
Chapter 1404

Chapter 1404 Second Coming (Part [-])
Chao Kun didn't react for a while, Zhou Tao, the chief steward who was following behind, laughed and said, "The smoke should be from the brick kiln!"

Only then did Chao Kun think of it, and said embarrassedly: "I chose the address of the brick kiln, and I have forgotten it. There are a total of three brick kilns, which are kept around day and night to ensure the bricks used for the construction of the city."

Chen Ji asked from the side: "Isn't it okay to ram the city with earth?"

Chao Kun shook his head, "Your Majesty, I don't know. There is a lot of rain here, and the rammed earth will collapse in a short time. It is better to use bricks to be stronger."

"I see!"

Chen Ji thought for a while and asked again: "Then when we build a house, should we use wood or bricks?"

"Both are used. Buildings like government offices and temples use bricks, while residential buildings use wood, which is more transparent and cooler in summer. We will also dig several sewage ditches in the city and build them with bricks. The sewage from every house flows out of the city. Finally flowed into the sea."

After a pause, Chao Kun said again: "There will be a small river dug in the city, the rainwater in the city can be collected into the river, and it will also give the common people a place to take a walk after dinner."

"Good! Well done!"

Chen Qing repeatedly praised that only when officials take the needs of the people into consideration can Ryukyu enjoy long-term peace and stability.

"Let's go to the south bank of the river to have a look!"

The crowd went down to the city and crossed the river on a temporary pontoon bridge. There were soldiers patrolling both the pontoon bridge and the river. Japan strictly forbids civilians to cross the river.Offenders will be shot to death.

There are also thousands of hectares of land on the south bank of the river. There are three villages with a total of more than a thousand households. Almost all of these people came from the Yellow River Flooding Area. Their homes were destroyed and they wandered around looking for new homes. They came to Fujian Road all the way. I happened to see the notice for the recruitment of immigrants in the big island of Ryukyu. They couldn't refuse the very tempting offer, 50 years of tax exemption, two hectares of land for one family, and an annual income of more than [-] guan.

When they found out that these favorable conditions were the promises given by King Yong, they signed up without hesitation.

The village was very quiet, and these two days happened to be rushing to harvest and plant. The first season of rice had just been harvested, and everyone was busy transplanting rice seedlings in the fields, and many people even led cattle to plow the paddy fields.

"According to the plan, after the county seat is repaired, most people will move to the county seat. Only a small village will remain here, and the land will be re-leveled as good farmland."

Chen Qing nodded, "Since the county seat has been built, is there a county magistrate?"

"Not yet. Although the city has been built, it still needs to be approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to officially become a county. However, there is only one person who can be recommended as the first county magistrate."

"It's Zhou Tao, the chief steward. He was originally the boss of Quanzhou. He was transferred to the Municipal Bureau of Shipbuilding from a humble position. Now he is in charge of managing tens of thousands of laborers. He is capable and down-to-earth. He manages [-] people in an orderly manner. The people here are also He is in charge of both sides, and he has a great reputation among the people, and the humble official strongly recommends him as the first county magistrate."

Chen Qing looked back and saw that Zhou Tao had already arranged for the civilian husband and was running over from the bridge. Chen Qing nodded, "I will think about it!"

Before the group came to the paddy field, the paddy field was as much as [-] hectares. This is the government's promise. Each household has two hectares of land, and the Quanzhou government also sent [-] cattle as their public property. At present, they practice village self-government. , Each village consists of a few old people to form an arbitration committee to mediate disputes, arrange farming and other affairs.

Although the people are busy planting rice seedlings, Chen Qing does not intend to go to the fields to help. First, it is not necessary, and he will not be able to help, but will add to the chaos. More importantly, Chen Qing has an old injury on his leg, so he cannot use cold water. He had to take care of it carefully, otherwise the scar would be very painful in winter, and the arrow Wanyan Huo Nu shot him in Linyou County still hurt his tendons.

Chen Qing sat down under a big tree. After a while, Zhou Tao found a group of old people from the field. They were all members of the arbitration committees of the villages. Chen Qing also wanted to chat with them.

More than a dozen old men knelt down and saluted, "See His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Chen Qing waved his hands with a smile and said, "You don't have to be polite, everyone, please sit down!"

Under the big tree is a resting place, there are many small stools, the old people sat around Chen Qing, Chen Qing said with a smile: "Everyone has come to settle in Ryukyu, it has been a year!"

"Not only! Not only! The earliest batch is almost three years old, and the latest batch came in the spring of last year, and it has been more than a year."

Chen Qing nodded, "Get used to it!"

"Our group of old men like it very much. It is quiet, rich, and no longer feels pain for life, but the young people are a bit restless, and it may be boring here."


Chen Qing pointed to the city behind him and said with a smile: "That is the new county. Most of your more than 1000 households will live in the city. When the time comes, shops, restaurants, teahouses, and even tiles will appear in the county, and young people will like it. .”

Everyone responded, "Yes! We are all looking forward to it."

"Now the family has an income of [-] yuan a year, right?" Chen Qing asked again with a smile.

All the old people were a little embarrassed, and one old man said: "It's about this amount. The main income comes from picking kapok in autumn. There are too many kapok trees here, and we can't pick even one of them every year."

Another old man said: "Although the income is a lot, it can't be spent. Except for oil, salt and daily necessities, I have nothing to buy. I grow food and vegetables by myself. I use kapok to weave clothes and eat them. The meat is also sent by the natives in the mountains."

Chen Qing was surprised and said, "Do you have any connection with Gaoshan natives?"

"Of course there is. There is a government-run grocery store in the village. At the same time, they receive goods. They also pick kapok and sell it. They buy daily necessities and go back. They often use the venison and goat meat they hunt to exchange food with us. They also catch a lot of fish. The rest will be exchanged for food with us."

"There is no conflict!"

"No!" Everyone shook their heads together.

An old man said: "They are very territorial, just like the beasts in the mountains. As long as we don't invade their territory, there will be no problem. But their territory is in the mountains, how can we go there?"

Chen Qing thought for a while, and said to Chao Kun: "I think it's best to reach an agreement with their leader. The two sides will not invade each other and live in peace."

Chao Kun hesitated and said, "Does Your Highness want to see their leader?"

"If you have time, you can see it, if you don't have time, forget it."

"Humble job arranges as much as possible!"

Chen Qing smiled and asked everyone: "Everyone has any thoughts and requests, and any dissatisfaction with this place, please bring them up, and I will try my best to solve them!"

"Your Highness, can you run a school so that children can study!"

"It's not a big problem. Arrangements are already underway. There is a school in the new county. If we move there, the school will open."

"Your Highness, there is still communication. We want to contact relatives in our hometown and ask them to come too."

"Your Highness, a bridge needs to be built over the muddy water."

. . . . . .
Chen Qing laughed and said, "Don't worry! Everything will happen, and it will happen soon."

(End of this chapter)

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