
Chapter 1396 Rescue

Chapter 1396 Rescue

Yang Qinnian is about fifty years old. He looks like a typical Han Chinese. He is well maintained. He is no different from officials in the Central Plains. However, he is a Jinshi of the Liao Kingdom. In just a few years, he was promoted to the doctor of the household department, and the Liao Kingdom perished. Afterwards, all the Han officials surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin, and the officials were reinstated and continued to serve the Kingdom of Jin.

Yang Qin was quite appreciated by Wan Yanchang, and was promoted during Wan Yanchang's prime ministership, and was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of War of the Kingdom of Jin. In the seventh year of Shaoxing, Yang Qin had private contacts with Wang Kang, the envoy of the Song Dynasty, and was recently reported. He was fired for three months and returned to Liaoyang Mansion. At first he thought nothing would happen, but unexpectedly, Jin Bing put him under house arrest. Obviously, he would continue to deal with him. Only then did Yang Qin start to get scared, and tried to spread the news to Yong. country for help. "

Yang Qin stared blankly at Zhong Huan standing in the courtyard, and it took him a long time to finally realize that King Yong had sent someone to save him. He was surprised and happy at once, and hurriedly asked, "What happened to the golden soldiers outside?"

Zhong Huan smiled slightly and said, "The gold soldiers have all been killed, so hurry up and wake up your family, pack up your things, and we'll leave the city at dawn!"

Yang Qin hurried back to his room and asked his wife to pack up.

At this time, one of his subordinates ran to Zhong Huan and said, "Commander, we have repeatedly counted and found that there are indeed only 20 corpses, not [-]!"

Zhong Huan frowned, what's going on?

At this time, Yang Qin came out with his wife, followed by his three children, two sons and a daughter, all three were underage, only teenagers.

Yang Qin's ex-wife was from Khitan and gave birth to two sons, both of whom died before they grew up. His ex-wife also died of excessive pain because of this.

Now his wife is Han, and the three children she gave birth to are all healthy, which is enough to make Yang Qin feel relieved. Of course, he doesn't want his children to be burdened by him to death, so he decides to escape from the Kingdom of Jin.

A family of five plus an old servant, each carrying a cloth bag filled with gold and silver, they packed it up long ago, and were waiting to flee.

Soldiers cleaned up Jin Bing's body. There were indeed only 19 people, and it was confirmed that no one escaped.

Zhong Huan couldn't think of the reason, so he asked Yang Qin, but Yang Qin and the old servant didn't know, so Zhong Huan left two soldiers lurking in the mansion, and joined them out of the city after dawn.

"Come with me! Go to the next house first!"

Zhong Huan led the people out of the mansion through the back door, and went directly into the next door. When he saw Pang Guangji, Pang Guangji was overjoyed, and quickly said, "You all have to dress up as ordinary people and go out of the city in a bullock cart after dawn. Don't worry, it's not a war. When you go out of the city, you never check, just look at the wooden sign, I have prepared all your wooden signs."

Pang Guangji arranged for them to rest temporarily in the lobby. ,
Zhong Huan pulled him aside and asked in a low voice, "Are you sure there are twenty guarding soldiers facing you?"

Pang Guangji wondered: "Of course I can be sure, why, the number is wrong?"

Zhong Huan nodded, "We killed everyone, and indeed there were only 19 people, one less."

"Have you visited the toilet?"

"I've been there, there's no one in the toilet."

Pang Guangji's face changed slightly: "This is strange. My subordinates were monitoring the outside, but no one escaped. Could it be that there is one less person today?"

Chong Huan worried: "I can't find out the reason now. The most urgent thing is to get out of the city quickly. When will the city gate be opened at the earliest?"

"There is still half an hour!"

"If so many of us go out of the city together, will we be interrogated?"

Pang Guangji shook his head and said with a smile: "There are many people who left the city in the first batch, and they are basically Han Chinese. Only Han people work so hard to make a living. Each of you carries poles and ropes. There will be many such folkmen who go to the pier to pick up goods. , I have already made arrangements."

"What about them?"

Chong Huan glanced at the family of five sitting in the lobby resting and asked, "Will the family be interrogated if they leave the city so early?"

"Don't worry, their old servant is very capable and will handle it well, and I will remind him."

