
Chapter 1420 Yan Ke

Chapter 1420 Yan Ke
Jiang Yanxian's style of doing things is undoubtedly vigorous and resolute. That afternoon, the Internal Affairs Hall unanimously passed a proposal to change the old government office into a local court.

In the early morning of the next day, the Jinzuoyuan scattered in various places in Jingzhao was notified to come to the household department to receive the key of the new Jinzuoyuan.

This time they were assigned to the Zouyuan, trying to put all the state capitals along the way in one compound. For example, Yanshan Road was allocated to the original household compound. As for how to subdivide them, it was up to their internal discussions.

One morning, everyone who entered the theater got their keys, and in the afternoon, the old government office that had just fallen silent was bustling again.

The first one to move was Jinzuoyuan on Yanshan Road. They were driven away by the landlord and could no longer be dragged on. Their internal distribution was also simple. The two largest official houses were given to Yanshan Mansion, and the other official houses were about the same size, but their locations were different. It was decided by lottery that the rooms were more ample, and each state got two official rooms, as well as a shared meeting hall and reception hall.

But the only fly in the ointment is that the Xinjin Zouyuan has no residential function, and all officials stationed in Jingzhao have to continue to rent private houses to live in, but this is not a big problem. In addition to the residence of Jingzhao officials, it is also available for officials who come to Beijing to do business, as well as scholars from this prefecture to take the imperial examination and merchants from this prefecture. Of course, merchants normally collect housing money.

In addition to the Zouyuan and the posthouse, this kind of local organization actually has a guild hall. The guild hall is not government-run, but a non-governmental organization. It is led by a few big businessmen from various states, renting a yard to form a chamber of commerce to exchange business opportunities. , Connect feelings, help each other, and share the friendship of fellow countrymen.

The chambers of commerce in various states are basically outside the city. This is also due to the fact that Jingzhao never closes the city gates day and night, and the soldiers do not interrogate them. Therefore, it is actually very convenient to live outside the city. At first, many people worried that the city would not be closed at night. The gate is only a temporary regulation, but three years ago, Chen Qing personally issued a century-old decree, "Unless foreign enemies enter the pass, the gate of Jingzhao City will not be closed day and night", and it was engraved into an iron tablet and erected at Mingde Gate.

What is a hundred-year decree, that is, his descendants must not violate this decree, which is the same as the hundred-year decree of the Song Dynasty not to kill civil officials.

With this hundred-year decree, Jingzhao’s suburbs were completely revitalized, land prices soared, and houses and shops were built one after another. Three years later, the area within ten miles outside Jingzhao City was connected to the city, which is exactly the same as Like Bianliang City, there is almost no difference between the inside and outside of the city.

There is a small inn outside the east city of Jingzhao called Dong’an Inn. Among the hundreds of inns in Jingzhao, it is unremarkable. There are only five upper rooms in the inn. Of course, the upper rooms are actually single rooms, and the waiters are more attentive. , that's all.

The five upper rooms were full of people, and the uppermost room in the east was occupied by a young businessman from Hebei. His registered name was Guo Changwu, he was from Hejian Mansion on Hebei Road, and his identity was a businessman.

But the shopkeeper and the staff found that this young businessman was a bit strange. He neither went to the market to sell goods nor bought goods. Although it was a bit weird, as long as he paid the rent on time and gave enough rewards, the shopkeeper and the buddies would not meddle in their own business.

In the room, this tall young businessman sat in front of the bed, carefully dripped the liquid from a small porcelain bottle on the tip of an arrow, then gently spread the green liquid on the tip of the arrow with a cloth, and put it on the table to dry Hey, four similar short arrows have been placed on the table. The arrows are shining with a faint green light in the sun, and they are poisonous at first glance.

Of course this young man is not a businessman. His name is indeed Guo Changwu. Perhaps no one knows him in Jingzhao, but everyone in Jizhou on Yanshan Road knows his name. He is the adopted son of Guo Wei, the owner of a wealthy family in Jizhou. He was brought up and regarded as his own. During the brutal cleansing of the inner guards, Guo Wei's family was ransacked and beheaded. Guo Changwu escaped because he was not Guo Wei's parent and child.

