
Chapter 1428

Chapter 1428
In the side hall of the Internal Affairs Hall, Chen Qing is presiding over an important discussion. He has just submitted a proposal for the development of Han Chang'an City to the Internal Affairs Hall.

This is actually a new county seat, which is of great significance.

Chen Qing explained to more than a dozen senior officials present: "I received a detailed report from the special envoy Lu Gang, which mentioned that Lin'an real estate is on the eve of collapse. Once it collapses, a lot of money will flow to Jingzhao. We There are several preparations to be made. On the one hand, the preparation is to provide enough land to bear the money, otherwise there will be too much money in the market, which will definitely lead to skyrocketing prices.

On the other hand, it is necessary to ensure that the price of food and cloth does not rise. The Changping store must play the role of guaranteeing prices. The third preparation is to combat malicious hoarding. This is the responsibility of the internal guards. First prepare.

Jiang Yanxian said slowly: "His Royal Highness's plan is mainly to relocate the poor, craftsmen and a large number of workshops to Han Chang'an City, which means to free up the land in Jingzhao City. Is this how it is understood!"

Chen Qing nodded, "The five squares in the Southwest District are basically poor residential areas, and 50% of the land is official land. There are also craftsmen's districts, and more than [-] workshops inside and outside the city. These are all official lands. They occupy Jingzhao Thirty percent of the land, if we move them to Han Chang'an City, we will have another new South City, which is enough to deal with the impact of Lin'an's large amount of wealth moving westward, and the imperial court also has enough money to develop Han Chang'an City."

Zhou Kuan worried: "Your Highness, if the craftsmen and poor people are forced to move to Han Chang'an City, they may not be willing, which will cause unnecessary turmoil."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "We will definitely be dissatisfied, but as long as we do two things well, it will be enough to offset the dissatisfaction of the people. Han Chang'an City can rent two rooms with a yard, and the rent is still [-] Wen, which is the most practical concession.

Second, to minimize the sense of distance between Han Chang'an City and Jingzhao City, first of all, it was built as a new county on the same level as Chang'an County, Wannian County, and Jingzhao County. After that, Jingzhao City will be composed of four counties. The second is to build a wide and flat avenue, and the two sides of the avenue will gradually be covered by residential houses and shops.

The second is to build water transport. There are dozens of boats traveling between the two places every day. "

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "Your Highness, why don't we go to the scene to discuss the matter!"

Chen Qing smiled happily: "This suggestion is good, let's go to Han Chang'an City together!"

Han Chang'an City is located in the northwest of Jingzhao City, facing the Weishui River in the north, and less than ten miles away from Jingzhao City. It belonged to the imperial forbidden garden in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

However, the three major palaces of the Han Dynasty, Weiyang Palace, Jianzhang Palace and Changle Palace, still existed until the Tang Dynasty. However, as the central government moved eastward and Chang'an City declined, Han Chang'an City was inevitably annihilated in the dust of time.

The three major palaces have all collapsed, leaving only ruined walls, and other buildings have become loess and covered by weeds.

Han Chang'an City has always been official land, some of which have been reclaimed into farmland, but most of them have not been developed and are still barren.

Half an hour later, Chen Qing brought a large group of officials to Han Chang'an City to discuss matters. Chang'an City is very large, more than ten miles long from east to west, and about three miles wide. The three major palaces alone take up [-]% of the area. .

The first is the issue of the city wall. According to Chen Qing's plan, he wanted to build Han Chang'an City into the fourth county of Jingzhao. A city is a city without a wall.

Chen Qing said to everyone: "The city wall does not need to be built too high. It can be slightly lower than Jingzhao City. It is recommended to build bricks for the wall. Our four brick yards can burn enough city bricks."

Lu Wei hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness, you can use the bricks we plan to build the outer wall of Jingzhao City here first, and store the outer wall bricks again."

Jingzhao City currently has a single city wall. If it is to be established as a capital, it must be built with double city walls. The city bricks have been stored, but they can be used here in Han Chang'an City first.

Chen Qing nodded, "Once it is decided, we must start work as soon as possible. We will not wait for time. We will build the official rental housing first. According to the plan I mentioned, there will be two houses with a small courtyard, and each official rental housing will be guaranteed a piece of land, and the rent will still be [-] renminbi. "

In the city, there is only one house for the official rental house with 20 Wen, but in the suburbs, you can rent two rooms with a small courtyard for [-] Wen, so Chen Qing asked to compare the market price outside the city, two houses with a small courtyard, and the lease contract is the most expensive. It can be as long as [-] years, which is more secure than private renting.

Everyone came to the former site of the Three Great Palaces. The Three Great Palaces still existed in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Now there are only a few ruins left, but the granite foundations are still there. According to the plan, dozens of government-run workshops of the craftsmen will be moved here. .

Including dozens of workshops such as printing, coin casting, mold making, distiller's yeast, furniture, car making, leather making, glaze, ceramics, mirror making, sugar making, paper making, etc.

The craftsman is mainly responsible for the production and manufacture of civilian products, and the military weapons supervisory workshop is responsible for the production of military weapons and armor. At present, the workshops of the military supervisor are concentrated in Xianyang County, while the workshops of the craftsman are concentrated in Jingzhao City.

So this time, all the workshops of the craftsmen and supervisors will be moved to Han Chang'an City, including [-] craftsmen.

In fact, there are many workshops of craftsmen and supervisors, such as weaving, shipbuilding, cotton ginning, coal cake making, brick firing, flour grinding, etc., all of which are distributed in other places.

A small part of the products produced are exclusively for the imperial court, such as coin casting, gold and silver refining, printing, paper making, etc. Most of the other civilian products are put on the market, and they are of high quality and are very popular in the market.

There is also the koji cake, which is a monopoly. All breweries can only buy koji cake from the government. This is the wine tax, which together with the salt tax has become an important tax revenue for the government.

Chen Qing and the officials only stayed in Han Chang'an City for more than half an hour, but the news quickly spread in Jingzhao City. Some people don't quite believe it.

Only some foresighted people began to buy bottoms and bought private houses in the Southwest District. When a large number of officials followed King Yong to inspect the Han Chang'an City, the people finally believed the rumors. Two or three hundred guan has jumped to [-] guan per mu, and there are very few houses. There has been a grand occasion of dozens of people robbing one house. Those who sold it stamped their feet and beat their breasts, regretting too much.

Land prices have once again become the focus of discussion among the people of Jingzhao City. Some say that land prices will rise sharply, while others say that land prices will definitely drop if there is too much land supply. Various teahouses are talking about it, and there is no consensus.

But real money is the most convincing. The Jingzhao market suddenly flooded with a large number of land buyers, especially the land in Nanzhao County in the city and outside the city.

A few days later, a shocking news came that the land market in Lin'an had collapsed, and a case spread throughout the city. A five-acre house with a total price of 25 guan was sold at a total price of [-] guan. The price of the transaction fell by more than [-]%.

(End of this chapter)

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