
Chapter 1398 Breakthrough

Chapter 1398 Breakthrough
The Jinbing boats no longer stood still stupidly. They changed their tactics and used the tangle tactic to avoid colliding with the inner guard boats. Instead, they tangled together and fought fiercely.

And the patrol boats also have advantages. They are small, only about a hundred stones, more flexible, and faster than the inner guard's boats.

The two cargo ships took the initiative to meet the enemy and fought fiercely, covering the main ship to go first.

But at this time, the opposing sentry ship seemed to know that the target was on the main ship in the middle, and the two sentry ships rushed towards the main ship, one from the left and the other from the right, trying to get close to the main ship. Zhong Huan shouted: "First deal with the enemy ship on the left, Use spears!"

The ten inner guard soldiers shouted and threw ten spears at the same time. They cooperated very tacitly, and each took an enemy soldier. There was no repetition. The ten spears drew ten silver lights and penetrated the bodies of ten soldiers. , The soldiers screamed and fell into the water. In an instant, there were only five people left in the boat on the left.

Zhong Huan took out a throwing kerosene pot. This kind of kerosene looks like an old-fashioned grenade. In fact, it was designed by Chen Qing according to the shape of the grenade. , the upper part of the vase shell can be ignited, so that there is no need to ignite it again, and the burning pottery pieces are enough to ignite the kerosene. They are usually placed in a wooden box with a lid, and there are six pieces in a box.

Zhong Huan lit the vase on the torch, and threw it at the opponent's ship. The burning vase fell on the deck and shattered, and the fire oil inside spilled out, and was immediately ignited.

At this time, the sentry boat on the right approached the big ship, and a dozen Jurchen sentries jumped onto the cargo ship and fought fiercely with the inner guard soldiers.
Zhong Huan threw six throwing fire oil tanks in one breath, and the two sentinel boats were ablaze. Passed the deadly spear.

Shifu stabbed again with a long spear, he suddenly screamed, a spear tip protruded from his chest, and fell down at Zhonghuan's feet. It turned out to be a boatman, but his long bamboo pole was a spear. With the iron mask, he couldn't see his expression clearly, but he stabbed another person with a backhanded spear.

The fierce battle on the ship was over. The fifteen Jurchen soldiers who jumped on board were all killed. How could they be the opponents of the inner guard soldiers? Throwing away the bodies on the ship, the ship continued to sail.

At this time, more than a dozen sentinels on the river were on fire, and the two internal guard ships took advantage of the fire oil to the extreme. Throwing fire oil tanks, large fire oil tanks, fire-breathing leather bags, and throwing spears all came out one after another. Launch an attack on the opponent's ship, and wherever it passes, all sentinel ships will turn into a sea of ​​flames.

At least half of the more than [-] sentinel ships caught fire, and there were patches of fire everywhere on the water, and the scene was very chaotic.

In the chaos, the three internal guard ships rushed out of the encirclement and headed south quickly, getting farther and farther away, and gradually disappeared. While picking up the corpses on the river, the golden soldier Wanfu on the bank was furious, but he had no choice but to watch the three Western Army ships go away.

The bilge cover was opened, and Yang Qin and his family were helped onto the deck. The bilge lacked oxygen, and their complexions were not very good. They were pale and weak. Sitting on the deck, it took a while for their complexions to return to normal.

Yang Qin was good at being a man. He first asked about the casualties of the Western Army. Zhong Huan said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, don't worry, no soldiers were killed in battle, only seven people were injured, and they were all flesh wounds. You will be fine after ten days and half a month. .”

Yang Qin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If a soldier dies for me, I'm really sorry."

Zhong Huan said indifferently: "Even if some soldiers are killed in battle, Mr. Yang doesn't have to worry about it. We are following the orders of King Yong. Even if we die in battle, it is for King Yong. It has nothing to do with Mr. Yang!"

Yang Qin blushed, he knew he had said something wrong, how could the other party die for him?I think too highly of myself.

He said embarrassingly, "That's good!"

At this time, a soldier shouted: "There is a ship ahead, it seems to be our ship!"

They were almost at the mouth of the sea, and the mouth of the Liaohe River became very wide, like a large lake. Three warships of five thousand stone appeared in front of them, flying the red-bottomed black dragon flag. It was their warships that came to meet them. The inner guards They all cheered.

Hu Yun came to meet them in person. Yang Qin's family boarded the big ship, met with Hu Yun, and were arranged to rest in the cabin. The injured internal guard soldiers were also sent for treatment.

Hu Yun smiled and asked Zhong Huan, "Is it going well this time?"

Chong Huan smiled wryly and said, "There were some twists and turns, but fortunately, we were well prepared, and overall it was smooth! After all, we all returned successfully, and no brother was killed in battle. There was no danger."

"This is what you inner guards can do!"

Zhong Huan didn't explain too much, the matter is over, if it happens again, who can explain it clearly?
In fact, he believes that Pang Guangji and the others can also do it. After all, some things do not need to rely on force. One Jurchen soldier is missing.

Zhong Huan was almost certain that they were discovered and chased by the defenders in the city. The reason was that the Jurchen guard had been missed. When he came back, he found out that something had happened and immediately reported it. Only after three thousand cavalrymen came out and almost caught up with them.

Chong Huan sighed, "I hope Pang Guangji is safe and sound!"

Hu Yun quickly asked: "You didn't see him being arrested, or did something happen?"

Chong Huan shook his head, "He finally rode northward, and the Jurchen cavalry chased southward, and they went in the opposite direction!"

"Then nothing will happen. Pang Guangji is very smart and can survive in the wolf's den. He has extraordinary wisdom and can protect himself!"

Zhong Huan was right when he thought about it. When Pang Guangji came to inform them, he was wearing white clothes, but shortly after he rode away, he changed into black clothes.

The three big ships turned around slowly and headed for the mouth of the Juma River.

In the main cabin, Hu Yun asked Yang Qin to sit down. Yang Qin already knew Hu Yun's identity. He was the Minister of Yongguo's Ministry of Officials and the comfort envoy of Yanshan Road. This position is quite high, and it can be said that he is second only to the senior officials who are in charge of political affairs. , it can be seen that Hu Yun is less than 40 years old. If there is no accident, he will definitely be the prime minister of King Yong in the future.

After thinking about this, Yang Qin's tone became more respectful. The soldiers came in and served them tea. Hu Yun took a sip of the tea and said with a smile: "Actually, His Royal Highness King Yong does not want to interfere in Jin's internal affairs, and there are no chivalrous men." The heart of righteousness, I hope Yang Shangshu can understand this."

Of course Yang Qin understood what the other party meant. If he didn't get any benefits, King Yong might send his whole family back to the Kingdom of Jin in exchange for benefits. Thinking of this, he felt a chill in his heart, and quickly said: "I fully understand, and I also hope that Provide some useful information to King Yong to repay him for saving his life!"

Seeing him on the road, Hu Yun said calmly: "I will provide Yang Shangshu with a three-acre house in Daxing City, and some paper and pens. I hope Yang Shangshu will write down everything he knows, and I will present it to Yong. Your Highness, if His Highness King Yong is satisfied, your family can live in Daxing City forever, and even become a commoner of Yong Kingdom, but if His Highness King Yong is not satisfied, the consequences will be serious, but I don't want this to happen. Yang Shangshu should use snacks to write! I will give you fifteen days, enough time for you to think."

(End of this chapter)

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