
Chapter 1421 Assassination

Chapter 1421 Assassination
Chen Qing stayed at Zhao Qiaoyun's place for these two nights. In the morning, Chen Qing packed up and was ready to go out.

Before going out, he came to his wife Lu Xiu's room to visit the newly born baby, a little guy who looked like a pink carved jade chisel was sleeping soundly in the cradle.

"Does it look like when Ji'er was a child?" Lu Xiu asked with a smile.

Chen Qing nodded and smiled, "It's really similar!"

"My husband named him Chen Yan, isn't it a bit like a little lady's name?" Lu Xiu was a little dissatisfied with the child's name Chen Yan.

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "There is a famous general in the Three Kingdoms named Zhang Yan, who was also a brave general who won the three armies. We named him Chen Yan to commemorate my recovery of Yanshan Road."

"Then Yingluo and Ah Ying's child, what name does the husband plan to name?"

Yingluo and Yu Ying's due date is also in these two days, Chen Qing said with a smile: "If they are both boys, which one is called Chen Min and the other is called Chen Liao, I have considered both."

Lu Xiu was really helpless, it seemed that her husband was unwilling to change the name of the child, so she could only sigh in her heart, and changed the subject, "It's been really hard for Qiaoyun and Amei during this period of time!"

"Let Director Liang help Qiaoyun, she is indeed more capable!"

"She makes me feel at ease!"

Lu Xiu glanced at her husband with a half-smile. She had a special sensitivity. She noticed that Mr. Liang looked at her husband with strange eyes, so she vaguely guessed what happened between Mr. Liang and her husband, it should be on Yanshan Road.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be explained away. As a husband and monarch, it is normal to fancy a certain lady in the palace to visit him several times. If it is a young court lady who is lucky to leave, maybe Lu Xiu will have a lot of ideas.

But if it was Mr. Liang, Lu Xiu would not have any thoughts. She knew very well that her husband would not be able to take Mr. Liang into the harem again. After all, she was not young anymore. I don't want to be troublesome.

"Husband, go! Be careful on the road."

Chen Qing leaned over and kissed the child's little cheek, and then walked to the outside room. As soon as he got to the outside room, the chief manager, Mrs. Liang, hurried in. When he saw Chen Qing head-on, he quickly stepped aside in fright and lowered his head.

Chen Qing caught a glimpse of the full mountain peak half exposed on her chest, and a desire surged in his heart, so he raised her chin and whispered in her ear: "Come to my study at night!"

Liang's pretty face flushed, Chen Qing suddenly touched her waist lightly, her whole body almost went limp.

Chen Qing smiled and walked away. Looking at the man's majestic back, Liang's feelings welled up in his heart. At this time, Lu Xiu asked in the room: "Director Liang, is that you?"

"Ma'am, it's me!"

Mrs. Liang quickly put aside her chaotic thoughts, regained her composure, and walked into the room, "Madam, I would like to ask you about the dinner arrangements for the next few days!"

Hundreds of cavalry guarded the large carriage and went west along the East Street. After walking about two miles, they entered Suzaku Street, and then went north. All the way to the end was North Street and Tianjin Bridge.

Chen Qing hadn't moved to Yongwang Palace yet, so he could only take a carriage to the official room like this every morning. A few cavalrymen rang bells in front, and passers-by stepped aside one after another.

There is a two-story teahouse at the turn of East Street into Zhuque Street. At this time, Guo Changwu is sitting in front of a teahouse by the window. In fact, there are several restaurants and teahouses along the way that have ideal positions for assassination, but Guo Changwu chose this one. There are several alleys behind this teahouse, and running into it is like a maze. Guo Changwu finally got familiar with the road after walking several times yesterday, and he found a secret way to leave quickly.

There was a newspaper on the small table in front of him, and under the newspaper was a short crossbow that had already been wound up. At this moment, he had already seen the rattle cavalry rushing towards him. Behind him, dozens of paces away, hundreds of cavalry guarded a group closely. a large carriage,

"It's so big!" Guo Changwu cursed secretly, this carriage is like a house, the carriage is very big, pulled by eight horses, I am afraid that except for King Yong, no one else would dare to ride in such a carriage.

His eyes were narrowed, staring fixedly at the slowly approaching carriage, his body became stiff instinctively, his hand tightly grasped the short crossbow under the newspaper, his strange behavior was finally discovered by the staff.

In fact, the clerk had noticed this strange tea customer a long time ago. After he came in, he ordered tea without taking a sip, and kept looking out of the window absent-mindedly, as if he was reading a newspaper, but the newspaper turned out to be reversed.

At this time, the man also saw something under the newspaper. He pretended to wipe the ground, squatted down, and looked under the newspaper secretly. On the ground, trembling all over.

"This is... this is an assassin!"

The carriage passed by the teahouse, and the chance was in an instant. Guo Changwu saw a figure in the window of the car, and he raised his crossbow without hesitation and shot at it. He had worked hard on crossbow shooting, and he couldn't hit every shot with every shot, but he hit 98 shots with every shot. He's perfectly fine.

Just at this critical moment, a teapot hits the wall above his head 'Bang! 'It exploded, and the man mustered up the courage to throw out a handful of teahouses, and fled downstairs.

Guo Changwu shook his hand and let out a yelp. The arrow missed. He originally wanted to shoot through the window between the two cavalrymen, but he didn't expect his hand to shake and he missed it a little, and hit the side of the window A cavalryman's horse head, the war horse let out a violent roar, raised its front hooves high, and then fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and twitched all over.

"There are assassins!"

The cavalry who fell to the ground saw the short crossbow on the horse's head and shouted sharply.

The cavalry swarmed up, raised their huge shields to cover the car windows, and dozens of soldiers rushed into the teahouse. The man stepped on the air and fell down the stairs, falling heavily to the ground. He pointed to the upstairs and shouted, "The assassin is upstairs!" , just in black!"

The soldiers rushed up to the second floor like a gust of wind, only to see a figure jump out of the back window, "He jumped out of the window over there, chase after him!"

The soldiers rushed to the window and saw a man in black rushing into an alley. The soldiers also jumped down one after another. There was a woodshed below. Several soldiers jumped out of the woodshed and caught up.

Guo Changwu wanted to shoot the second arrow, but he realized that there was no chance, so he turned and fled, which was a little delayed.

But he was familiar with the road conditions. He turned a corner from the alley and entered another alley. He rushed up a step, pushed the door straight in, and then closed the door again. The door was not a room, but a passage leading to Suzaku Street. He ran out The passage rushed into Zhuque Street, just as a donkey cart bringing wine came. Guo Changwu got into the donkey cart and squatted behind the barrel of wine. The donkey cart entered another road and gradually went away.

At this time, Chen Qing came down from the carriage with a livid face. At this time, there would be no assassins. In fact, he was not sitting in front of the window. There was a big pillow in front of the window. The carriage shook, and the pillow also shook slightly. Feel like a person.

But Chen Qing really didn't expect that someone would assassinate him at this time, and he found the only loophole, which was the window of the moving carriage, so he was a little careless.

Chen Qing looked at the dead war horse on the ground. He saw the green color on the short crossbow arrows, and the opponent actually used poisonous arrows.

(End of this chapter)

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