
Chapter 1405 Events

Chapter 1405 Events
Chen Qing returned to the north bank with a group of people, but found that there were many Japanese civilians gathered in front of him. Zhou Tao was startled, and hurried to check the situation, and came back soon to report: "His Royal Highness, there was a fight between two soldiers just now , was beaten to the point of bleeding, and attracted many civilians to watch."

Chen Qing's face sank and he said, "Go back to the boat and let the general of the garrison meet me!"

Chen Qing then met Li Fan, the commander of the army stationed on the big island of Ryukyu, on the big ship.

At present, 500 soldiers are stationed on Ryukyu Island and [-] soldiers are stationed on Penghu Island. These [-] soldiers not only protect the safety of the people and monitor [-] Japanese laborers, but also represent the will of the Yong Kingdom. The island belongs to the territory of Yong State.

Of course, Chen Qing also cared about these soldiers, after all, they were the first batch of Western troops stationed overseas.

Chen Qing smiled and asked Li Fan to sit down, "Don't be nervous, we're just chatting casually, not a formal report."

Li Fan straightened his back and looked serious, or nervous. He knew that King Yong's meeting with him must have something to do with the fight just now.

Seeing that he was very nervous, Chen Qing smiled and asked, "General Li was originally Niu Dutong's subordinate, right?"

"Exactly, I joined the army eight years ago, and I have been under Niu Dutong's command. Later, I came to Quanzhou with General Huyan."

"Where is General Li from?"

"Humble job is from Chencang County, Fengxiang Prefecture."

Chen Qing nodded, "It's not easy to come from Guanzhong to stay overseas for a long time. Brothers are satisfied with the treatment now!"

"Reporting to Your Highness, our treatment is very good, and everyone is quite satisfied."

In fact, the salaries of the Western Army are the same, but the allowances of the garrisons in different places are different. The allowances of the frontier troops are relatively high, and the highest is the overseas garrison allowance. There are three per month allowances, and all kinds of meals are very good.

"We should pay more attention to the demands of the soldiers, but we must also strictly enforce military discipline and combine leniency with strictness. Do you understand what I mean?"

"The humble officer understands that our military discipline is strict, and we have never harassed the people."

"But just now there were soldiers fighting openly, and the fight was bad. What's going on?" Chen Qing's tone became severe.

Li Fan hurriedly knelt down on one knee and reported, "It's the humble officer who doesn't manage the army strictly, and the humble officer is willing to take all the responsibilities."

"Who should bear the responsibility is my right. You don't need to do it for me. You just need to explain the matter clearly to me. What's going on?"

Li Fan sighed and said, "Soldiers are strictly forbidden to gamble, but they are lenient when soldiers seek prostitutes. When soldiers are on vacation, they will go to shantytowns to find prostitutes. There are many prostitutes there."

Chen Qing frowned, "Are there no military prostitutes?"

"Not yet!"

Chen Qing also understood the loneliness of the soldiers, so he nodded and said: "After the county is built, there will be brothels and brothels. Military prostitutes don't need to be set up, but it's best not to go to the shantytowns. Forget it, you continue to talk, why are you fighting?"

"A group of Japanese prostitutes came a few days ago, about a dozen of them. Today is their first day to receive customers. Many soldiers ran away, and absurd things happened."

"What absurd thing, speak clearly!"

Li Fan smiled wryly and said, "All of us suddenly fell in love with one of them, and then he wanted to redeem this woman, and the soldiers behind him were queuing up, and he didn't allow others to touch this woman, and a fight broke out in the end."

Chen Qing was stunned, and this kind of thing is really absurd.

"And then, how do you deal with it?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, this Dutou is called Zhong Hui, who has repeatedly made military exploits. Just after I asked him about the situation, His Highness called for him before he had time to deal with him."

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "Go and bring the man, I will ask him personally!"

Li Fan saluted and hurried away.

