
Chapter 1425 Trap

Chapter 1425 Trap
Not long after, Pei Wenjin reported from the stairs: "Your Highness, they are here!"

Chen Qing nodded, and went downstairs, there were two officials waiting downstairs, one was Gao Fu, the supervisor of craftsman, and the other was a nine junior official, his name was Luo Zhenyu, he was the head of Liuli Workshop.

Of course, what Chen Qing thought of was glass, but he didn’t want to invent glass. Glass existed in the Warring States Period, called Liuli, but the production process is more complicated and the cost is high. It was mass-produced in Tang and Song Dynasties, mainly as precious living utensils. And women's accessories can also be used as glass lamps. Colorless glass is glass, but it is too rough to use it as a telescope lens.

"See Your Highness!" The two saluted together.

Chen Qing took out a red glass bottle from the cabinet and asked with a smile, "Is this made by the craftsman?"

Gao Fu glanced at Luo Zhenyu, Luo Zhenyu nodded, "Exactly!"

"There is a yellow-green glazed fruit plate in my house, which seems to be made by you as well."

"Reporting to Your Highness, all the colored glazes on the market are made by us, and we are the only colored glaze workshop in the entire Jingzhao."

"What about the bottle and the plate?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, after melting, blow it into various shapes with a pipe, or use sand molds to make it."

Chen Qing nodded, "I've come to you for two things. The first thing is about the simple method of colorless colored glaze, the method of the Western Great Food Country."

Chen Qing handed a piece of paper to Luo Zhenyu. Luo Zhenyu took the note and looked at it for a while, then asked puzzledly: "Your Highness said that they used river beach sand and gravel as raw material, and we also use river beach sand and gravel, and then His Highness said that they added plant ash to burn it together. Melting, but then the impurities will be very large."

"How do you remove impurities?"

"The river sand and gravel should be ground into powder first and then cleaned several times. The raw materials obtained will be relatively pure with few impurities."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "It should be the same. Dissolve the plant ash in water first, filter the milky white water after the impurities are precipitated, and dry the milky white water to get a white powder, so that there will be no impurities."

"The humble job can let the craftsmen try."

"I'll teach you another way to make flat glass. First, blow it into colorless glass bubbles, then cut it into tiles with a diamond knife, and then heat it in the furnace. It will slowly flatten and be installed on the window. Up, the wind and rain are not clear, but the light is bright."

Luo Zhenyu's skills are very high, and Chen Qing knows everything. He nodded again and again, "I understand the humble job, and I will try it when I go back!"

"And then there's the second thing!"

Chen Qing turned around and asked Gao Fu, "You know the craftsman who grinds the lenses from Lin'an!"

"Humble job knows, it's the humble job who placed them. They use crystals to grind lenses, which are very useful for those with poor eyesight. They just made a clairvoyance for His Highness."

Chen Qing opened the box on the table and said with a smile, "This is it!"

Gao Fu nodded, "Exactly!"

"But they encountered a problem. Without high-quality crystals, they couldn't make very clear clairvoyance. They should know about this!"

"Beizhi knows that because there are many impurities and the purity is not enough, Beizhi has sent people to Haizhou to look for it."

Chen Qing said slowly, "I think you can ask Liuli Workshop to grind it into a fine powder, remove the impurities in it, and then melt and condense the crystal. Will you be able to get a crystal with higher purity?"

"Humble job arranges immediately!"

Luo Zhenyu also hurriedly said: "Jiangzuojian has a hydraulic grinding mortar and a fine copper mill specially used by the Gunpowder Bureau for grinding powder. I hope I can borrow it."

"The High Supervisor Order will make arrangements for you, and I hope to get good news as soon as possible."

The two saluted and hurried away.

Nanyang Palembang, the bell is ringing!Dang! Dang! The ground sounded, and the merchants in the harbor were boiling, rushing towards the pier from all directions.Countless Wanshi ships appeared on the sea in the distance. This is the arrival of Quanzhou's autumn fleet.

Every April and September, a large number of merchant fleets sail from Quanzhou, bringing thousands of sea merchants. They bring exquisite goods from the Central Plains Dynasty, and then purchase spices, gems, sea pearls, wood and other valuables. Goods returned.

Every time the fleet arrives, it is a grand festival in Palembang City.

A gorgeously dressed businessman and several of his entourages came down from a large ship. The businessman was Liu Dajiang, and his fleet also came, but it was anchored at the big island hundreds of miles away. The Buddha Qi Kingdom purchased the island.

It is his first time to visit Palembang City, and the guide is still Zhang Jiugong. He brought Chao Kun to Palembang City several years ago. Palembang City is the largest city in the Srivijaya Kingdom. Jambi, but the king was in Palembang most of the time.

If ordinary merchants come to buy the island, Zhang Jiugong will definitely dissuade them, because they are not the only merchants who come to buy the island, but without exception, the results are miserable. The islanders beat chicken and eggs.

But Liu Dajiang is different. Zhang Jiugong is also very aware of his background, so he happily brought him to Palembang without stopping him.

A group of people came to an official office and gave an announcement. After a while, a middle-aged official came down. It was Cha Nong who received Chao Kun back then. He is in charge.

After seeing the ceremony, everyone went to the official office and sat down. The people of Chanong were not bad. He heard that Liu Dajiang was here to buy the island, so he couldn't help frowning, and said to Zhang Jiugong: "Did you tell him the risk of buying the island?"

Zhang Jiugong spread his hands and said: "I said it, but he doesn't care, this time he bought the island with gold."

Chanon's eyes lit up. Since they don't care about risks, they certainly welcome it, and they actually use gold. This is the most popular currency in the Three Buddha Qi Kingdom. The king will definitely be very happy.

"Let's go! Let's go to the palace."

Palembang City is dominated by wooden houses, there are many temples, and statues of Borobudur can be seen everywhere.

The royal palace is also a complex of wooden buildings. They were led to sit cross-legged in a wooden house. This was the place where they received distinguished guests, but it still looked very simple.

Zhang Jiugong said in a low voice: "The procedures for buying islands are very simple, as simple as buying goods in the market, but the same is true for locals buying islands. The premise is to have a noble status. Once the noble status is lost, the island land will also be lost. The trap Right here, they will grant noble status to the officials, and when the noble status is reviewed a year later, the officials will have to pay a huge amount of money to maintain the noble status, and if they do not pay, the noble status of the officials will be revoked, and the island will disappear.”

Liu Dajiang said lightly: "I don't care how they review in the future, I only care whether the contract is legal or not, and whether there is a king's seal."

"It's legal at this time. Both the official seal and the king's seal are there. They are very sincere. The businessmen who came to buy the island before will be confused by their sincerity."

At this time, Chanon led a fat senior official into the room. The senior official was all smiles, holding Liu Dajiang's hand very enthusiastically, what was he talking about?
Chanong translated to Liu Dajiang: "This is our deputy prime minister of the Three Buddha Qi Kingdom. He is in charge of the land purchase. He said that merchants from the Celestial Dynasty are welcome to come to the Three Buddha Qi Kingdom to buy islands, and they will give the best price."

"Do you want to start now?"

The senior official laughed loudly, patted Liu Dajiang on the shoulder, and said something with a thumbs up.

Chanon translated again: "He said that the king must first grant the merchants of the Celestial Dynasty the aristocratic status of the Three Buddha Qi Kingdom, and only with the aristocratic status can they buy the island."

Liu Dajiang and Zhang Jiugong glanced at each other quickly, it was really a trap.

(End of this chapter)

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