
Chapter 1416 Sincerity

Chapter 1416 Sincerity
At night, a carriage parked in front of Wang Mu's mansion. Wang Mu's mansion was Chen Qing's old house in Lin'an. Chen Qing gave it to the newspaper office. Now there are eight members of Wang Mu's family and more than a dozen maidservants. maid.

Lu Gang got off the carriage and asked his men to go up and knock on the door. After a while, the door opened a crack, and the butler asked, "Who is it?"

"It's Special Envoy Lu, looking for your master!"

The steward hurriedly ran to report, after a while, Wang Mu greeted him, and said with a smile, "I kept the special envoy waiting for a long time."

Lu Gang apologized, "I'm sorry to disturb you so late!"

Wang Mu hurriedly invited Lu Gang into the gate, and asked him to sit in the study. Lu Gang waved his hand, "I have something urgent? Has tomorrow's newspaper been printed?"

"Probably not yet, it's still typesetting!"

Lu Gang hurriedly said: "Hurry up and stop, I want to insert an urgent message."

"Okay! Let's go to the newspaper office first."

Wang Mu took a robe from his wife, put it on briefly, and got into Lu Gang's carriage. The carriage turned around and drove towards the newspaper office two miles away.

In the carriage, Lu Gang handed a warrant to Wang Mu, "Your Highness just sent someone to deliver it, take a look!"

Wang Mu quickly opened the warrant and saw a few words written on it, "From this month, the elderly over 60 years old in Lin'an City will receive a monthly subsidy of [-] Wen, which can be collected at the special envoy's office at the end of the month. Please report it immediately! "

Wang Mu smiled and said, "This is to strike while the iron is hot, so as to further penetrate the east wind brought by His Highness today."

"That's right! The old man is a good entry point, but I'm under a lot of pressure."

"Is it money?"

Lu Gang shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I don't have to worry about money. Hu Yun handed over 30 yuan to me. I just need to make preparations. I want to make a 2 yuan sign. I will receive the money based on the sign. You can lend me a few more at the end of the month. I may not be manned enough."

Wang Mu chuckled: "You can borrow as many people as you want, if it's not enough, I'll help you too!"

The carriage stopped in front of the newspaper office, and the two entered the newspaper office. Fortunately, the craftsmen were composing typesetting, and there was still half an hour before printing. At this time, Wang Mu suddenly discovered a problem. Jiangfu is gone, if Lin'an changes the front page but other prefectures don't, there will be chaos.

"Special envoy, why don't you publish it in the newspaper the day after tomorrow! The manuscript has already been sent to other states."

"Is there any other way? Can special news be used?"

Special news is an extra issue, which is usually a major event that occurs suddenly after the typesetting is completed. It is too late to revise, so we can only print a separate copy and put it in the newspaper.

But the news of the special subsidy for the elderly is not a major event, it cannot reach the level of special news.

Wang Mu hesitated for a while, but still agreed, "If it must be published tomorrow, then only special news can be used."

The next day, there was a drizzle in Lin'an. Although the heat subsided somewhat, the heat remained undiminished. The weather seemed to be more stuffy, making people feel like they were in a steamer.

It was only a day since Chen Qing visited Lin'an, but there was no sound in the court, and no one dared to mention it, as if it had never happened at all.

But the popularity among the people has not diminished, and all the teahouses, restaurants and brothels are still talking about it.

At noon, newspaper sellers appeared on the street, and they shouted as they ran, "Special news, His Royal Highness King Yong subsidizes the elderly over 60 years old!"

Special news has always been what everyone is most interested in. Hearing that there is special news, everyone ran out to buy newspapers. Soon, various teahouses and restaurants exploded. Elderly people over 60 years old in Lin'an City received a monthly subsidy of [-] Wen money.

The news blew across the city like a gust of wind, and countless families were extremely excited, especially the poor families at the bottom. Three hundred cash was not a small amount to them. It could buy five buckets of rice, which meant that the whole family could have enough to eat and no longer need to go hungry.

But for the rich and powerful, there was no disturbance. They simply dismissed it as only three hundred Wen. They couldn't imagine how important three hundred Wen was to poor families, especially for the elderly of poor families. Charcoal in the snow.

