
Chapter 1422 Oversight

Chapter 1422 Oversight
At this time, the guards brought the shopkeeper and the assistant over, and they clasped their fists together and said, "Your Highness, thanks to the buddy throwing a teapot at a critical moment, which disturbed the assassin!"

Chen Qing nodded, "He also saw that the arrow missed. Normal assassins would not make such low-level mistakes. Even if they missed, they would still shoot on the window frame."

"How did you discover the assassin?" Chen Qing asked softly.

The clerk bowed and said, "Reporting to Your Highness, that person is very weird. He ordered tea without taking a sip, just stared outside, and pretended to read a newspaper, but the villain found that his newspaper was upside down, and there seemed to be something under the newspaper. The villain pretended to squat down to wipe the water, but when he saw a crossbow, the villain was terrified."

"and then!"

"Then he stood up suddenly, raised the crossbow, and the villain threw the teapot at him with the teapot in his hand, and then fled downstairs. I didn't know it afterwards."

Chen Qing nodded, this is public opinion!At critical moments, the people will help themselves.

"What does that person look like?"

"Very young, looks to be in his early 20s. He is very thin and lean. His cheeks on both sides are as sharp as a knife. His eyes are fierce. When he came in, I thought he was asking for debts."

Chen Qing immediately said: "Reward him with 20 taels of silver!"

The buddy quickly waved his hand, "No! No! It's a villain's honor to help His Highness."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "If you don't accept it, who will help me in the future?"

The shopkeeper thanked him for accepting it, and Chen Qing said to the shopkeeper: "You guys continue to do business! It's none of your business."

At this time, Nian Xiaowu returned with a few of his subordinates frustrated, and knelt down on one knee to plead guilty, "The humble officer failed to catch the assassin, and he ran away."

Chen Qing said coldly: "Forget it, he should have been prepared long ago. If he dares to come again, it will be the time for him to confer the title."

Sitting in the carriage, he ordered: "Continue to go to Tai Chi City!"

The carriage started and drove towards Tai Chi City.
Not long after, Zhong Huan led a large group of inner guards and sealed off the surrounding area.

Zhong Huan and Hu Yun came back from Yanshan Mansion to report on their duties together. Today is the first day to come to the Internal Guard Office. Unexpectedly, they caught up with the assassination of King Yong.

In the small inn in Dong'an, the clerk was knocking on the door of Guo Changwu's room, "Mr. Guo, I brought you lunch!"

Guo Changwu always eats lunch in the dining hall downstairs, when will the troublemaker bring it up, and it's not even lunch time yet!There is only one explanation for all kinds of unreasonable reasons, and the guy is here to tip.

Paying the rent and giving a tip is a set of things. Guo Changwu paid the rent but forgot to tip the buddy, but the buddy did not forget and was waiting eagerly!
The clerk knocked for a long time, but found that the door was locked from the outside. Mr. Guo was obviously not there. He cursed bitterly, but looked into the room unwillingly through the crack of the door. His eyes suddenly widened, and he faintly saw Under the pillow at the head of the bed were a few ingots of white silver.

The silver was originally wrapped in cloth, but because the shopkeeper came suddenly to ask for the rent, Guo Changwu casually pulled the cloth to cover the poisoned arrows on the table, and he didn’t wrap the silver again when he left, so he stuffed the silver under the pillow. His poisonous eyes saw it.

"The guest's money, you can't just make up your mind!"

The guy shook his head and wanted to go away, walked a few steps, and then stopped, "I only take a little, and he might not notice it, just treat it as a reward for myself."

The clerk struggled for a moment, but still couldn't bear the greed in his heart, he took out a key, went back and unlocked it, and pushed the door in. He was a clerk, so of course he had a spare key.

The clerk tremblingly walked to the bed, opened the pillow, and found that there were more than a dozen ingots, at least two or three hundred taels.

When the guy looked up, he found a picture hanging on the mosquito net. It was a map, with high walls, mountains, lakes, and houses. The guy vaguely saw the four words, King Yong.