For half an hour, Zhong Huan stood in front of the city gate with nine of his subordinates. The two subordinates who were lurking in the Yang Mansion did not find anything unusual, so they also came back and set off with them.

Sure enough, the west city gate was full of people, all of them were Han Chinese, small vendors doing business, people who were going to visit relatives in other counties, and the most were folk husbands who went to the wharf to pick up jobs. There were five or sixty people, all of them one Dress up, wrap your head with a cloth scarf, wear a gray or crimson short jacket, carry a pole on your shoulder, and a hemp rope is tied to the pole.

Zhong Huan mixed with his subordinates, so he was inconspicuous at all. Although Zhong Huan was taller, there were many peasants who were taller and stronger than him.

The Yang family’s ox cart was with another ox cart. The father and son sat in the other ox cart. They were going to study in another county. The excuse of the Yang family was of course to visit relatives. Anyway, the guards didn’t know Yang Qin. .

Pang Guangji himself pretended to be the coachman and drove the cart, while the old servant rode a donkey and followed beside the ox cart.

At this moment, Yang Qin's heart was pounding and he was extremely nervous. Once he was caught, he would surely die, and his family members would not survive. Although he was very nervous, he still pretended to be calm to appease the three children.

The gate of the city finally creaked open, and the vegetable farmers waiting outside were eager to come in to sell vegetables, but they were stopped by the Jurchen soldiers, and they left the city before entering the city. People in bullock carts must have a higher status than civilian husbands.

"Where to go?"

"Go to Shenzhou to study!"

The father and son let Jin Bing take a look at the badge, and the carriage left the city.

Immediately after was the carriage of Yang Qin's family. The old servant jumped off the donkey, ran up to the chief centurion, and said to him in fluent Jurchen dialect: "My family's officials took the whole family to Tangchi County to visit relatives. There are female relatives in the ox cart. , it’s not very convenient, so you don’t need to check it!”

As he said that, an ingot of two taels of silver was stuffed into the hands of the centurion. It is very particular about giving money. First of all, there must be an excuse, otherwise the father and son did not send a penny, and they left the city together?

The old servant used the excuse that there are female relatives in the car, which is very clever. If you don't want the Jurchen soldiers to harass the female relatives, you have to pay.

But it’s not okay to give too much money, for example, five taels of silver, five taels of silver in the Kingdom of Jin is worth thirty guan, this is a lot of money, the centurion will definitely be suspicious, even if there is a female family member, there is no need to give so much If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

It’s even worse if you don’t give too much, the centurion will feel too little, and will think that you underestimate him. Instead, you will make things difficult for him, and the female relatives will be harassed, so the gift should be just right. The old servant obviously knows this well. .

The centurion pinched two taels of silver, feeling very pleased with it, he chuckled, waved his hand and said, "If there are female relatives, I won't check, let's go!"

The ox cart started slowly, and drove out of the city at a leisurely pace. The old servant also clasped his fists in salute, got on the donkey and left.

After the two ox carts had left, the peasants behind were already impatient, holding wooden signs in their hands, rushing out. They went to work on the pier every day. They came in, seized the land to sell vegetables, and the people who bought vegetables also came from all over the city, bargaining, it was very lively, and a new day began.

A Jurchen centurion came out of a brothel and came to Yang Mansion humming a little song. He was the leader of the Yang Mansion guard soldiers. He went to find a woman last night, slept with a prostitute in his arms, and came back at dawn .

After knocking on the door of the mansion for a long time, no one came to open it. He cursed and climbed over the wall and entered the mansion. He went all the way to the backyard, but found that all his subordinates had disappeared, and then ran to the small courtyard where the Yang family was under house arrest.

The Jurchen centurion suddenly panicked. Suddenly, he found that the door and the wall were covered with blood. This was the blood that shot out from the throat of the Jurchen soldiers when they cut their throats.

The Jurchen centurion suddenly had his scalp exploded, and after searching carefully, he finally found the corpses of his subordinates in the pond. There were nineteen corpses, and one was quite a few. ' Kneeling down, hissed and shouted as hard as possible.

Not long after, a hunting team composed of [-] Jurchen cavalry rushed out of the west gate like lightning, and rushed towards Liaohe.

(End of this chapter)

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