
Chapter 1397 Rescue

Chapter 1397 Rescue

After the ox cart left the city, it picked up speed. Not long after, it arrived at the Black Tiger Inn. Pang Guangji bid farewell to everyone. They put on their weapons and continued on their way. Half an hour later, they heard the sound of horseshoes thundering, and the sky was covered with dust.

Pang Guangji ran out of the inn, his expression changed drastically, he got on his horse, and galloped towards the river
At this time, Zhong Huan and his party were only a few miles away from the river, and the official road was gone, so they could only abandon the ox cart and walk. The ground was rough and staggered, and the three children could not walk fast.

Suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes from behind, and when Zhong Huan turned his head, he saw Pang Guangji galloping towards him on horseback, waving and shouting at him. Although he couldn't hear what he was shouting, the color of the sky in the distance had turned yellow.

Zhong Huan's expression changed, and he shouted, "Run with them on your back!"

The soldiers of the inner guard realized that the cavalry was coming, and carried one person on their backs. Yang Qin's wife was slightly fatter, so the tall Zhong Huan carried her on his back, and they all ran wildly.

Yang Qin was still a little reluctant to have his wife carried on Zhong Huan's back, but when he looked back, his face turned pale, and he could already see dense black spots in the distance.

Pang Guangji caught up with them first, and he shouted, "I'll go ahead and look for a boat!"

He galloped towards the Liao River. At this time, Zhong Huan and his party were less than one mile away from the river, and the pursuers behind them were getting closer and closer, but the speed of pursuit was obviously slowed down. Walking is also a great hindrance to the cavalry, they have to slow down, otherwise the horse is very easy to step on the air and fall.

Jin Bing Wanfu had already seen the target of pursuit, and seeing them gradually approaching the river, and there were several boats moored by the river, he suddenly panicked and shouted: "Quickly chase!"

The cavalry ignored the potholes under their feet and ran wildly again. Horses stepped on the ground and fell sideways, and the cavalry also rolled to the ground. However, the cavalry did not stop and chased faster and faster. They were less than one mile away from the river. , Only about three hundred steps away from the target, the soldiers began to draw their bows and arrows.

Ordinary people would have already been paralyzed by the earth-shattering chasing momentum behind them, but the will of the inner guard soldiers was as strong as iron. Their steps were firm and powerful, and their running speed became faster and faster. Fifty steps. Forty steps. Thirty steps .Twenty steps. Ten steps, they finally ran to the side of the boat.

"Get on board!"

Zhong Huan yelled, and the pursuers were only more than 100 steps away from them. The cavalry began to shoot arrows, and the arrows shot at the three ships overwhelmingly. The soldiers on the ship held up their shields to cover them on board.

"Go into the cabin and get down!"

While shouting, the soldiers cut the ropes with their knives and swung the boats into the river. Yang Qin's family was so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they lay on the deck of the cabin, not daring to move. Arrows kept shooting through the canopy. Skimming overhead.

The boat was just ten feet away from the shore, and the cavalry rushed to the shore, restraining their horses one after another, and Master Wan cursed angrily, pointing at the whip, "Shoot the arrow!"

Arrows rained down on the three ships, like straw boats borrowing arrows. The boats were filled with arrows, and the soldiers raised their shields to resist. Zhong Huan was quick to move the family of five and the old servant to the bottom floor one step ahead of time. The cargo hold, otherwise the canopy would be filled with arrows, and they would not be able to survive.

Although the arrows were like rain, they still had no effect. Seeing that the three ships were drifting away.

How could Mr. Wan be willing to let Yang Qin run away? The fourth prince can't spare himself, and the emperor can't spare himself either. He gritted his teeth and ordered: "Hurry up and tell the patrol to intercept on the river. If you live, you want to see people, if you die, you want to see corpses! "

More than a dozen cavalrymen turned around and rushed downstream. More than [-] patrol boats were moored more than ten miles away. Commander Wan ordered the cavalry to run along the river, parallel to the three boats. It is their opportunity to live under oppression.

