
Chapter 1400 Growth

Chapter 1400 Growth
Chen Ji was very quiet from the beginning to the end, without saying a word, Chen Qing felt a little strange, and asked with a smile in the carriage back: "Ji'er, what do you think of the Danba Waterway?"

Chen Ji said for a long time: "Reporting to father, my son thinks it seems...it seems unnecessary!"

"Why do you say that?" Chen Qing asked curiously.

"The reason is actually simple!"

Chen Ji said solemnly: "After widening the Sanmen Gorge, food and materials from the south of the Yangtze River can enter the Yellow River from the Caibian Canal, and then transported from the Yellow River to Jingzhao. After all, there are tens of thousands of civilian husbands, and it is indeed a bit of a waste of money."

It turned out that his son thought this way. Chen Qing smiled slightly: "You can't just think about the connection between Jiangnan and Guanzhong, or Jinghu Road, Sichuan Road, Huainan West Road, and Jiangnan West Road? Such a vast central and western part, Do they have to transport their supplies to Yangzhou first, and then take a long way from Yangzhou?"

Chen Ji is 12 years old this year. Although he still respects his father, he already has his own ideas, but he dare not refute his father, so he has to bow his head.

Chen Qing saw that his son had his own ideas, so he encouraged him with a smile: "If you have an idea, just say it, as a father, I want to hear it!"

Chen Ji bit his lip and said: "Father was right just now. Sichuan Road and Jinghu Road are indeed a long way to go to Yangzhou. It is more convenient to take Shangluo Waterway, but my child thinks that after the second stage is completed, it should be over. Bashui and Danshui each build a transit warehouse, and materials are still transported by camels, and the transportation volume of a camel is equivalent to a small boat, so there is no need to waste people and money to develop the Danba waterway."

Chen Qing nodded, "This is the same reason that Pei Yaoqing built the Jijin warehouse in the east of Sanmenxia and the salt warehouse in the west of Sanmenxia in the Tang Dynasty."

"Yes! That's what my child thinks."

Chen Qing smiled and said: "Your idea is reasonable, but we can't make decisions like this, and we can't rely on our feelings in everything, 'I feel that he will waste people's money, so this project cannot be approved', it can't be like this, things need to be done one step at a time. In one step, for example, in the first stage, how much human, material and financial resources the Ministry of Industry plans to spend, and how much it actually costs, after the second stage is completed, and the Bashui side has also been developed. Calculate how much food and people's resources are needed to build the Danba Waterway, how much food and people's resources are needed to build the two warehouses, and then make a full assessment and strategic trade-offs before deciding whether to implement the Danba Waterway."

Chen Ji said with shame on his face: "My child is immature in thinking!"

Zhou Kuan next to him opened his eyes and smiled, "Are you immature? I think you already speak like a 20-year-old."

Chen Qing laughed, "Old Zhou told this kid, should we build the Danba Waterway?"

Zhou Kuan smiled and said: "I took a boat from Jingzhao to travel to the south of the Yangtze River. When I arrived at Lantianguan, the boatman told me that I could only stop here. I had to carry dozens of kilograms of luggage and walk over mountains and mountains for more than ten miles. If I go to Shangzhou to find a boat and continue my journey, I will definitely be tortured to death."

Chen Ji suddenly understood that his own thinking was too narrow, and he didn't realize the significance of building the Danba Waterway at all.

Chen Qingyu said earnestly: "Convenient travel is the most important part of transportation, and it is also the key for us to control the southern states. Does Ji'er understand?"

Chen Ji nodded again and again, "My child understands!"

. . . . . .
Chen Qing led the people to board the boat in Shangluo County, and first took a thousand-stone passenger ship to go south along the Danshui River, and arrived in Xiangyang three days later. Xiangyang had moored more than [-] thousand-stone ships, including Chen Qing's boat, a one-hundred-thousand-stone ship Three thousand escort soldiers boarded other ships, while Chen Qing took his wife, children and officials on his own lucky boat.

The Fuchuan above the deck is divided into four floors. The first floor is the living quarters for a hundred soldiers, the second floor is where Zhou Kuan and a dozen officials handle official business, and the third floor is the living quarters for Chen Qing and his wife and children. There is a living quarters for the accompanying maids, and the fourth floor is the living quarters for storing luggage and twelve female guards.