"Ah! This is the map of Prince Yong's Mansion." The man was taken aback, and hurriedly took down the map for a closer look. It was really a map of Prince Yong's Mansion.

"What are you doing in my room?" A dark voice came from behind.

The guy was trembling with fright, Guo Changwu appeared behind him at some point, his eyes were cold and vicious like a wolf.

"I'm here to clean up the young master. Clean up the house."

Guo Changwu caught a glimpse of the money on the bed. He usually carried the money with him. Today he had to do a big job, so he put the money in the room because he was afraid that the money would get in the way. He didn't expect to attract thieves.

"You want to steal my silver, get out!"

The man ran away, but Guo Changwu suddenly saw the map on the bed, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted, "Stop!"

He stretched out his hand and pulled out the short crossbow. The man knew that he was going to kill him, so he yelled in fright, "Come on!" He turned around and fled. As soon as he reached the door, Guo Changwu shot an arrow, "Puff! 'The crossbow bolt hit the buddy's back.

He was about to shoot Chen Qing's second arrow, but he ran away before he could release the arrow. He didn't have a chance to put away the crossbow arrow, but he just met the buddy.

At this time, footsteps came from the corridor outside, "Little San, what's the matter?" The clerk's shout alarmed the shopkeeper and other guests.

Guo Changwu didn't have time to tidy up, he grabbed the map on the bed, grabbed two ingots of silver, stuffed them into his arms, and jumped out of the window.

"Hurry up, someone! You killed someone!" The shopkeeper's voice was faintly heard shouting.

Guo Changwu stole a horse from the mules and horses, and fled to Yanshan Road without looking back on the horse. He had already planned to assassinate Chen Qing and then fled to the Kingdom of Jin.

Although the assassination failed now, he also knew that there would be no second chance in a short time. How long would it be if he didn't escape at this time?

Not long after, Shen Chun, the county magistrate of Wannian, received a report and immediately sent archers to check it out. Archers found that the man had been shot by a crossbow arrow, and the arrow was poisonous. This was the case of the county government. He immediately sent Someone to notify the inner guard.

At this time, Zhong Huan was discussing the case with Wang Hao, the governor of the inner guard, and several inner guard commanders in the government office of the inner guard. Of course, assassinating His Royal Highness King Yong was a huge matter. Wang Hao dared not be careless, and immediately called everyone to discuss.

Zhong Huan introduced to everyone: "The assassin escaped from the back alley, obviously stepped on it a little bit, he is very familiar with the alley, this man is good at crossbow, if it is not for the interference of the buddy, the arrow must have shot through the car window, but still shot Failure to win His Highness shows that he is not a professional assassin."

"Why do you say that?" a leader asked.

"The reason is very simple. Professional assassins must shoot at people. They will never be probable, they may shoot, and they will lie in wait for a long time, looking for the best time. At the same time, it also shows that this assassin has just arrived in Jingzhao and has not figured out the situation. Let's do it."

"General Xiaozhong means that the assassin is in a hurry?" Wang Hao asked with a smile.

Zhong Huan nodded with a smile, "To say something disrespectful, it is definitely not the best time for His Highness to sit in the carriage. The best time is for His Highness to go to Qingfeng Teahouse for lunch at noon."

Everyone sighed, fortunately he was an unprofessional assassin, otherwise the consequences of changing to a professional assassin would be very important!

Wang Hao nodded, "This incident is a rare wake-up call. We have been too careless in the past few years, and we must not create any more opportunities for assassins."

At this time, an inner guard soldier came in, walked behind Zhong Huan, and handed him a note.

Zhong Huan glanced at the note, and immediately jumped up, "An inn clerk outside Dongcheng was shot and killed by a poisonous arrow, and the humble officer must rush over there immediately."

Wang Hao was also stunned. The assassin who assassinated King Yong used poisonous arrows.
He also stood up and said, "I'll go with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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