
Chapter 1424 Enlightenment

Chapter 1424 Enlightenment

At night, the head steward, Mrs. Liang, dressed up meticulously and came to King Yong's study in a nervous mood. Of course she knew what would happen when she came to King Yong's study, which made her really conflicted. A tryst with King Yong was not in line with her identity, but She didn't dare not to come, and more importantly, she also longed for that kind of taste in her heart.

Liang Shi closed the door and observed for a while, and after confirming that King Yong was the only one in the study, she gently pushed open the concealed door, "Who?" Chen Qing asked.

"It's me!" Liang pursed her lips.

"Ah! Come in."

Mrs. Liang closed the door and walked in. After a while, the two of them went up to the second floor holding hands.

After Yao Mei made tea for the prince, she left the study room. The prince had to consider important matters, to review the documents, to concentrate on reading and not to be disturbed, Yao Mei knew this very well.

Half an hour later, guessing that the tea was cold, Yao Mei came to the study again, ready to make another pot of tea, but unexpectedly she found the door of the study closed.

The door was ajar, so she could go in, but the door was closed, which meant that the prince didn't want to be disturbed.

Yao Mei had no choice but to return to her room, and about a quarter of an hour later, Yao Mei went to the study again, and found that the door of the study was still closed, she felt a little strange, this had never happened before.

At this moment, the door opened, Yao Mei was about to go forward, but found that there was a wrong figure on the ground, why was it a woman, could it be Sister Alian?
She went to Fujian Road with Yu Lian, and they waited on her husband together at night. Their relationship became much closer, and all the previous differences disappeared.

So when Yu Lian came to steal food at night, she could pretend not to see it.

"You take this!"

"Ah! My lord, I can't take it."

"Take it if you let me, I will reward you."

"Thank you, my lord, for the reward!"

Yao Mei was startled, the voice was wrong, she quickly dodged and hid behind the big pillars in the corridor, only to see a plump woman slapping the prince's face, turning around and walking away quickly with a piece of beautiful jade in her hand.

"Why is she?"

Yao Mei recognized the woman, and she was surprised that Mr. Liang was in charge. Of course, Yao Mei knew what this woman was doing in the study, and even a fool could guess it after the door was closed for half an hour.

She actually had an affair with the prince?Yao Mei felt sore for a while, how could the prince mess with this woman behind their backs?
Yao Mei didn't want to go to sencha again, and hurried back to her room.

The whole night, Yao Mei turned over and couldn't sleep, she suffered from insomnia.

In the morning of the next day, Yao Meiqiang went to have breakfast energetically, but she saw that the head steward, Mrs. Liang, was in high spirits and asked the palace lady to arrange breakfast. Her skin was extraordinarily delicate, and there was love in her eyebrows and eyes. It was obvious that she was well nourished last night.

Only then did Yao Mei take a closer look at Manager Liang with a woman's gaze. Her skin was very fair, well-maintained and delicate, her appearance was gorgeous, her body was slightly plump and plump, her breasts rose and fell like hills, and she was a 35-year-old woman. when mature.

At this time, Yao Mei also breathed a sigh of relief, no matter how she was in her 30s, it was impossible for her to be promoted from a palace official to a concubine.

"Amei, what's wrong with you?" Yu Lian asked with a smile.

She slept with her husband last night, and she was well nourished, and her peach blossom eyes looked at her husband who walked over with affection.

Yao Mei didn't dare to see the lord, she felt flustered, and said quickly: "I'll go deliver breakfast to Madam."

Yao Mei picked up the prepared dinner plate and hurried past her husband. She lowered her head, not daring to meet her husband's gaze.

Chen Qing glanced at Yao Mei strangely. She wanted to clean up by herself in the morning, but she didn't come?
"What's wrong with Amei?" Chen Qing sat down and asked.

"Amei seems to have not slept well, her eyes are red and she is not energetic." Yu Lian explained for Yao Mei.

Chen Qing nodded and began to eat breakfast.

Yao Mei walked into the Princess' room with breakfast, Lu Xiu was still in confinement and could not go out, but Yao Mei's tiredness still did not escape Lu Xiu's eyes.

"What's wrong with you? You're always floating when you walk." Lu Xiu hurriedly tied the plates, fearing that Yao Mei would stumble and fall.

"Ma'am, I'm very dizzy."

Lu Xiu pulled her to sit down, took a closer look at her, saw that her eyes had dark circles, and said with a smile, "Didn't you sleep last night?"

Yao Mei nodded slightly.

"Why?" Lu Xiu asked curiously.


