
Chapter 1418

Chapter 1418
Early the next morning, when Chen Qing came to the official room, he found that all his tables, chairs and furniture had been removed, and the big room was empty, not even the incense burner placed in the corner.

Joining the army, Pei Wenjin bowed and said, "According to His Highness's instructions, we will start moving today. Early in the morning, the soldiers moved away the tables, chairs and furniture."

Chen Qing's face was gloomy. Before he cleaned it up, the tables and chairs were moved away, and there were still many confidential documents in the drawers. This was not the way to do things.

Fortunately, his wife gave birth to a son yesterday, and Chen Qing was in a good mood, otherwise he would definitely be angry. Chen Qing said lightly, "You can move it, but I need my permission to move my table and chairs next time, understand?"

Pei Wenjin knew he had made a big mistake, he bowed and said, "I know my mistake!"

"Get the carriage ready!"

Pei Wenjin hurriedly prepared the carriage. After a while, Chen Qing got into the carriage, opened the window and asked, "Is Hu Yun here?"

"He has already gone to the new palace!"

Chen Qing nodded and ordered: "Let's go!"

The carriage started and drove towards the new Tai Chi Palace under the escort of hundreds of personal guard cavalry.

The new Taiji Palace was built on the site of the Taiji Palace in the Tang Dynasty. It is only half the size of the original Taiji Palace, but if the East Palace and Yeting Palace are removed, the difference will not be much different.

The new Taiji Palace is composed of two parts. In the Tang Dynasty, it was called Huangcheng and Gongcheng, but Chen Qing could not call it this name. Instead, it was called Suzaku City and Yongwang Palace.
Tai Chi Palace is facing North Street, with a wide view, separated by a wide river, there are three bridges on the river, called Tianjin Bridge, after crossing the Tianjin Bridge, there is an open land, which is the size of three football fields, called Suzaku Square, the main It is used to park carriages, and the front is the magnificent Suzaku Gate.

The main gate is generally not open, and all officials enter through the left and right gates on both sides.

After entering Zhuquemen, Chen Qing's carriage drove slowly along a central axis street. This street, which is about one mile long, is called Guanjie. Both sides are full of temples and government offices. Dozens of government offices are concentrated here. But this is just an official office, and the functional institutions are elsewhere, such as the Military Weapons Supervision, which is only an official office, and the workshop is outside the city. Another example is Dali Temple, which is also an official office, and the prison is also outside the city.

Most of the government offices moved here more than a month ago. Everyone has no sense of novelty and is busy. From time to time, you can see someone running on the official street holding documents.

At the end of the official street is the Duanmen Gate. After passing through the Duanmen Gate is the main hall area. There are three main halls, the Taiji Hall, the Xuanzheng Hall, and the Taihe Hall. Chen Qing has not yet had a court meeting, and the entire main hall area is basically closed.

Chen Qing's official building is currently on the northernmost part of the official street, and it is also the largest building complex on the official street. This is Zhongshumenxia Province, and there is a small hall called Xuanwu Hall in the innermost part. This is Chen Qing's official building.

The official building has three floors, the first floor is the reception area, where the councilors are received, the second floor is his office, the third floor is the rest area, there is a window on the side, and the three main halls are outside the window, with a very wide view.

The tables and chairs were arranged as they were. Chen Qing sat down and looked at the drawer. The drawer had been locked and there was no trace of opening it. This made Chen Qing feel a little relieved. He vaguely remembered that the drawer was locked, but he was not sure. .

Chen Qing took the key from his waist, opened the drawer, and took out a report from it. This is a detailed report on Lin'an written by Lu Gang. It contains very detailed and rich contents, including Lu Gang's visit. The records of various Jiangnan families.

At this time, Pei Wenjin said from downstairs: "Your Highness, Minister Hu please see me!"

"Ask him to come in and sit down!"

Chen Qing put the documents away, then got up and went downstairs, Hu Yun got up and saluted, "See Your Highness!"

