
Chapter 1414 Assemblies

Chapter 1414 Assemblies
Chen Qing's boat entered Qiantang Bay at dawn. Of course, he made a deliberate decision to come to Qiantang River. This is actually a kind of critical oppression, which can be said to be a kind of psychological warfare, just like coming to the enemy's camp alone to challenge However, the enemy army was helpless and did not dare to act rashly. Ten large ships arrived at Lin'an City, but the court did not dare to fight.

The sea was foggy, and the fleet hung large lanterns, kept a distance from the front and back, and sailed extremely slowly on the sea with the help of a little wind.

Chen Qing and Zhou Kuan stood at the bow of the boat. At this time, the fog had gradually dispersed, and the outline of the land in the distance was faintly visible. Zhou Kuan asked with a smile, "Does Your Highness think that the imperial court will ambush us by the shore?"

Chen Qing shook his head and said: "Zhao Gou may have this idea, and even wants to send someone to assassinate me, but I believe his subordinate Xiangguo will definitely press down his stupid idea."

Zhou Kuan nodded, "This idea is really stupid. No matter whether he sends an army to ambush or assassinate, it is tantamount to declaring war on us. The consequences are clear to the other side, regardless of whether they are kings or ministers, but they will definitely prevent the people from coming. The city gate threatens the people, it is foreseeable that there will not be too many people on the shore, Your Highness must be mentally prepared."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter whether the people come or not. The key is that we have been here. As long as we have been here, we have achieved our goal. If the court is smarter, it should be widely spread." Propaganda that we are only here to replenish fresh water, stop and repair damaged ships, etc., and do not take our stop seriously, so as to minimize the influence of our visit. On the contrary, blindly blocking and intimidating will only show To express the fear in their hearts is what I look forward to."

Zhou Kuan chuckled, "I'm afraid the imperial court is not so wise!"

The boat gradually approached the mouth of the Qiantang River, and countless people appeared on the south bank, waving and shouting at the fleet. That was Xiaoshan County, and there was no obstruction from Xiaoshan County. Almost all the people in the county left the city.

At this time, there was chaos in Lin'an City. Tens of thousands of people were blocked in front of the east gate, the gate was closed tightly, and soldiers were standing on the top of the city.

"Open the door! Open the door!"

"You are all cowards, cowards!"

Waves of angry shouts became louder and louder, and the people below the city were huge and crowded, and the anger spread among the crowd. Many people found stones and rotten eggs, and threw them at the soldiers at the top of the city like raindrops. The soldiers squatted down to avoid, and many soldiers were hit by rotten eggs, and they were in a panic.

At this time, someone came running and shouted, "You can leave the city at Yongjinmen!"

The people turned their heads one after another, and ran towards Yongjinmen like a tide.
There is no city wall around Yongjinmen, not even a city gate, and it directly leads to the West Lake outside the city. This section is not because the imperial court has no money to build the city wall, but the result of pressure from various dignitaries. Occupied, they built restaurants, teahouses, and brothels, and the night business was excellent. In order not to affect the business, the dignitaries collectively put pressure on the imperial court, so that the city wall and gate of Yongjinmen have not been built so far.

Thousands of soldiers intercepted at Yongjin Gate. The soldiers piled sand bags here to form a sand wall and set up roadblocks, but what they faced were more than [-] angry people. Although the soldiers were all holding bows and arrows, no one Dare to open the bow and release the arrow.

Led by thousands of Tai students, the angry people threw stones at the soldiers. The density was like hail, and more than a thousand soldiers couldn't resist with their shields. The sand wall rushed out of the city gate like a sea tide bursting an embankment.

The news that Yongjinmen could leave the city spread like wildfire, and hundreds of thousands of people poured in from all directions with great momentum.

The arrival of Yong Wang Chen Qing was like a fuse, igniting the long-suppressed anger of the people in Lin'an. The meager income, high prices and rents, and the taxation that was overwhelming made the people at the bottom unable to breathe.

On the one hand, the life of the people is hard and difficult, and on the other hand, the rich and powerful spend money like water, and they are extravagant. Hundreds of thousands of people went out of the city to meet King Yong. It is not so much their love for King Yong, but their anger and resistance to the Southern Song Dynasty court.

Qin Hui and Wan Qixie were waiting for the news at the Meridian Gate. There was an atmosphere of anger everywhere in the city. They dared not go into the city for fear of being hurt by the mob.

Wan Qixi was full of anxiety and said: "Mr. Qin, it seems that the atmosphere in the city is not right. It is contrary to the effect of our persuasion. I heard that basically no one is at home, and all of them have come out."

Qin Hui said lightly: "It means that the people are dissatisfied with the imperial court. If I don't allow them to do anything, they will do the opposite. I have thought of it a long time ago, and it is completely within my expectation."

Wan Qixi curled his lips secretly, obviously because he didn't think carefully, but now he said that he was as expected, this person has a thick skin, which is rare in the world.

At this time, a follower rushed to report, "Sign up to Mr. Qin, and Mr. Wanqi. The Yongjin Gate failed to stop the people. A large number of people left the city through Yongjin Gate."

Wan Qixi gasped and looked at Qin Hui, but Qin Hui remained expressionless, as if he had expected it.

Wan Qixi said cautiously: "Mr. Qin, do you want to report to the officials?"

Qin Hui glanced at him sharply, and said with a haha: "I still have important government affairs to deal with, so I will leave this to Mr. Wancheng."

He turned around and walked away, throwing a bunch of mess to Wan Chengxie.

Wan Tuxi scolded, and then he came to his senses, deceived the superior and concealed it, took the good things by himself, and pushed the bad things to others. This is the secret of Qin Hui's position. Qin Hui didn't want to report to the emperor, so why did he bother to be such a villain?Whoever reports this kind of thing is unlucky.

Wan Qixi also found an excuse and slipped away in a hurry.

The fleet sailed into the Qiantang River in a mighty way, sailing against the current, and there were trackers pulling fibers on the south bank. The south bank was an endless field with undulating mountains in the distance, and there were no people there. Breaking through the barriers, we came to the Qiantang River, where gongs and drums were beating on the bank, colorful flags were flying, and cheers came and went.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the gigantic [-]-stone giant ship, and Chen Qing stood at the bow, waving to the people, and the cheers became even more deafening, and went straight to the sky.

At this time, a hundred-stone boat was slowly lowered from the big boat, and the boat was pulled by four iron chains. Three soldiers took off the big iron hooks and rowed the boat towards the north bank. A dozen old people were helped out of the boat. These are all representatives arranged by Lu Gang in advance. They are all elders over 60 years old, including great Confucianists, aristocratic families, and poor families. The dozen or so people represent almost all classes.

Under the attention of everyone, more than a dozen old people got on the small boat and drove to the big boat. Together with the small boat, they were pulled onto the huge big boat by iron chains. The design was very good. The wall of the ship did not sway, and hundreds of thousands of people on the shore cheered.

A group of old men saluted Chen Qing, and Chen Qing asked them to sit down and try their best to lean against the side of the boat so that the people on the shore could see them.

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I haven't been in Lin'an for a long time, but I have always been thinking about the parents and folks in Lin'an. Taking this opportunity today, I want to hear about everyone's difficulties and do everything I can to help everyone."

(End of this chapter)

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