Yao Mei hesitated to speak, she didn't know whether she should say it, or whether her husband would be angry, but she felt that if she didn't say it, she would be sorry for her wife's love for her.

After hesitating for a moment, she stammered: "Last night, I saw Mr. Liang enter the prince's study?"

Lu Xiu was not surprised at all, and asked with a smile, "You stayed up all night because of this?"

"Yes! I saw things I shouldn't have seen, and I don't know what to do."

Lu Xiu was very satisfied, Yao Mei didn't hide from herself, she deserved to win her over the past two years.

"If I said that I agreed with what happened last night, would you believe it?"

Yao Mei's eyes widened suddenly, "Ma'am!"

"Don't be so surprised. You know that the three women in our family are going to have children. There is a little emptiness around the prince. How many people have sharpened their heads to fill this position. Do you still remember my former personal maid Chunxi? She is now my brother Lu Wei concubine."

"How come?" Yao Mei couldn't believe her ears.
Lu Xiu sneered and said: "She went to seek refuge with Li Mei when she left the house. Li Mei always thought she was nice and caring, so she used her as her housemaid. However, Li Mei fell ill some time ago. When she fell ill today, Chun Xi arrested her. I took the opportunity to study in Lu Wei's study, if she is still in my house, will she seize the opportunity now?"

"Then Manager Liang, how could Madam?" Yao Mei was still a little too young to understand Wang Hao's wrists.

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "The prince met Guanshi Liang outside yesterday morning. The two of them stayed alone for a long time, and I knew they had an exchange. Then I asked Guanshi Liang, what did the prince say to her? She didn't dare Tell me that the prince asked her to go to the study at night, and then I said, you can go, but you have to agree to one condition."

"What condition did Madam ask her to agree to?"

Lu Xiu said indifferently: "My condition is very simple, An An will be her chief steward of the inner palace with peace of mind, and don't have any sense of wrongdoing."

Yao Mei understood a little bit, "So Madam uses her to fill the emptiness around the prince and not give other women a chance?"

"You're not stupid. She's 35 years old, and she won't have any chance of being a concubine. I'm not worried at all."

"But." Yao Mei was confused.

Lu Xiu shook her head, "You are still a little too young. When you reach my age, you will understand that to maintain your status, you do not rely on your youth and beauty, but on your son, especially in front of a future emperor, no matter how young and beautiful you are You will get tired soon, but as long as you have a son, your status will never disappear, Amei, get pregnant as soon as possible next year!"

Back in her room, Yao Mei collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. The knot in her heart last night was solved by Madam's words. Even Madam didn't care, so why should I worry about it?
Chen Qing set off for the official city in a carriage as usual, but the efficiency of the internal guards was excellent. In just one day, everything changed. There was not one carriage, but three carriages, all of which were exactly the same, and they were also closely guarded by cavalry. The window was also tightly blocked by the shield, so that the light in the carriage was dim, and Chen Qing could not see what was going on outside the window, but the guards didn't care about his mood at this time.

When I came to the door of the official room, I saw Lu Wei waiting for him, holding a long box in his hand.

"Come in and talk!"

Chen Qing took Lu Wei into the official room, glanced at the box in his hand and asked with a smile, "Is the thing in your hand for me?"

"Exactly, please take a look, Your Highness!"

Chen Qing picked up the wooden box and opened it. It turned out to be a telescope. Chen Qing's telescope was given to Liu Dajiang on Fujian Road, but he couldn't make another one because the old craftsman who made him the telescope passed away. His apprentice and son's crystal grinding and grinding skills are not up to standard, and they can't make qualified concave-convex mirrors.

Chen Qing got the binoculars and immediately understood, and said with a faint smile, "Did the craftsman in Lin'an find it?"

Lu Wei bowed and said: "I found it. More than [-] craftsmen were owed half a year by the court and couldn't survive. They were taken to Jingzhao together and arranged to work as supervisors for polishing mirrors, but"

"Just what?" Chen Qing raised his head and asked strangely.

Lu Wei sighed: "It's just a lack of raw materials!"

"Our crystal is not good?" Chen Qing frowned.

"Your Highness, we can use crystals to make ordinary one-sided mirrors, but they say that they are not pure enough to make military clairvoyances. The current high-quality crystal raw materials can be used to make three or four clairvoyances at most. If you must use the current crystals, you can also grind them, but will affect the effect."

Of course, Chen Qing didn't want to make a telescope with impurities. He pondered for a moment, and a thought suddenly came to his mind.

"It's very simple! Why didn't I think of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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