"Thank you, please sit down!" Chen Qing smiled and waved his hand.

The situation on Yanshan Road changed drastically. The internal guards led by Zhong Huan were ruthless. After killing the eight wealthy families, they successively wiped out seventeen big families and hundreds of people, completely eradicating the pro-money faction on Yanshan Road.

At this critical moment of turning point, Hu Yun rushed back to report to Chen Qing and asked for instructions on the next step.

Chen Qing admired Hu Yun's attitude very much, he asked himself for instructions in time at important moments, and unswervingly carried out his orders.

The two sat down, Chen Qing said with a smile: "I have read Yang Qin's report, it is quite detailed and valuable, it is worthwhile for us to save him."

King Yong's affirmation made Hu Yun feel relieved. You must know that the first edition written by Yang Qin was rejected by Hu Yun. He asked him to rewrite it, not because Yang Qin's writing was untrue, but because he missed the point. , Talking too much about military affairs and too little about politics.

You know, what King Yong needs is to walk on two legs, and military politics must be detailed.

"Reporting to His Highness, Yang Qin has become an ordinary commoner. He changed his name to Yang Shao, opened a teahouse in Daxing City, and his two sons also entered the state school. If His Highness needs any information, I will ask him."

Chen Qing shook his head, "I don't need it for the time being, it's just that in his report he mentioned a strange monk, Hu Shatu, who developed firearms for Jinbing. I need more detailed information about this person!"

Generally, special people like monks, Taoists, and women, if they are reused, must have something special, so when Chen Qing saw the name of the strange monk Hu Shatu in Yang Qin's report, he immediately became vigilant.

"Inquire about this person when I go back to my humble position."

Chen Qing nodded and said, "How is the situation on Yanshan Road?"

"Xiaozhi wants to show his merits to His Highness for Zhonghuan. Thanks to him, all kinds of turmoil on Yanshan Road were quickly settled down. Some people accused him of killing too hard, even killing innocent people, but Beizhi didn't think so. At this critical moment, he was merciless. If he did not do well, he wiped out 26 rich families and uprooted the forces loyal to the Kingdom of Jin in Yanshan Road, even if there are fish that slipped through the net, it will not be successful, and Yanshan Road has turned from chaos to order."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Zong Huan is a talent. I have been focusing on cultivating him. He is still young. It is good for him to let him do more things. Go ahead!"

Hu Yun continued: "Also, the census of Yanshan Road has been completed. Seventy percent of the population is Han, [-] percent is Khitan, and [-] percent is other ethnicities. These Khitans and Xi people have also been brutally oppressed by the Kingdom of Jin. , the humble office considers giving them the same status without discrimination, but this is up to His Highness to decide."

Chen Qing thought for a while and said: "In Datong Prefecture, half of the people are Khitans, and even the governor of Datong Prefecture is a Khitan. There are also many Qiang, Tubo, Uighur, and Dangxiang people among my people. Where people are unimportant, the key is to grasp two points. First, there must be no powerful noble leaders. Second, they must identify with the Yong Kingdom. As long as these two points are met, then they are the same as the Han people and should not be discriminated against. .”

"Understood, I still have to ask Your Highness for land matters. We confiscated a large amount of property and 230 hectares of land, 50 million mu, from the big family. The humble official is considering leaving 50 mu as military land and another 130 mu. As official land, the remaining [-] million mu will be allocated to low-level farmers, and each household will be allocated about [-] mu of land. Combined with the tax-free strategy, the people of Yanshan Road will be able to return to their hearts."

Chen Qing said happily: "I agree with this plan, you can write a report! Let the internal affairs hall discuss it, this matter cannot bypass them."

"Humble job understands, the report has been handed in."

Hu Yun hesitated for a moment and said again: "The humble job encountered a little trouble last night, I implore Your Highness to help solve it!"

(End of this chapter)

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