Below the deck are various functional cabins, boatman's quarters, kitchen, storage cabin, fresh water cabin, livestock cabin and so on.

Such a giant ship of 200 shi can accommodate thousands of people, but in fact it only accommodates less than [-] people, which is still very spacious. Of course, this is King Yong's boat, and it cannot be as crowded as a merchant ship.

At night, the fleet had already left Xiangyang and was sailing on the Han River. Each large ship was hung with a big lantern, which was particularly eye-catching on the dark river and could be seen dozens of miles away.

As the night gradually deepened, Chen Qing and the two concubines spent several times together, and the three of them also lay down exhausted, and Chen Qing fell asleep with the two beautiful girls in his arms.

The next morning, when Chen Qing woke up, Yu Lian was the only one beside her, Yao Mei had disappeared, and she could vaguely hear the busyness in the outer cabin, Yao Mei was already busy making tea.

This is the difference between the two. Yao Mei is very similar to Yu Ying, she is very virtuous, and she is used to getting up early to serve her husband, but Yu Lian is not. She understands her husband's habit and uses a different way to serve her husband. Chen Qing once again put Yu Lian under pressure. Under her body, Yu Lian finally got up after some love and affection. Chen Qing really liked her plump and exaggerated figure, just like a ripe peach.

At this time, Yao Mei's pretty face was slightly red, and she came in with a basin. She wanted to wait for her husband to wash up. After all, she was still young and thin-skinned. Last night, she and Yu Lian waited on her husband. She couldn't let go, so she slipped outside to put on her coat skirt.

Yu Lian was naked, but she didn't mind that Yao Mei was in the same cabin. She lazily straightened her hair, then put on her dress, looked back at her husband and smiled charmingly: "Husband, I'm going back to the cabin."

Chen Qing nodded with a smile, Yu Lian hugged Yao Mei mischievously, kissed her on the face, then left with a giggle, her cabin was next door, she had to go out through the corridor outside, there were two of her The personal maid has to wait for her to wash and make up.

Chen Qing is served by Yao Mei. There is no maid. Of course, Yao Mei also has her own cabin. The side cabin next to her is full of her belongings. There is a small door directly through it, which is very convenient. In fact, she lives with Chen Qing. Together.

This made Yu Lian quite jealous, but there was nothing she could do, she was not as diligent as Yao Mei, she just waited on her husband on the bed and didn't care about anything else.

Yao Mei was kissed by Yu Lian, her face flushed, thinking of last night's absurdity, she was even more embarrassed, but she still quickly fetched the potty for her husband, wiped her husband's body carefully with a warm towel, and waited for him to wear it. Put on a soft cotton robe.

"What time is it now?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

There is a clock outside, which was developed by jeweler Li Si on the basis of the principle of gravity clock for half a year, but it is not exquisite enough and weighs a hundred catties. Although the error is about a quarter of an hour every day, Chen Qing is still very satisfied , I brought it out specially this time, the [-] stone boat ride is very stable on the inland river water, and has little effect on the clock, but if it goes to the sea, I'm afraid it won't work.

"It's almost time!"

It was less than seven o'clock, and Chen Qing woke up at this time every day.

"Has Ji'er woke up?" Chen Qing asked again.

"I met Xiaotao just now, and she got up to practice calligraphy when she said Shi Zimao."

Chen Qing nodded. His son Chen Ji is very good at reading, but he is a little short in calligraphy. He has no calligraphy talent and has no choice but to make up for his weakness with diligence. He has practiced calligraphy hard for the past two years. This time he went to Fujian During the inspection tour, Master Lu Cunyi did not arrange for him to study, but asked him to practice calligraphy hard, no less than five hours a day, and if something was delayed, he had to make up for it later.

Chen Ji followed his father to inspect the progress of the Danba waterway, which was delayed for three hours, so in the past few days, he practiced calligraphy for six hours every day, making up for the time he was delayed.

Chen Qing is very satisfied with his son's self-discipline. To become a qualified lord of the world, self-discipline is the most basic quality.

Especially don't learn from yourself, you are too indulgent in sex.

(End of this chapter)

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