
Chapter 1399 Dan Ba

Chapter 1399 Dan Ba
At the same time when Hu Yun's boat was going to Daxing Mansion, Chen Qing had already entered Shangzhou in a carriage. He did not come to Shangzhou for inspection, but passed through Shangzhou and went to Xiangyang to take a boat. His destination was Fujian Road.

This was originally the plan last autumn, and he took the whole family to go there, but the pregnancy of his wife and two concubines forced him to change the plan and postpone it until this spring.

Accompanying him on his inspection tour of Fujian Road was Zhou Kuan, his servant, more than a dozen officials from various ministries, [-] soldiers guarding him, and of course, his family.

His two concubines, Yu Lian and Yao Mei, accompanied him, and his son Chen Ji followed his father to inspect Fujian Road.

In the evening, the team stationed in the big camp in Shangluo County, and took a special rest for a day. Before departure, Chen Qing heard the report. Quite interested.

I don't know if Lu Wei fully comprehended the essence of the teaching after Chen Qing's teaching, but he firmly remembered some of the projects mentioned by Chen Qing. Among the top ten projects in three years, the northern extension of the Shangluo Canal Waterway ranks first. Although the expansion of Sanmenxia is also extremely important, after all, it has just been treated, and there is no rush to restore it. Therefore, the deepening and widening of the Sanmenxia Waterway can only be ranked second.

Lu Wei acted resolutely. The plan had just been drawn up for a few days, and the Internal Affairs Hall had not yet approved it. He sent officials from the Ministry of Industry and the Metropolitan Water Supervision to form a joint exploration team to conduct preliminary exploration of the northern extension of the Shangluo Waterway, that is, a feasibility study.

Early the next morning, Chen Qing brought his sons Chen Ji and Zhou Kuan to the transit warehouse group in Shangluo County. Coincidentally, Zhang Yuanlang, the head of the Metropolitan Water Supervision Department, had just returned from investigation, and Liang Tingan, a doctor from the Ministry of Industry, was also there.

Hearing that His Royal Highness King Yong was coming, a group of officials rushed out to greet him. Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile, "I'm passing by here to go to Xiangyang. I heard that you are here to detect waterways, so come and have a look."

"Thank you for your support, Your Highness, please come down to the big tent! Please, my son! Please, Counselor Zhou!" Zhang Yuanlang also respected the other two important figures.

Chen Qing took his son's hand and walked into the big tent. This is a huge tent covering an area of ​​nearly three acres, also called the engineering tent. The sand table of Shangluo has been stored in the Ministry of War, and Lu Wei specially borrowed it.

"Why didn't your servant Lu come?" Chen Qing smiled and asked Liang Ting'an, a doctor in the Ministry of Industry.

"Reporting to Your Highness, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has to review the annual plan of the Ministry of Industry, and he cannot leave Jingzhao for the time being."

Zhou Kuan smiled and said: "Lv Shilang is also a little impatient. He should submit the report after your investigation has reached a conclusion. Otherwise, the internal affairs hall will definitely not be able to pass."

Chen Qing nodded, "Zhou Shenzhengshi is right. First of all, the project must have the possibility of success before submitting the project plan. Otherwise, the internal affairs hall will approve it but find that the plan does not work. It will be a big joke."

Zhang Yuanlang hurriedly said: "According to our current investigations, the possibility of success is relatively high!"

"Good! I'm all ears."

Before everyone came to the sand table, Zhang Yuanlang picked up the wooden pole and introduced it to Chen Qing: "We are considering dividing the Shangzhou Waterway Northward Extension Project into three stages. The first stage is to extend to Shangluo County, which is about [-] miles long. It is the easiest step. This section can sail a hundred-stone boat, and if the river is dug deeper and widened, a thousand-stone cargo ship can go. The second section is from Shangluo County and continues northward to Lantianguan Town at the southern foot of Zhongnan Mountain. You can still borrow Dan water for a section, but once it is troublesome, you need to take a detour to slow down the turbulent water, and you need to use iron fire mines to blow up many boulders along the way. This is also a hundred miles away, and it may take a year to complete. The third hardest paragraph."

"Is there a third stage?" Chen Qing was a little surprised. What he told Lu Wei was that it would end at the southern foot of Zhongnan Mountain, that is, the second stage would be completed, and the rest would be the expansion of the Guanzhong Waterway.

"Is the third section widening Bashui?" Chen Qing asked.

Zhang Yuanlang smiled slightly and said, "Reporting to Your Highness, the expansion of the Bashui River is only a part of the third stage. The third stage considered by the humble official is to build the Danshui River and connect the Bashui River with the Danshui River."

Zhou Kuan was surprised: "This is not an ordinary project, can it be successful?"

Chen Qing smiled and said nothing. He also felt that the difficulty was too great. In fact, the Danshui and Bashui were only a dozen miles apart, but there was a mountain ridge in the middle. It was unimaginable to lift the water up the mountain ridge and then flow down.

"Let's talk about the widening of Bashui first, is it feasible?"

"Of course it is possible, but we need to take a detour and try our best to keep the water level as smooth as possible. We inspected it last year. It will take about [-] miles to dig the water channel, which will take a year to complete."

"Fifty miles, this is no small project!"

"Your Highness, the construction of water transportation in the past dynasties has been extremely costly in terms of money and food, but they will continue to do it without hesitation. It is really because of the great benefits. Although the Sui Dynasty was destroyed by digging the Grand Canal, the benefits will last forever. The humble job of digging waterways is not only for water transportation, but also for irrigation of fertile fields. There are also great benefits."

Chen Qing nodded, "I understand what you said, let's talk about the Danba Waterway!"

Zhang Yuanlang saluted, and said calmly: "When the Tang Dynasty established its capital Guanzhong, it was considered to connect Danshui and Bashui. Emperor Taizong of Tang considered taking Baoshui to connect Baoshui and Weihe, but the Baoshui Valley was too urgent and failed. Emperor Gaozong of Tang Dynasty began to consider the Danba Waterway. It was not until Emperor Zhongzong of Tang Dynasty that Cui Shi, the governor of Xiangzhou, organized tens of thousands of civilians to dig the mountain. Half of the civilians died before the digging was successful. The Danba Waterway was destroyed and failed completely. Later, Emperor Zetian moved his capital to Luoyang. During the Kaiyuan Tianbao period, Pei Yaoqing and Wei Jian successively managed Sanmenxia and Guanzhong Caoqu. In the Tang Dynasty, the Danba Waterway was never mentioned again.”

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile: "Although the governance of the Tang Dynasty failed, Zhang Jianling is full of confidence. Why?"

"Your Highness, the confidence of the humble position comes from our sharp weapon to open mountains and blast rocks!"

"You mean Tie Huolei?" Chen Qing laughed.

"Exactly, with it, the humble staff can blast a passage on the mountain ridge between Danshui and Bashui, and the foundation laid by the Tang Dynasty is still there. The passage is only blocked by mud and rocks, not the whole With the help of the power of iron fire and thunder, it only takes [-] people and half a year to dredge the narrow passage, and will continue to improve and strengthen it so that it will no longer be destroyed by floods. After two years, it will never be destroyed again. A thousand stone cargo ship can pass between Xiangyang and Chang'an."

Chen Qing said happily: "If you can realize the navigation between Xiangyang and Chang'an in three years, I will give you the title of Lord of Shangluo County!"

(End of this chapter)

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