On the boat, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Yang Qin came out of the cabin, clasped his fists and thanked: "Thank you for saving my family's life, and Yang will remember it in his heart!"

Zhong Huan waved his hand and said, "It's too early to say that now!"

Yang Qin was startled, "Why, is there still danger?"

Zhong Huan nodded, "They have patrol boats on the water, and they will definitely come to intercept us, so there will definitely be a fierce battle. You'd better hide in the cabin, and I will buckle the cover."

Seeing Yang Qin's worried face, Zhong Huan smiled and said, "Mr. Yang, don't worry, we are the internal guards of the Western Army. We are all skilled in martial arts. As long as it is not besieged by thousands of troops, we will definitely protect the safety of your family!"

"General Zhong, please!"

Yang Qin clasped his fists in salute, and went down to the hold, where the family hid.

Zhong Huan then fastened the cover of the cabin and locked it with a big lock. Even if the enemy troops boarded the boat, they would not be able to enter the bottom cabin.

The three cargo ships advanced at full speed and traveled seven or eight miles. There were more than a dozen patrol ships lined up in front of them, blocking the passage of the three cargo ships.

The patrol boats appeared in their plan, Hu Yun thought very carefully and prepared for them well, even the boatman was also considered.

There are two boatmen in a boat, one rowing the oars and the other holding the pole. Of course, the boatman is not an ordinary person, but also a tall and strong inner guard soldier. The six boatmen on the three ships are all wearing heavy armor. At the bow and stern, the center of gravity is extremely stable, and more importantly, the defense is solid, the armor is thick, and the sword and arrow are invulnerable. Even the long pole is actually a spear, which can assassinate the enemy in the water at critical times.

The remaining [-] inner guard soldiers also put on copper helmets and mountain-patterned armor. Their defense capabilities are extremely strong. Although they are not as good as heavy armor, they cannot escape the piercing shot of the god arm crossbow, but they are enough for ordinary bow and crossbow arrows.

This is defense, and they are more comprehensive in terms of offense. They have short spears, swords, crossbows, kerosene bags, throwing kerosene tanks, and [-] throwing guns. In addition, their ships have also been specially modified, with thick walls , It is difficult to be crashed. The front of the three cargo ships is equipped with pig iron head bumpers, which are usually covered by a straw rain cape.

Zhong Huan shouted: "Everyone is ready to fight!"

The three cargo ships were traveling at full speed in the shape of an inverted pin. The main ship where Zhong Huan was on was in the middle, and the other two escort ships were on both sides of the front, one on the left and one on the right. The ships were getting closer and closer to the Jinbing patrol ship.

' Whoosh!Whoosh!Whoosh! ’Arrows came down like raindrops. More than a dozen arrows hit the boat’s iron armor and fell to the ground with a clang. The inner guard soldiers squatted behind the side of the boat and raised their crossbows to shoot. They all shot with precision. Seven or eight Jurchen soldiers He was shot by an arrow and fell into the water screaming.

"I hit it, squat down!"

Mr. Shao yelled, and he quickly squatted down, 'Boom!boom! There were two loud bangs, and the two intercepted sentry boats were severely smashed by the iron bumper. One of the sentry boats capsized, and all a dozen soldiers on it fell into the water, and the hull of the other sentry boat was hit with a big hole. , the river poured in rapidly.

The intercepted fleet was knocked open a big gap, Zhong Huan's main ship rushed over, followed by two internal guard ships, and a dozen other golden sentinel ships gathered one after another and quickly chased after them.

"Commander, there is another interception ahead!" A soldier pointed to the front and shouted.

More than a dozen sentinel ships appeared in front of them, and they surrounded them in a fan shape from all directions, and the ships behind also turned into a fan shape, 'Boom!Boom!Boom! 'The sound of war drums echoed on the river.

Zhong Huan suddenly understood that the other party had made a pocket for him to slip in.

But can a mere thirty or so ships stop him?

(End of this chapter)

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