
Chapter 1417

Chapter 1417
After entering August, the weather is not so hot, and there is a hint of coolness in the morning and evening.

The small Dangtu County on the banks of the Yangtze River suddenly became lively. A large number of businessmen came from Lin'an one after another. They all came with their families. They brought all their belongings and rented a yard for short-term.

Since late June, there have been rumors that the imperial court will issue clubs to all businessmen. Everyone knows that this kind of clubs issued for special groups is essentially robbing money.

Some large merchants began to move upon hearing the news, transferring property overnight, some to Quanzhou, some to Jiangnan West Road, but many large merchants also fled to Dangtu County.

As time went by, more and more news began to spread. It was said that the imperial court had started to print the meeting, and the entire Lin'an City panicked.

Almost all the money from Lin'an Baoji Cabinet was withdrawn and transferred to Wanbao Cabinet and Jiangnan Cabinet, through which the wealth was transported to branches in Yangzhou, Jingzhao or Quanzhou.

Wealth was stored in cabinets, and merchants fled overnight with their families carrying gold and silver.

Most of the businessmen fled to Yangzhou, mainly because they still had real estate such as houses and shops. They were worried and waited and watched the situation in the nearest safest place.

Of course, Dangtu County is only a transit point. From here, you can take a boat to Jingzhao, Bashu, or Yangzhou on the other side. Some businessmen have discovered the business opportunities in Dangtu and began to consider investing and operating here.

After several years of operation, Dangtu County is now one of the best freight transit places on the Yangtze River. It has three docks and stretches of warehouses. The key is that the land price is much cheaper than that in Wuhu.

In a newly opened teahouse in Dangtu County, a group of businessmen from Lin'an were chatting together.

"Mr. Anfu, you have a lot of news, what's going on in Lin'an, tell me!"

All eyes were on an old man. This old man was called Wang Anfu. He opened an Anfu Restaurant in Lin'an. He was one of the dozen or so old men Chen Qing met. Chen Qing told him about the road in Dangtu County. road.

Wang Anfu was one of the first businessmen to come to pangtu. He bought this teahouse. He only spent [-] guan for this teahouse, but the Anfu restaurant in Lin'an was worth tens of thousands of guan. He didn't worry about it.

Wang Anfu sighed: "I heard that there are many objections from the imperial court, and the dignitaries in Lin'an are also opposed to plundering merchants, so the plan cannot be implemented for a long time."

"Without competitors like us, those rich and powerful should be happy. What are they against?" a businessman asked puzzled.

Wang Anfu shook his head and said: "Things are not as simple as you think. Now half of the shops in Lin'an are closed, the market is in a slump, under the overturned nest, there are no eggs in An, and those shops of the rich and powerful have also been severely impacted. It is said that Fengle The number of customers in the restaurant has dropped by [-]%, Baoji Cabinet has been unable to withdraw money, and there are almost no customers in the top ten restaurants, these dignitaries are in a hurry."

"I don't know who came up with the stupid way to kill the chicken and get the eggs. I guess the minister would not dare to come up with such an idea. It must be the one at the top."

"Who else is there besides him? There is no money to pay the military salary, and you dare not touch the rich and powerful, so you can only use the merchants. The first two years were to plunder the maritime merchants and big merchants. At that time, some people said that the target of the above It’s the entire merchant class that robbed the big merchants, and the next is the small and medium merchants, it’s true!”

"No wonder so many businessmen ran away last year and the year before. Did they get the news in advance?"

"Fart news!"

Wang Anfu said with a sneer: "It's because others are smart. They know that the court's taxes can no longer support so many troops. Sooner or later, the court will attack the merchants, so they ran to Jingzhao first. Almost all of their shops in Lin'an were sold. Who is our store sold to? Who will take over?"

The merchants in the teahouse were silent. This is a very serious problem, and everyone is unwilling to talk about it. At least half of their wealth is bet on real estate and shops. Although the housing prices in Lin’an are still high, there are almost no transactions. Every day There are a lot of shops and houses rushing to sell, but no one buys?

Those who can afford it are rich and powerful, but they are not willing to buy real estate, but are trying to exchange their money for silver and gold, causing the price of gold and silver to rise again on the black market. On the black market, one tael of silver can be exchanged for ten The money was raised, and one tael of gold even rose to [-] guan. Although facing the threat of a full-scale depression, the court still did not cancel the idea of ​​plundering merchants.

At this time, a bell sounded in the distance, "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

This is the pier urging the guests to board the boat. A businessman stood up and said, "Everyone, I'll take a step first. We will meet again in the future!"

"Fang Dongzhu, are you going to Yangzhou?" Wang Anfu asked.

The businessman shook his head, "My brother is going to Yangzhou, and I am going to Jingzhao. Everyone, your future is in Jingzhao. If you don't go, you will have no chance."

The businessman gave a salute, turned around and hurried to the pier, followed by two attendants carrying large boxes.

Wang Anfu said to himself: "Yes! I should go to Jingzhao to have a look."

There is no rain in Jingzhao in August, the sky is high and the clouds are light, the sun is abundant, and the sun is warm, but the downside is that the air is a little dry.

It has been almost a month since Chen Qing came back from Fujian Road. This month, he has been extremely busy, and he has a backlog of important documents that need to be reviewed by him. The princess is also pregnant and has no energy to review for him.

After nearly a month of busy work, I finished reviewing all the backlog of documents.

Today is a holiday, and the weather is not bad. On this day, Chen Qing plans to take his family to see the new house.

The new Taiji Palace has been built for a full year and a half, and it was officially completed in two months. The Zhongshu, Menxia, ​​and Shangshu have all been moved there, leaving only the Xuanwu Hall, Baihu Hall, and the Privy Council.

Xuanwu Hall is where Chen Qing's official residence is located. Of course, Chen Qing's official residence is also preparing to move in the past two days. Everyone is packing up paperwork and will begin to move large items tomorrow.

But today, Chen Qing wants to take his family to see the new Yongwang Palace. Of course, he just wants to see it. If he wants to move there, he will have to wait until the end of the year or early next year at least.

Two maids helped the pregnant princess to carefully board the carriage. Interestingly, Zhao Yingluo and Yu Ying were also pregnant. Half of the six wives and concubines were pregnant.

The children were led by the wet nurse and sat in another cart, chattering and chattering, quite lively.

Chen Qing sat down next to his wife, and seeing beads of sweat on her forehead, he smiled and said, "It's not convenient, so don't go!"

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "Doctor Liu said that you can still go out today, but you can't go out in two days. If you don't go today, you will have to wait for a few months."

At this time, the carriage started and the carriage shook. Lu Xiu's face suddenly changed, her stomach began to hurt, her face became pale, and beads of sweat flowed down.

Chen Qing immediately stopped the carriage and ordered the female guard, "Hurry up and get the rattan bed!"

A few female guards rushed away, carrying the rattan bed for a while, Chen Qing carefully carried his wife onto the rattan bed and lay down, covering her with a quilt.

Dr. Liu also rushed over, she asked a few questions, and knowing that the amniotic fluid had broken, she said to the midwives behind her, "Go and tidy up the room, the princess is about to give birth."

A large group of female guards carried the rattan bed and entered the inner house covered by the green umbrella. Fortunately, they were still in the palace, and it would be troublesome if they went out.

The concubine's fetal gas moved, so she couldn't visit the new palace.

An hour later, news came out from the delivery room that the princess gave birth to a baby boy, and the mother and baby were safe.

(End of this chapter)

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