
Chapter 1429 Collapse

Chapter 1429 Collapse
The price of housing land in Lin'an has indeed collapsed. In fact, since two years ago, the Lin'an market has been in a state of price but no market. Houses with more than three acres are expensive, but there is no transaction, mainly because no one takes over.

The price per mu is more than [-] guan, and a three-mu house costs [-] guan. Only big businessmen and dignitaries can take over, but the big business class was killed by the imperial court, and the rich and powerful class themselves have a lot of houses. They have no need.

Originally very popular shops, ten years ago it was still hard to find a shop, and the price per mu was more than [-] guan, but now the supply is far greater than the demand, and there is even only supply and no demand. The streets of Lin'an are full of transfer shops.

Although homes and shops are being sold everywhere, the prices have not come down. The transactions and prices seem to be frozen. Everyone has a tacit understanding, and no one wants to sell at a loss.

What really led to the collapse of Lin'an real estate was the imperial court itself. The imperial court forced the issuance of clubs, but found that most of the businessmen on the list had fled. People and money were gone, leaving only houses and shops that could not escape. was confiscated by the government,

But what the imperial court needs is money, not houses. In the past, the houses and shops were disposed of by means of internal low-price sales, but now no one is willing to take over the internal low-price sales. Thousands of shops were launched to the market at extremely low prices, which instantly detonated the real estate market in Lin'an, forming a snowball effect. Everyone lowered their prices one after another, and sold them at a loss. One by one, the real estate market in Lin'an, which had been stalemate for two years, collapsed. .

The price of [-] guan per mu has become [-] guan per mu, and the wealth of countless people has shrunk by ten times overnight, causing strong social turmoil. Housing prices have plummeted and prices have soared. People have hoarded supplies and snapped up food. , The price has increased by ten times. For a while, there was a lot of panic in Lin'an City, and a large number of people began to leave Lin'an City.

In the study, Qin Hui ruthlessly threw the "Beijing News" on the ground. The front page of the "Beijing News" published news about the development of Han Chang'an City. This Qin Hui didn't care about it. What annoyed him was the third and fourth pages, densely packed It's been four days in a row, and there's a huge amount of real estate transfers every day, which is suffocating and desperate.

It seems to be the normal real estate information of newspapers, but at this critical moment, ordinary newspapers will take the overall situation into consideration and try not to publish news that deteriorates the market, but the "Beijing News" has gone further and turned one page of business information into two pages. Blowing the horn to tell every reader that Lin'an real estate has collapsed, this is clearly fueling the flames maliciously.

Wang Zhenbang's 50-acre house next to Fengle Building was originally priced at [-] guan per mu, but the total price exceeded [-] guan, but it was sold by the government at a price of [-] guan per mu, but no one was willing to take it over. This matter was reported by the Beijing News " was reported as a headline on the front page, which triggered a wave of plummeting housing prices in Lin'an.

Of course, Qin Hui had no doubts about the sinister intentions of the "Beijing News". At this turbulent moment, Chen Qing's instructions to it must be to add insult to injury.

But what Qin Hui is thinking about now is not to solve the market's problems, but to solve his own problems. How can he keep his position when he bears huge responsibilities?
It was indeed his decision to sell assets, but he was also under tremendous pressure from the officials to pay the army salaries. The [-] troops stationed in Wenzhou had a large number of deserters because of the lack of salaries. It made him sell the real estate store immediately, which resulted in such serious consequences as today.

In the final analysis, the imperial court ran out of money, and the wine tax was almost cut off due to the sharp decrease in wine sales. The salt tax was slightly better, but it could not be collected for the time being. Salt has been suppressed, but the normal sale of official salt will have to wait until the Chinese New Year at least.

The court and the government have a large number of properties that cannot collect rent. Now the only expectation is land tax, household tax and shelf tax.

Under the pressure of various crises, Qin Hui's head was as big as a bucket, and he didn't know what to do?
At this time, his wife, Wang Shi, walked into the study, and she saw her husband's anxiety, so she suggested: "My lord, the price of rice outside has risen to [-] Wen per bucket. Can't the imperial court release some rice to stabilize the price of food?"

Qin Hui sighed and said: "The price of rice is not a problem. Rice is produced in the south of the Yangtze River. The imperial court has transferred rice from various places to Lain'an. It will come down in two days. The key is that the real estate has collapsed. I can't explain it to the emperor. It is very likely that this time I will going to be dismissed."

"Is this matter operated by the master?"

Qin Hui shook his head, "The specific sale of houses and shops was manipulated by Wan Qixie, but I decided, but in fact it was decided by the officials, forcing me to sell houses and shops."

"That's fine! Since the official is the decision maker, he will definitely think that there is no problem with the sell-off, but the specific implementer didn't handle it well. What does that have to do with the master?"

One sentence reminded the dreamer that there are decision makers and executors in this matter, and the official is the decision maker, so it is definitely not a decision-making issue, but the responsibility of the executor, so the person who bears the responsibility should be Wan Qixicai right!

Qin Hui breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Thanks to Madam for reminding me in time, there should be no problem with my husband's aspect."

"But is the housing price really unrecoverable?" Wang was very worried. She herself had suffered a huge loss. She had a house of three and a half acres, which was originally worth a hundred thousand yuan. It was eight thousand, and it plummeted more than nine times, cutting her bloody.

Qin Hui shook his head, "There are no buyers, how can we recover? Originally, merchants could still buy them, but now that there are no more merchants, who will take over?"

"Hey! Why do you treat the merchants like that? Drive them away, now it's all right, and the evil has appeared!"

Qin Hui smiled wryly and said: "The root cause is not our ministers, but our territory is too small, the land is occupied by the rich and powerful, and the land tax cannot be collected. The salt tax has also been severely damaged because the rich and powerful sell private salt, and the main source of income is gone. However, the official family still needs to support 15 troops, and the monthly military salary and other expenses cost 50 guan, 600 million guan a year. How can the court have so much money? They can only rob the wealth of merchants and kill chickens to get eggs, which finally led to the current situation. Evil consequences."

"What should we do now?" Wang asked worriedly.

"How much money does our family have now?"

"There are about 3000 copper coins, 2000 taels of silver, [-] taels of gold, [-] bolts of high-quality silk and satin, and jewelry."

Qin Hui nodded, "Don't store these wealth in the mansion. I will immediately deposit the gold and silver anonymously in Yangzhou's Sichuan-Shaanxi No. [-] Cabinet."

Wang was shocked, "Isn't it dangerous to have the No. [-] cabinet in Sichuan and Shaanxi?"

Qin Hui said lightly: "Then you are wrong. The most dangerous place now is Baoji Cabinetry. The No. [-] Cabinetry in Sichuan and Shaanxi is the safest place."

(End of this chapter)

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