
Chapter 1415 Gathering Hearts

Chapter 1415 Gathering Hearts
One of the oldest old man stood up and said: "Let me talk first! The old man Cheng Ran, who was originally a doctor of Tokyo Guozixue, is 80 years old this year. The most gratifying thing for me is to see His Highness expelling the Tartars before he was alive." , Restoring my Han family, hearing the news of the recovery of Hebei, the old man burst into tears, and later His Royal Highness recovered Youyan, and the old man even offered incense in front of his ancestors to comfort his ancestors. His great achievements will surely be included in the annals of history Later generations admire."

Speaking of this, the old man was excited and couldn't help but shed tears. Everyone quickly comforted him, and it took a while for the old man to calm down.

At this time, another old man said: "The villain opened an Anfuju restaurant, and now the imperial court is going against the grain, and it is rumored that they will forcefully sell the restaurant to all the merchants. The merchants in Lin'an are panic-stricken. Many of us want to go to Yangzhou on the north bank, but the imperial court However, the canal is blocked and the people are not allowed to move northward, so I implore Your Highness to open a passage for us to go northward.”

Chen Qing nodded, "You can go south to Fujian Road, you can go to Jiangnan West Road, there are many passages, and they can't stop them. If you want to go north by water, you can also take a boat directly to Dangtu County. Dangtu County is my territory. I will open up a channel to cross the river as soon as possible and arrange for a ferry to cross the river without going to Zhenjiang Mansion."

The old man happily asked: "Can I go directly to Dangtu County by boat?"

"Of course, you can take Lishui from Taihu Lake to Danyang Lake, cross the lake to the north, and then take Guxi River, and you will go directly to Dangtu County."

Another old man sighed: "Can Your Highness open a Changping store in Lin'an? We old people can't earn money and can only cause trouble for our family. Although our family members don't say it, we are very sad!"

Chen Qing nodded and said, "The Changping store is temporarily closed, but I may think of other ways to help everyone."

Chen Qing talked with the people for more than half an hour, and then let the boat take the old man back. At this time, Chen Qing held up a red-bottomed black dragon flag on the bow of the boat, and hundreds of thousands of people cheered enthusiastically on the shore again.

"Long live! Long live His Royal Highness King Yong! Long live!"

They made no secret of their inner admiration, and uttered the words that had been suppressed in their hearts for a long time. They longed for King Yong to ascend the throne as soon as possible and replace the Emperor Song who cruelly exploited them.

"Long live! Long live His Royal Highness King Yong!"

The shouts continued one after another until the big ship turned around and sailed away slowly.

This day will surely go down in history.

The eldest son Chen Ji also accompanied his father to meet the old man, but he never said a word, and listened quietly to the communication between his father and the old people. He only speaks out when asked.

"Ji'er, do you have any thoughts on today's trip to Lin'an?" When drinking tea in the afternoon, Chen Qing saw that his son had been silent, so he asked with a smile.

"Haier has no objection to his father's trip to Lin'an. Hundreds of thousands of people came to welcome his father. He is also very excited, but he doesn't quite understand. Why do you want to meet the elderly?"

"My lord, let me answer this question for you!"

Zhou Kuan smiled and said, "I am also an old man, and I have a deeper understanding of this issue."

"The junior is willing to listen with all ears!"

"First of all, our culture and tradition is to respect the elders, respect the elderly, even the old farmers in the countryside deserve our respect, this is our belief, His Highness specially meets the elderly, in fact, it tells everyone that His Highness respects beliefs, respects Tradition.

Secondly, there are old people in every household. The old people are the foundation of the family. When His Royal Highness receives the old people, it is the easiest way to get closer to the common people and move everyone. Finally, everyone’s call for the son is also heard, that is, everyone is moved.

The third is balance. Being received by His Royal Highness, this quota is so rare, if you let member A come up, member B must not be convinced, why!Let shopkeeper Ding go, shopkeeper C will be dissatisfied, and it is difficult to agree. The best way is to let the old man go, regardless of what the old man does. As long as he is an old man, everyone will respect him and there will be no objection. Do you understand? "

Chen Ji stood up and saluted, "The elder's teachings, Chen Ji will remember them in his heart!"

Zhou Kuan quickly asked Chen Ji to sit down, and said to Chen Qing with a smile, "I just like the modesty and politeness of your son!"

Chen Qing said with a slight smile: "Zhou Shenzheng is right, all three points are on the point, but meeting the old man is just a gesture, and the effect of mobilizing the atmosphere is very good. If you want to get the real recognition and respect of everyone, you must take Take practical actions, everyone will say good things, but if you want to have tangible results, you must come up with specific plans for caring for the elderly."

"What exactly is your Highness planning to do?" Zhou Kuan asked with a smile.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "I plan to subsidize the elderly over 60 years old in Lin'an with a monthly subsidy of [-] Wen until the Changping store is built!"

Zhou Kuan frowned, "How much does it cost?"

Chen Qing asked his son again with a smile, "What does Ji'er think?"

Chen Ji thought for a while and said: "The key depends on how many people there are? How much is the monthly expenditure? Then weigh the pros and cons!"

Zhou Kuan said ashamedly: "Your Majesty is right, you have to understand the specific situation before you can make a judgment. I'm a little impatient."

"Duke Zhou used to be the chief officer in charge of money. In fact, all managers in charge of money are the same. They feel headaches when they hear about spending money. Even if they spend a penny, they feel that it is unnecessary."

Chen Qing explained to his son with a smile, and gave Zhou Kuan a step.

Zhou Kuan chuckled, "Your Highness really understands me!"

Chen Qing said slowly again: "I have asked the intelligence station to investigate this issue a long time ago. There are about 60 elderly people over 2 years old in Lin'an."

Zhou Kuan was stunned, "Only 2 people?"

Chen Qing nodded, "Most poor people at the bottom do not live to reach the age of 60, and those who can pass the age of 60 are basically from good families or high-ranking officials, so there are only 60 people over the age of 2, but among the 2 people , at least half of them are well-off families or high-ranking officials. They don't care about the subsidy of 1 cash per month, and they don't even bother to queue up to receive it. Thousands of money, [-] yuan a year, in fact, can't be subsidized for a few years, does Ji'er have any questions?"

Chen Ji hesitated and asked, "Why did father set three hundred Wen per month? Not other amounts."

Chen Qing chuckled, "The price of rice in Lin'an is [-] cents per bucket of rice, and I just subsidize the old man with five buckets of rice per month."

"The child understands!"

Chen Qing went back to his room to write a letter, Zhou Kuan poured a cup of tea for Chen Ji and said with a smile: "It is indeed a coup to break through from the old man, and it occupies the moral high ground. If the imperial court interferes, they will definitely be scolded to death. Unless they also take a sum of money to compete with us, surely the imperial court will not do this kind of thing?"

"Why won't the court do it?"

"The imperial court is too risky. If you give money to the elderly in Lin'an, what about other places? The imperial court will definitely lose more than the gains."

"That's right! Other places will be dissatisfied."

Zhou Kuan lowered his voice and laughed again: "Have you discovered your father's foresight?"

Chen Ji shook his head, puzzled and said: "The junior didn't find out!"

Zhou Kuan smiled slightly and said, "Your father has long ordered the intelligence station to investigate the number of elderly people over 60 years old in Lin'an. Meeting the elderly today is not a whim! Even today's visit to Qiantang River has been planned."

Chen Ji nodded silently, this is really the case.

(End of this chapter)

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