
Chapter 1427 Recommendations

Chapter 1427 Recommendations
Zhao Qiaoyun shook his head and said, "Han Chang'an's position is not high, and the land price will not go up in the future. I suggest buying a large number of houses in the Southwest District."

The Southwest District includes Yonghefang, Yongpingfang, Yonganfang, Changanfang, and Tongyifang. It is the largest slum area in Jingzhao, occupying [-]% of the land in Jingzhao City.

Most of the southwest area is government land, so Chen Qing considered developing the old land of Han Chang'an City, building a large number of official low-rent houses, and replacing the land in the southwest area.

Lu Xiu nodded. She took a newspaper and turned to the last page. This page was full of various advertisements.

"Here they are. The three-acre compound in Yonghefang is for sale at [-] guan, and the price per mu is only [-] guan. It is cheaper than outside the city. I am afraid it is the cheapest land price in the city."

Zhao Qiaoyun said with a smile: "No matter how cheap the house in Yonghefang is, no one wants it. It won't be so in the future. We can vote. It's still the old rule. Each person pays [-] guan, and I leave it to the master to operate."

They were not short of money, they were just investing for fun, and more importantly, Chen Qing did not allow them to invest more. If they invested hundreds of thousands, they would be using inside information to manipulate land prices, which would cause dissatisfaction among the people.

Lu Xiu readily agreed, and said to the maid at the door: "Go and invite my aunt and tell her that I have something important to see her."

Not long after, Li Qingzhao hurried over and said with a smile, "Is there another good opportunity?"

"Master, sit down and talk!"

Lu Xiu asked Master to sit down, and she and Zhao Qiaoyun sat on the other side. She spread out a map, pointed to Han Chang'an City and said, "Is Master familiar with this place?"

"I went to see it, and there are ruins left."

Li Qingzhao sighed, "The west wind is cold, and the ruins of the Han family were finally blown away by the wind and rain."

Lu Xiu whispered: "Last night, the prince told me that he was considering moving the workshops of the craftsmen and military supervisors there, and [-] households of craftsmen would also move there, but there is still a lot of land. He wants to replace the Southwest."

Li Qingzhao reacted very quickly, raised his eyebrows and said, "The land price in Southwest Wufang is going to rise sharply, and that is the cheapest place in Jingzhao. I remember the price per mu is only two to three hundred."

Li Qingzhao used to be impoverished, but she has made a lot of money building houses over the years, and she is very familiar with land prices.

Zhao Qiaoyun was a little worried: "But it seems that there are all official lands there, and you can't buy them."

"Not exactly. Yonghefang is basically not official land. You can invest in the land of Yonghefang. It's not easy for you to come forward, so I will leave this matter to me. I opened a Liji Zhuangzhaitianmu tooth shop and asked them to go to Yonghe. Open a dental firm in Fangfang, specializing in the acquisition of real estate, so that people will not notice."

Lu Xiu said again: "But each of us can only pay [-] guan, a total of [-] guan."

"It's almost there. I'll pay another [-] guan to make up [-] guan. Even if the average price is [-] guan per mu, I can buy [-] mu of land."

The three of them discussed the details again, and Li Qingzhao did what she said, and immediately went out to find her Li Jiya shop, and asked the shop to go to Yonghefang to list and open a branch.

Lu Xiu went to a few sisters to discuss investment.

In the afternoon, Chen Qing returned to the mansion and first came to his study. He usually rests in his inner study. Regardless of the size of the mansion, the place that really belongs to him is the study yard which covers an area of ​​three acres. Corridor, pool, garden, and this three-story study.

This is his spiritual world, where he can relax completely. Next year, he will move to Yongwang Palace. The overall layout will be similar to this one, but it will be much larger. His study room will occupy an area of ​​ten acres.

At this time, footsteps came from outside, Chen Qing recalled his train of thought, his wife Lu Xiu came to the familiar voice, she hadn't come to his study for almost a year, there must be something going on today, Chen Qing immediately guessed that it should be with Han Chang'an City Regarding, I told her last night that they would definitely not let go of this opportunity to make money.

Chen Qing didn't object to the wives and concubines at home investing to make money. They were bored at home, so finding something to do for them would make their lives more interesting.

More importantly, they jointly invest in foreign countries and have common goals, so their relationship with each other will be very harmonious, and they will fight among themselves when they have nothing to do all day long.

The door opened, and it was indeed his wife Lu Xiu who came in bringing tea, "Why did the lady bring the tea herself?"

"I serve tea and water to my husband, shouldn't I?"

Lu Xiu smiled sweetly, put the teacup on the table, sat aside and said: "The clairvoyance of the two little fellows was given to them by your husband?"

Chen Qing nodded, took out a bigger long box from the drawer and said with a smile: "This is new, much better than the previous one, let the previous one be a toy for the children!"

"Isn't this very expensive!" Lu Xiu asked gently stroking the extremely exquisite clairvoyance wrapped in lambskin.

Chen Qing nodded, and said with some regret: "I originally wanted to make it cheaper, but found that it couldn't be done, and it had to be made with the purest crystals. Not only are the materials very expensive, but the craftsmanship is also extremely demanding. Ordinary craftsmen If you can’t make it, you must be the top mirror grinder to grind it out bit by bit. Twenty craftsmen have been working for a whole month, and only ten pieces can be ground out, but the key is the material. There are not many materials left. Can you make ten more, do you think it is expensive?"

"This is really expensive, much more expensive than land!" Lu Xiu naturally brought up the topic of tonight.

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Do you want to invest in Han Chang'an City?"

Lu Xiu shook her head, "We want to invest in the Southwest District, and Master will arrange some people to buy the land. Each of us will invest [-] guan, and Master will invest [-] guan, for a total of [-] guan."

Chen Qing gave a thumbs up and praised: "It's very insightful, the price of land in the southwest region is the lowest."

"Or should I thank my husband for revealing to us the business opportunities in the southwest region?"


Chen Qing was stunned, "I just said that Han Chang'an City was going to be developed, and I didn't mention the southwest area!"

"Actually, my husband said, you said that the investment in developing Han Chang'an City is too large, and you need to repair more houses that are rented out to the low-level people, and use the land in the city to recover the investment. Apart from the Southwest District, where else can you meet this condition?"

Chen Qing nodded and said: "It's very smart, it's true. I'm considering replacing the land in the Southwest District and selling the land to balance expenses."

"Then can you give me a suggestion, should we buy the land in Yonghefang or the land in Chang'anfang?"

In the afternoon, the master told her that there are a large number of private houses for sale in these two fangs. The owners of these houses want to take advantage of the cheap land prices in the suburbs to quickly sell their houses and buy land in the suburbs. Up, who will live in the slums for the rich?But the land prices in the suburbs are getting higher year by year, and there are many opportunities, but they can only choose one place for their 1 yuan.

Chen Qing thought for a while and smiled: "In fact, both of these are fine, but if I invest in real estate, I will definitely choose the land in Chang'an Square."


"Because the Cao River passes by Chang'an Square, rich people like to have their own private dock."

"But Master said."

Lu Xiu hesitated: "The river over there is very dirty and smelly, disgusting!"

Chen Qing sighed and said: "That's because of the slums. They will all move out in the future. The water is alive, so it will naturally become clear. Don't worry."

"Okay! I'll go back and discuss it with everyone."

Chen Qing reminded with a smile: "Try to start within two days. In a few days, my plan to develop the Han Great Wall will be submitted to the Internal Affairs Hall, and the news will spread. At that time, many people will be able to guess the slum area. Will move."

"I see, I'll go tell Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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