Chen Qing walked around with his hands behind his hands. The reason why he paid attention to this matter was because he needed to understand the situation of overseas soldiers, understand their inner world, and grasp some representative things. A system that is more reasonable and more popular with soldiers can be formulated.

In fact, Chen Qing has already felt that it is women who have the deepest influence on overseas soldiers. He understands the loneliness of soldiers overseas, and he can get some comfort from women.

At this time, the soldiers said outside the cabin: "Your Highness, they are here!"

"Let them in!"

Not long after, Li Fan brought in a sergeant. The sergeant knelt on one knee and cupped his fists and said, "Zhong Hui, the head of the overseas military battalion, sees Your Highness!"

Chen Qing saw that Zhong Hui was about [-] years old, tall, strong, and handsome, so he asked him, "What achievements have you made?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, when the Western Army seized Jingxing Pass, I was the first to rush to the pass. He once beheaded 19 Jurchen soldiers and jumped from soldier to capital."

Chen Qing nodded secretly. These contributions are not small, so he asked coldly: "Since you are a person who has made great contributions, you should understand military discipline better. Are you taking credit for yourself?"

Zhong Hui hastily said: "I have never violated military discipline. This is a fight with me. I do violate military discipline. I am willing to be punished, but don't let innocent people be implicated!"

"Your Highness, Zhong Dutou means that there is a reason for the incident." Li Fan next to him couldn't help interceding for him.

Chen Qing glared at Li Fan, and said to Zhong Hui: "You first explain the matter clearly, and I will make a decision later."

Zhong Hui lowered his head and said sadly: "Bizhi originally had a wife in his hometown, who unfortunately passed away due to dystocia ten years ago. He has always missed his wife in his heart, and originally didn't want to marry again, but five days ago, when he was on duty by the river, he met Several laundry prostitutes, they are all new here, but one of them is not the same, not very gregarious, ridiculed by others, I feel that she does not look like a prostitute, she has a different temperament, and I met again by the river the next day When I saw her, I talked to her a few words, and found that her smile was somewhat similar to that of the lowly deceased wife."

An old story, Chen Qing shook his head and asked again: "And then?"

"Then I couldn't forget her. Later, I chatted with some brothers and said that among the new prostitutes, there was a good girl who had never received a customer. Everyone wanted to fight for the first one. I suspected that it was that woman, so I found a brothel overnight. The old bustard bought that woman’s No. [-] brand with five pennies, and it turned out to be that woman. She was really the first time. Later, she told me that she was a woman from a good family with too many brothers and sisters. She was the second child. , in order to marry a wife for the eldest brother, he sold himself to the sea."

"How do you talk, do you understand the language?" Chen Qing interrupted him and asked.

"Reporting to Your Highness, I have been guarding Japanese laborers in humble positions for two years, and I can understand quite a few of their languages."

"Go on!"

"Then I pulled her out, forbade her to receive any more customers, and told the bustard that I would redeem her body, but the soldiers in the queue at the back quit and came to arrest her and go back to her room. Her speech was ugly, and the humble officer couldn't help it for a while and started fighting. .”

Chen Qing suddenly said angrily: "Because of a prostitute, you fought with your brothers and ruined the reputation of the Western Army. I think you are thinking about women and getting lost."

Zhong Hui knelt down and wept: "Humble wife has passed away for ten years, served in the army for seven years, and has never been attracted to other women. This is the first time in ten years. Your Highness, she is not a prostitute. Humble is her first man. The humble official wants to marry her."

Li Fan also knelt down on one knee to intercede for Zhong Hui: "Your Highness, Zhong Dutou is 35 years old, his parents have passed away, he has no brothers in his family, and he has no heirs so far. I implore Your Highness to grant him. For matters of military discipline, low-ranking officials will punish him separately! "

Chen Qing was quite moved by Li Fan's words. He was 35 years old and had no heirs, and he was still guarding the sea for himself. The anger in his heart finally disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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