
Chapter 1426

Chapter 1426
The palace held a simple ceremony, conferring on Liu Dajiang the title of nobility, and then bought a large uninhabited island in the northeast and a nearby small island, which are now the Natuna Islands, at the price of a hundred taels of gold.

Liu Dajiang originally wanted to buy part of the land in the Northeast Peninsula, but many residents of the Three Buddha Qi Kingdom lived there. King Three Buddha Qi refused to sell it. They only sold uninhabited islands. The backup plan that King Yong gave him was I bought this island, which is also very good, with a length and width of sixty miles. The island is densely forested, the land is fertile, and there are many excellent natural harbors.

Chanong accompanied Liu Dajiang to take a Wanshi sea boat to the big island for sale to confirm. Two days later, they arrived at the big island. They saw low hills on the island, dense forests, and large fertile plains.

"It's there!"

Chanon pointed to the distant horizon and said: "The contract includes small islands within a hundred miles around, and Mr. Liu will organize a lot of manpower to cut down trees and build houses."

"Can I resell this island to someone else?"

Chanon nodded and said, "Of course!"

"Does the other party also need to have the noble status of your country?" Liu Dajiang asked again.

Chanon laughed, "Buying and selling land has nothing to do with whether you have aristocratic status or not. Member Liu, think about it, this island is already yours, and you are the owner of the island. What do you want to do with it? relation?"

Liu Dajiang frowned and asked: "Then the previous merchant also bought the island, but the island was taken away in the end. How can I explain it?"

Chanong said slowly: "This is what I want to remind Yuanwai. To become a nobleman of the Three Buddhas Qi Kingdom, according to the regulations, you must pay tribute to the king every year. If you don't pay tribute for three consecutive years, you are despising the king, and the king will kill you." Forcibly depriving you of your property as compensation for tribute, and the land bought by the previous merchants was confiscated for this reason."

Liu Dajiang sneered and said, "So granting me a noble status is still a trap?"

"not quite!"

Chanong defended: "The purchase of such a large island is usually for the establishment of a country. To establish a country, you must have the status of a nobleman, and then become a fence country of the Srivijaya Kingdom. If Liu Yuanwai buys ten acres of land in Palembang City to build a house , then you don’t need anything, you don’t even need to go through the government, just buy it privately.”

"So the key is the tribute and the quantity!"

"That's true. There is no clear regulation on the amount of tribute to be paid. It is decided by the king at the beginning of each year, but it can be discussed with the king."

Liu Dajiang understood that although the status of nobility is not a trap, it is a noose hanging around the neck. When the king wants to tighten the rope, or even kick the stool under your feet, it depends on his mood.

Chanon circled around the island and went back. In the afternoon, ten Wanshi sea ships full of soldiers arrived at the big island they had just bought. The soldiers went to the island to camp and rest one after another. There are a total of ten islands, the main island and nine nearby small islands. Each island has fresh water resources. There are four small rivers on the main island, all of which originate from the hills in the center of the island.

"Chairman, give this big island a name!" Zhang Jiugong was very excited and laughed loudly.

Liu Dajiang said happily: "I've thought about it a long time ago. This is the southernmost land of the Yong Kingdom. It is called Nan'an Island. In the future, a Nan'an County will be built here and a powerful navy will be stationed here."

"Should we not buy the goods and return directly to the voyage?"

"No! Let's go to other seaports to buy ten shipments of spices, and then return to Jingzhao."

When the time came to October, soon after the princess gave birth to a son, Chen Qing had another son and a daughter. Yu Ying gave birth to a son, named Chen Min, and Zhao Yingluo gave birth to a daughter, named Chen Duo, as she wished.

In the past two days, there has been a major event in the mansion, that is, the bedroom, living room and study room are all equipped with crystal glass, of course glass, which looks as transparent as crystal, so it is called crystal glass.

In addition to Prince Yong's Mansion, some of the mansions of the other five government officials were also installed. The main reason was that the production of this kind of crystal glaze could not keep up.

In the living room on the second floor of the red building in the back residence of King Yong's Mansion, Lu Xiu looked at the lake not far away through the crystal glass, and sighed: "It's too extravagant to use glass as a window!"

Zhao Qiaoyun smiled and said: "The Bianliang Palace also uses colored glaze to make colorful windows. Although it is very beautiful, the light is not so bright. I heard from officials that this kind of colorless colored glaze is fired with river sand, and the cost is very low. Now it is only just now. In the beginning, there were too many burnt outs, and in the future, there will be fewer and fewer waste products, and the cost will be lower and lower, and you can buy one piece for more than ten yuan, big sister, it’s actually not a luxury.”

At this time, I only heard Binger and Xueer chirping beside me: "I see clearly, it's three crows!"

"There were four of them just now! One must have flown away."

When Lu Xiu turned her head, she saw Bing'er and Xue'er standing aside, playing with their father's clairvoyance, as if looking at the roof of Qifeng Pavilion.

"You two!
Lu Xiu's face sank and said: "How many times have I told you, you are not allowed to go to the study to steal things from Dad!"

Bing'er pouted and said, "That's not true! Daddy gave it to us."

"Daddy gave it to you? Ah Mei, is that so?" Lu Xiu asked Yao Mei beside her.

Yao Mei smiled and said: "It was really given to them by the lord, and the lord has a new clairvoyance. According to the lord, it seems that every major general has one, and the old one is given to Xueer and Binger. gone."

Clairvoyant made twists and turns. Originally, they wanted to use crystals to grind them into powder and purify them, but the resulting lenses were even more unsatisfactory. They were not as good as the ones made from crystals. Fortunately, the west side was not bright and the east side was bright. The jade hunters found three pieces in Haizhou. Each piece of high-purity crystal weighs ten catties, which temporarily solves the problem of raw materials for the telescope. It took the mirror grinder a month to make ten wooden barrel clairvoyance eyes, but only half of the materials were used up.

Lu Xiu walked over and picked up the clairvoyance, and looked at Qifeng Pavilion, and she quickly fell in love with this toy.

"This clairvoyance is easy to break. I will keep it with my mother from now on. If you want to play with it, you can play with it. You must put it back after you have finished playing. Do you understand?"

The two young ladies were more afraid of Lu Xiu, so they could only nod their heads if they didn't want to.

"Take it and play!"

Lu Xiu returned the clairvoyance to them, "Be careful not to drop it!"

The two young ladies cheered and ran away holding clairvoyance, Yao Mei hurriedly followed.

Lu Xiu waved her hand again to let the maid go down, and then said to Lin Qiaoyun, "Qiaoyun, do we want to invest in the land in Han Chang'an City?"

What the two of them said is naturally the top commercial secret. Chen Qing is considering developing Han Chang'an City. The main reason is that the land demand in Jingzhao City is very strong, which leads to more and more expensive land prices and higher rents. People at the bottom are moving to the city. outer suburbs.

The Han Great Wall is less than ten miles away from Jingzhao City. It is absolutely possible to build the Han Great Wall into a small city attached to Jingzhao City, move the craftsmen and workshops there, and then build a large number of cheap official houses to rent out. The low-level people living in the city can also moved over.

(End of this chapter)

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