
Chapter 1423 Tricky

Chapter 1423 Tricky
The first time Chong Huan saw the buddy's body, he knew that he had found the assassin's foothold, with the same poisonous arrow. The buddy must have discovered his secret and was silenced by him when he fled.

The assassin apparently fled hastily. There were more than 100 taels of silver on the bed, a load of medicinal materials disguised as a businessman, and a dagger with the name engraved on it: Changwu.

The name was so familiar, Zhong Huan thought he had seen it there before, but couldn't remember it for a while.

"What name did he register at the store?" Wang Hao asked the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper hurriedly said: "It's Guo Changwu, from Hejian Mansion!"

Wang Hao frowned, "This is a fake name!"

"No! It should be the real name."

Zhong Huan handed the dagger to Wang Hao, "His name is on it."

At this time, Zhong Huan was shocked, "Guo Changwu! ' he remembered.

"I know who he is now. He is not from Hejian Mansion, but from Yanshan Road Country."

At noon, Wang Hao and Zhong Huan reported the latest investigation situation.

"His Royal Highness, this Guo Changwu is the adopted son of Guo Wei, a wealthy family in Ji County. He has been training Zhuang Ding in the manor. He escaped when he rounded up the Guo family. .”

Chong Huan's eyes were full of remorse. If he invested more resources at that time, he could still catch this person, but he was careless.

"It's actually the remnants of the Golden Dog on Yanshan Road!"

Although Chen Qing was a little surprised, it was not surprising. There were too many people who wanted to kill him. If one day a remnant of Zhang Jun came out and wanted to kill him, it was still in the process of being cleaned up.

"Do you know where this person is?" Chen Qing asked again.

Wang Hao bowed and said, "Before we came here, the Wannian County Government gave us another piece of information, saying that someone reported that a man in black had robbed his horse. We counted the time, and it happened that this Guo Changwu escaped from the inn not long ago. He just snatched his horse and fled to the east, I have already arranged twenty inner guard cavalry to pursue him eastward, but I am not sure if I can catch up!"

Chen Qing nodded, "This person is very unprofessional!"

This Guo Changwu committed a lot of taboos for assassins. If an assassin fails to assassinate, he will hide like a snake, making it impossible for people to figure out his whereabouts. Still a professional assassin is far from it.

Wang Hao sighed and said, "Fortunately, he is not professional. If he was professional, he would definitely attack Qingfeng Teahouse, and His Highness would be in danger then."

Chen Qing's complexion was not very good. He originally wanted to go to Qingfeng Teahouse on North Street for lunch and drink tea, but he was boycotted by the five members of the Internal Affairs Hall. I also opposed him going to the teahouse at noon.

Wang Hao said again: "Your Highness, although Guo Changwu has escaped, his appearance is also a good thing. It reminds us that His Highness has many loopholes in his safety. We have been careless in the past two years. The humble job will definitely make arrangements, and there will be no more mistakes. .”

"I see!"

Chen Qing was really helpless, he knew that the freedom of ordinary people would be completely deprived of him.

Wang Hao laughed again: "If Your Highness likes the rice and tea from Qingfeng Teahouse, you can ask them to bring them in and arrange a special room with the same decorations. Your Highness and a few political councilors can continue drinking tea and chatting, there is no difference , just change places."

There was no other way, Chen Qing didn't want to talk about this issue, and turned to Zhong Huan, "What is General Zhong going to do next?"

"Xiaozhi must rush back to Yanshan Road immediately, and plug all the loopholes!"

Zhong Huan spoke very calmly, but there must be a bloody storm under the calm, and he will not let the second Guo Shaowu appear again.

Chen Qing nodded, and didn't say much, kindness and softness can't make a big deal, people who are not of my race must have a different heart, and those rich and noble families on Yanshan Road are no longer their own race.

"Don't go back in a hurry, stay with your family for two more days, and besides, I have a trickier task for you."

Wang Hao heard that the task was difficult, so he looked at Zhong Huan worriedly, but saw his eyes light up. Wang Hao was startled, and then cursed himself for being confused. Of course, the task entrusted by the king should be as difficult as possible, so why not? Show your abilities.

Wang Hao also knew that King Yong was training Zhong Huan to succeed him, but Zhong Huan's qualifications and experience were still lacking, and he would not take the position within five years. After five years, he would be 40 years old, and he believed that His Highness would not treat him badly.

Therefore, in recent years, Wang Hao has also cultivated Zhong Huan carefully, and he dare not wear small shoes for him. It is precisely this point. Although Wang Hao is a little mediocre, Chen Qing has no intention of changing people. If Wang Hao is too strong, it will affect the successor. cultivation.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "Yang Qin wrote me a very detailed report. In the report, he mentioned a person, a strange monk named Hushatu, who was making firearms for the Kingdom of Jin. Yesterday the military inspection When it comes to this person, this person was originally a Sogdian monk from Tianlong Temple in Taiyuan. He was good at grinding medicinal materials. There is no evidence, and I dare not report it, now it seems that this person is indeed a spy of the Liao Kingdom, and after the fall of the Liao Kingdom, he took refuge in the Jin Kingdom."

Wang Hao thought for a while and said, "Your Highness, this person has been in the Kingdom of Jin for more than [-] years. He must be very old. I haven't seen the firearms of the Kingdom of Jin make a name for himself in so many years. Does the humble official think that he has a false name?"

Chen Qing smiled and said: "Wanyan Wushu and Wanyanchang have always been involved in Jin Kingdom's firearms, and the Jin Kingdom court has never intervened, and according to the information we have, neither Wanyan Wushu nor Wanyanchang used this Hu Shatu, it means that he has just been activated. This is what I am worried about. The Jin Dynasty court established a firearms bureau, and then recruited the old monk Hu Shatu to preside over the firearms bureau. I don’t know anything about it. I'm worried."

Zhong Huan was silent for a moment and said, "Your Highness is worried because Jin Guo's development of firearms is out of His Highness's control."

Chen Qing glanced at him approvingly, this Zhong Huan was really smart, Wen Xian knew what he meant, so he mentioned it a little bit, and he immediately set out on his way.

Chen Qing nodded: "You're right, if Wanyan Wushu and Wanyanchang are developing firearms, I can keep track of their progress, but the Jin Guo Firearms Supervisor is out of control, and I have no way to understand them now The only thing I can do is interrupt their progress, you know what I mean?"

"Your Highness, do you want the humble official to kill this Hushatu?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "This is the tricky task I gave you. I know it's difficult, but Jin Guo reuses this Hu Shatu. He must have something special. In the past 20 years, he may have developed some secret weapon. , Kill him, and my heart that hangs in the air will fall."

Zhong Huan bowed and saluted and said: "The humble position will definitely not disappoint His Highness!"

[Sorry, two chapters today]

(End of this chapter)

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