But Guo Changwu did not escape to a foreign land and change his name and surname to start a new life. He was determined to avenge his adoptive father and Guo family.

Although the Guo family was purged and killed by the inner guards, Guo Changwu obviously didn't take the commander of the inner guards Zhong Huan seriously. He pointed the target of revenge at Yong Wang Chen Qing. .

At this time, there was a knock on the door suddenly, Guo Changwu was startled, and quickly covered the poisoned arrow on the table with a piece of cloth.

"Who is it?" Guo Changwu asked loudly.

"It's me!" It was the shopkeeper's voice.

Guo Changwu heaved a sigh of relief, stepped forward and opened the door, the shopkeeper smiled at the door and said, "I'm sorry to disturb Mr. Guo!"

"what's up?"

"I'm here to remind Mr. Guo that today is Friday!"

It was only then that Guo Changwu realized that he was here to ask for rent, and this inn was not good at all, he had to pay first before staying, and paid every ten days.

Guo Changwu frowned, "It's only money, what are you doing in such a hurry!"

The shopkeeper laughed and said, "The shop is a small business, please forgive me, my lord!"


Guo Changwu closed the door, and the shopkeeper shouted at the door: "There are still five hundred Wen for food!"


Guo Changwu carefully put the five poisoned arrows into the quiver, then took a small piece of silver, opened the door and handed it to the shopkeeper, "I'll give you three coins!"

"Just right! Just right!" The shopkeeper smiled and took the broken silver.

"Exactly what a fart!" Guo Changwu cursed secretly. He knew that the current black market price was one to six, and one tael of silver could be exchanged for six pennies. Then the black market merchants took the silver to Lin'an to exchange for copper coins. Lin'an was one to ten. A tael of silver is a net profit of four pennies.

Guo Changwu only had silver on him, no copper coins, and he didn't dare to go to the black market to exchange it. He was afraid that he would spoil the big things if he was caught, so he had to pay the house rent and give rewards with silver, which made the shopkeeper and the staff very happy.

At this time, Guo Changwu remembered something and asked, "May I ask the shopkeeper, when will the city gate be closed?"

The shopkeeper gave him a strange look, "Don't Mr. Guo know? Jingzhao City Gate is open day and night, everyone knows."

"Ah! This is my first time in Jingzhao, so I don't know the rules."

"No wonder!"

The shopkeeper glanced at the two loads of goods piled up in the house, and said to him: "If you sell medicine, you can go directly to the medicinal material market. There is a shop dedicated to collecting medicinal materials over there, and it is in Shanren Square in the southwest corner of the city."

"I see, thank you shopkeeper!"

Guo Changwu soon went out with his short crossbow and sword. His short crossbow was only one foot long and half a foot wide. The quiver was inserted in the bag of the trousers. This is usually a pocket pocket used by merchants to store gold and silver, and he used it to release crossbow arrows.

He soon came across the gate of King Yong's Mansion. The small vendors doing all kinds of business in this area were secret guards, and Guo Changwu also spotted it.

Guo Changwu used to be a spy of Jinbing, after special training, he is a qualified spy and a brilliant assassin.

Guo Changwu found that it was really unrealistic to assassinate in front of the mansion, so he put the assassination location on the only way that King Yong must pass to Taiji Palace. He found that this was a loophole.

Chen Qing's trip was indeed a loophole. The city wall and palace wall of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty were both double walls, that is, two city walls. The emperor travels along the walls of the city, and generally does not appear on the streets of the busy city. When he occasionally visits the minister's house, he must clear the streets and passers-by. The doors and windows on both sides of the house must be closed. The security is very strict.

It can be said that there is no one like Chen Qing who does not evade, does not clean the streets, and only goes out in a horse-drawn carriage with more than a hundred cavalry guards.

Of course, this is also related to Chen Qing's own high martial arts skills and the special carriage. The walls of his carriage are inlaid with copper sheets, which are several times stronger than shields. Even the god arm crossbow can't penetrate it. The only weakness is the window. .

(End of this chapter)

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