But the reason why this news caused a sensation in the whole city was not the three hundred Wen coins themselves, but that everyone saw King Yong's sincerity through the three hundred Wen coins, saw King Yong's care for the poor people, his love for the poor old people, It is like a clear spring, flowing into everyone's heart.

Qin Hui walked across the square of Ziwei Hall, walked quickly to the emperor's study room, and at the gate of the main hall, he met Kang Lu, an eunuch from the study room who was specially waiting for him here.

Qin Hui took out a small cloth bag, took out a gold leaf and stuffed it for him. A gold leaf weighed three qian and was worth six guan. Mind, this is the real reason why his aspect has not fallen for a long time.

Kang Lu said in a low voice: "The special news in the newspaper today made the officials very upset, but they didn't get angry. I guess they are looking for a husband for this matter."

"Did the officials know about the news outside the city yesterday?" Qin Hui asked again.

"I probably know a little bit. Yan Xin reported the matter, but vaguely passed the number."

Qin Hui let go of his heart, he knew how to deal with the emperor.

He walked quickly to the imperial study room, and saw the emperor Zhao Gou pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back. He could see that he was very troubled, but it was not in an atmosphere of rage.

Qin Hui walked into the room and bowed to salute, "My minister sees Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou glanced at him and asked, "How was the situation yesterday?"

"Overall, it's not bad. Most of the people are afraid of the war and don't go out. Only a few people go out. The gates of various cities are under control. I heard that some people ran out from the Yongjin Gate, but there are not many people. They are still in our Within the acceptable range, the minister also sent people to the riverside to investigate, basically the people outside the city, not many people inside the city."

This is Qin Hui's cunning, he left room for himself everywhere, if someone reported that there was a crowd of people, he could explain that it was the people outside the city, Qin Hui knew that officials didn't like to listen to the truth.

Zhao Gou nodded, "I can't stop the people outside the city from going. Fortunately, the time is short and there are no serious consequences. It's worth not to mention it, but did Mr. Qin read the newspaper today? It really gave me eye drops! "

Zhao Gou slammed the newspaper on the table and said angrily, "My people, do you need him to protect you?"

Qin Hui was reminded by Kang Lu in advance that he already had an excuse in his mind. He smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry. It seems that Chen Qing is trying to buy people's hearts, but in fact it won't have any effect. Chen Qing knows it all too well." Ming, it’s all just pretending!”

"How do you say that?" Zhao Gou asked anxiously.

"Weichen's father-in-law is already 70 years old, but Weichen knows that he will never receive the three hundred Wen. They receive money as if they were begging for food. They can’t afford to lose this person. Those who really go to receive money are those from poor families who have no food to eat. Here comes the problem. People from poor families eat chaff and vegetables all day long and live to 60 How many people are over the age of 50? There is probably no one in ten families, if he is sincere, why not relax the age limit to [-]?"

Qin Hui's explanation made Zhao Gou feel a little better, but he still said bitterly: "He just wants to gain public opinion all day long. Don't think that I don't know his purpose. He thinks that the Great Song Dynasty is so easy to win? How many can you win?" The people at the bottom can buy people's hearts? Hmph! He thinks things too simply."

"Your Majesty is right. It is indeed easy for Chen Qing to think about the problem. Da Song Sheji is not the businessman and the poor. He doesn't understand. It has something to do with his background. It is useless for him to please the businessman and the people at the bottom. So Your Majesty don’t need to worry too much, just let him do what he wants to do, it’s a good thing to let him go astray and go deeper and deeper, just in case he wakes up and wins over a wealthy family, that’s our trouble .”

With Qin Hui's mouth, the dead can speak. Chen Qing's act of caring for the common people has turned into a misguided, wrong class choice, and turned into a good thing in his mouth.

Zhao Gou was completely convinced by Qin Hui, and he nodded happily, "Qin Xianggong is right, if he wants to care about the people at the bottom, he can do whatever he wants. As long as he doesn't collude with the rich and powerful families, why should I worry?"

Qin Hui secretly sighed, how could it be unimportant to care about the people at the bottom?The soldiers all came from the bottom, and since the officials refused to face the reality and always wanted to listen to pleasant words to numb themselves, they had no choice but to let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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