldiers led by Zhong Huan. The ship berthed at a distance of [-] miles from Liaoyang Fuyue. Meeting at the Black Tiger Inn outside the city, ten people walking together is too eye-catching, it is better to walk separately.

They are all wearing gray cloth jackets, with goods on their shoulders, bamboo hats on their heads, and a copper bell in their hands. They are no different from the shopkeepers that can be seen everywhere in the Liaodong area. Of course, they all carry swords, which are hidden in the poles. , and a dagger, and a pair of bows and arrows hidden in the middle of the cargo load.

Not long after, Zhong Huan brought three of his men to the Black Tiger Inn, an inn run by the Liaodong Intelligence Station, which was convenient for monitoring the movements of the Jinbing soldiers outside the city.

Chong Huan met Pang Guangji, the director of the intelligence station here, and Pang Guangji asked Zhong Huan to sit down and served tea to the shopkeeper.

"It's relatively smooth!"

Zhong Huan said with a smile: "I didn't see any Jin soldiers or patrols along the way. It's really surprising that Jin's defense is lax."

Pang Guangji shook his head, "The general saw the Liaoyang Mansion. You can see it when you go to Shangjing. The defense is tight, and there are troops everywhere. All Han people are registered, including the origin of their parents. They have to be checked every month. Once there are new unregistered Han Chinese, we will be arrested immediately, and our intelligence station will not be able to gain a foothold in Shangjing, but only in Liaoyang. The general saw that there were no soldiers in Liaoyang, mainly the Jin army from Liaoyang Prefecture. So February is the last chance, and Jin Bing came back to rest in March, and he couldn’t leave even if he wanted to.”

"Is there still someone monitoring Yang Qin's house?"

"Of course there is, and it is very strict. Twenty Jurchen soldiers monitor their family. The family of five and an old servant live in a yard. Every day the old servant comes out to buy vegetables and cook. There is also a Jurchen soldier who follows him, but the Jurchen The soldiers did not understand Chinese, so the news got out."

"You mean to say that the twenty Jurchen soldiers are not outside the gate of the mansion, but live in his mansion?"

"That's right, at the beginning it was outside the mansion, but now it's getting worse."

Zhong Huan nodded, "We will go to the city tomorrow morning!"

At this time, the shopkeeper came to report that six soldiers from the Western Army had arrived. This was the arrival of several other soldiers from Zhong Huan. The shopkeeper arranged for them to stay and move out early tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, Pang Guangji set off with ten people. This time they were no longer shopkeepers, but pretended to be craftsmen who built houses. They carried a few large logs and drove a cart full of bricks. Pang Guangji built a house. The application to the government has been approved, so when he goes out of the city to transport wood and bricks, the guards will not interrogate him.

They don't need to carry their weapons anymore. There are all kinds of weapons in the city, so it is safer to enter the city. Except for Zhong Huan, the ten soldiers are not tall, and they are all very thin. These are specially selected inner guard soldiers. Jurchens are generally short in stature, and tall inner guards are easy to be targeted.

Although the selected internal guard soldiers were all thin and small, their martial arts were not weak at all. On the contrary, they were all masters, and the tall ordinary soldiers were far from their opponents.

Not long after, a group of people came to the gate of the city. Pang Guangji negotiated with the Jin soldiers guarding the city in skilled Jurchen dialect, showed them the government's building, and secretly gave the leader of the Jin soldiers a lot of money. Carrying the raw materials for building a house, he had a wooden identity card on his waist. Perhaps the heavy bag of copper coins made him feel good, so with a wave of his hand, everyone carried the wood into the city.

Yang Qin's mansion was near the city gate, and Pang Guangji rented a house behind his mansion. The two houses were only separated by an alley, and ten people lived in the house.

"I originally planned to dig a tunnel, pick them up from the tunnel, and then take them out of the city. Now it's impossible, so I can only go to the mansion to rescue them."

Pang Guangji hesitated and said again: "Maybe a fierce battle cannot be avoided!"

Of course Chong Huan didn't care whether the battle was fierce or not. If it was easy, he didn't need them. He thought for a while and said, "Are you sure the opponent is 20 people?"

"It is certain that we have used many methods to find out that there are 20 people. Our people even dressed up as guys to deliver wine to them and counted their number."

Zhong Huan nodded, "It's not too late, let's act tonight!"

At five o'clock, Zhong Huan led ten men to climb up the fence of Yang's mansion, and easily climbed in. They hid in a big tree during the day and observed for a long time, and they knew the terrain of the back house like the back of their hands.

Yang Qin's family was placed under house arrest in a large yard in the back house. They hid behind the boulders by the pond and saw the situation in the yard. They saw spears planted around the yard wall, and the sharp points of the spears exceeded the yard. The height of the wall is so high that the elderly, weak, women and children cannot climb out at all.

The only way was to come out through the front and back doors, but there were two Jurchen soldiers sitting on the steps of the back door. They used sheepskin as a cushion and wrapped their bodies in thick blankets. The person leaned against the door, sleeping soundly, the only thing exposed outside was their necks.

At this time, two of the best Qinggong soldiers came back and said in a low voice: "There are two people at the gate in front of them, just like them, leaning against the gate, and the other soldiers are sleeping in the yard next to them."

Now it was the fifth watch, when everyone was sleeping the most. Zhong Huan ordered in a low voice, "Go and kill the two people at the front door. You must move quickly, so that they don't make any noise. It's best to slit their throats."

The two nodded and went quickly.

Zhong Huan winked at another inner guard archer, and the two of them drew their bows and arrows together, and suddenly pulled the bowstring, "One, two, three! Zhong Huan made three beeps in a low voice, the string was loosened, and two mace arrows were shot out at the same time, as fast as lightning and powerful.

'Boom!Boom! 'Twice, two arrows shot through the throats and necks of the two men at the same time, and nailed the two golden soldiers to the back door. After shooting through the heads of the two, the two stopped struggling and died completely.

The two men came back from the front yard, and they also killed the two Jurchen soldiers at the gate of the front yard.

"Go to the next yard, don't leave a single one behind, kill them all!"

Zhong Huan gave an order, and everyone pulled out their knives and rushed to the yard next to them.

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